Where are dem riskfags at?
Risk Thread
Fucking finally. I'll go UK.
Great britain
northern empire
denmark norway.
m8 I claimed it b4 you
Nvm ill go sioux
We start at 6 players.
Would you rather me to play or make random events?
i like random events. like how about China just come out of nowhere in California.
OP, can you explain all the other stuff like tobacco plantations and trade posts etc? I'm only used to basic risk without the fancy stuff.
Actually can i change? I wanna be russia
france plz
Trade posts give you a +1.
You can build as many trade posts as you want, next to the sea but they will only give you +1 if you have a matching number of available resources.
Natural resources need to be conquered, plantations need to be built (in proper climate).
Cities and towns need settlements, which are available by "gets".
All building cost 1 turn to build.
Aztec claim
Gotcha. And what is a "special roll"?
That's 6. LETS GO OP
Hey man, wanna ally to help push out the foreign invaders?
I changed from sioux to russia
A dub, pali or straight.
Sioux is actually Russia, he changed.
ah, i see. Well, looks like this little native is all by himself.
is this thread gonna die before it even started?
bump to keep this alive.
Of course not.
whats open
fuck, sry lads gtg
France, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, and every native nation except for the Aztecs.
All the natives except Aztecs, Spain, Portugal France and the Netherlands.
I'll Start the game in 3 mins regardless of player number.
claiming tupi
change to Inca
Attack Spain, head south filling up southern Mexico.
roll to conquer greenland.
fill Peru
Spill west.
spill chile
Ay man, put your civ in your name.
Fill alaska
Civ name
If I have any spill, put it into expanding near the gold in Texas.
OK guys, lets do some role playing:
"you southern heathens are no match for the Nordic master race!"
lol no, kys snowfags
TURN 2 - Other colonial powers expand in America aswell.
I'll rip out your heart and offer it to the Gods, white devil
fill rest of greenland, spill to canada.
Keep filling alaska
Pour north into Texas along the Gulf of Mexico, if there's any spill start filling up the rest of Mexico, towards Cancun
fill chile
Contine to fill the west.
what do resources do?
Hey dude, mind If I take Colombia and Venezuela?
fine by me, lets have an NAP
allow for trade posts to give a+1.
Except for natives, natives get the bonus for free.
Alright, works for me, thanks.
so do i have a bonus?
Yes, and I am counting them.
roll to expand west to canada.
also i gotta take a shower so i might be gone for a while but im not leaving permanently.
fill the southeast region
Keep expanding west
Redpill me on resources and trading posts
Take Florida from the Spanish, keep putting any spill into Mexico
Didn't get any land but okay.
Expand west still.-
BTW, I have class in an hour. It's a 3 hour one so I'll just cede my lands to someone later.
I got you bro.
The rise in protestantism in Europe has led to the rise of immigration to the Americas.
>All European players +1 Settler.
Trade posts essentially allow you to "harvest" resources.
fill argentina and chile
Spill south brazil
Get that timber, expand down the coast
Take Iroquis soil.
Fill Northwest towards Sioux territory
Put any spills into taking the rest of Central America
ok back from shower roll!
TURN 6 -
Native Americans have the choice:
>Sacrifice to please the gods
(Waste a Turn)
>Ignore the gods
(Increse unrest)
*Unrest will increse the chance of bad events.
>Tfw wrong file.
are NAPs official?
Sacrifice to please the gods
Inca is the only land you changed.
>Aztecs sacrifice Spanish captives.
They are, breaking them increses unrest.
Taking control of FRANCE
>expand to new england
i will use this turn to build a trade post in Canada.
woops, my roll is here
Actually it was yours.
hey there, can we be cool?
Built a town.
Expand towards gold
ay dude, stay out of Nevada and I won't go North of California
I will respect Danish interests in the arctic if u respect mine in the great lakes and south. NAP on these terms?
Due to the lasting peace, aettlers are focusing on the colony development.
Building dont waste a turn to build next 3 turns.
Get the gold,
Set up trading posts for each of my resources
yes that sounds good, i have no need to expand south.
roll to continue expanding west.
take spains land
make a beeline for Navajo lands, creating a firm border between us and the Russians.
why do i keep getting 1's? thank god i get arctic bonuses.
Continue to expand West.
Shit that's supposed to be +2 not +4 apologies.
I get +4, right? Because of my resources
speaking of bonuses, i should probably make it so OP acknowledges them.