Really forces you to pontificate the current state of affairs.
Really forces you to pontificate the current state of affairs
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To all Canadians: Buzzword buzzword talking piece white bois.
Fuck this cuck.
How come no one assassinated this fucker yet?
He's the human avatar of the Kali Yuga gay parade
That's not how you use the word pontificate
He's a leaf, forgive him for his mental condition.
>I'm the prime minister of a country that pays women less than men
Can we start a campaign to blame JUSTin for unfair payment of women in Canada even though no such issue exists? I mean he keeps complaining that it does so it's not like he can deny it. Surely it could work?
>Canada elected the embodiment of an SJW cuck as their President while the USA elected a guy who said we should bomb the families of Muslims and build a huge border wall
what a time
Quick, name something you like that you didn't get from whitey cis male
This cunt should honestly just stick to the weed legalization procedure and nothing more. That's the only reason he was voted in. Anything else he says or does is an embarrassment.
I honestly can't bring myself to hate this Prime Memester anymore. His naive viewpoint is becoming endearing to me in the same way a child who thinks the moon is made of cheese is endearing; he honestly believes he's doing good, and there doesn't appear to be a spiteful bone in his body.
Well that, and I don't have to deal with the direct effects of him like you poor leafs do. Hope you vote for someone better next time.
Wow, in a country full of European descendants, built by White people, most of the history books are about White people? Who would have thought?
I mean, it's like if most Asian books were about Asians, or most black books... oh wait, that one doesn't quite work.
>muh wage gape meme
>Canadians always talk shit about us
>Their PM tweets shit like this
This is why it's so important to have flags, that way you can know who to immediately dismiss, like Canadians and Hungarians.
Cry more, leafs
I'd love to call this faggot out on who these mysterious female historical figures are that the history books just keep missing.
>Sup Forums being this gullible
Confirmed (yet again, for the umpteenth time) as one of the lowest-IQ boards.
>inb4 "we're just pretending to be retarded"
He really has no other positions or accomplishments, does he? He is a caricature of the radical liberal. King cuck
GG mouse bitches
Trudeau's twitter is a gay as AIDS
which is fitting because it all over his front page
Castro's son
>the only person to see the bait and recognize a fake quote is a Canadian
Really depolarizes your axons.
I know it's fake but it is what he really thinks anyway so there really isn't a point defending this here.
I assume the minimum wage is the same for women as it is for men in Canada
>he honestly believes he's doing good
it's not a retard, he's a fucking marxist piece of shit
Liberals are NEVER sincere
Also he's probably a muslim convert
Don't they hit the point where the blatant pandering begins to seem patronizing and snide?
>Haha I know it's fake! But it's real in my mind! Lol xD
>How dare they reject my propaganda in history books?! I can't even. Literally Hitler!
I'm just using this as an excuse to talk about Little David. True or false, that nobody is doubting that this is something that would come out of his mouth is telling enough- of what came out of his mouth.
It's easy to be fooled when your PM really is a retarded faggot.
>my retarded son said something stupid
>wow your son is retarded
>oh ok
>... now excuse me while I go wipe off his drool and clean his ass, he shit himself again
Thanks for the (you), have one yourself
> Muslim convert
Justin Trudeau doesn't have the depth of character to have a religion. He's the shittiest of the shit tier libshit people. He's been a pampered celebrity fuckboi all his life he probably never read a book outside of college.
> I'm defending Justin Trudeau un-ironically
Nobody's doubting it because fake Trudeau quotes make the rounds here all the time
>If you kill your enemies, they win
Is the most notorious of them
this is it, I' now voting for hillary
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Except that 99.9% of his "quotes" posted on this site are also fake
>I actually believe Trudeau says the things Sup Forums says he does
> I'm trying to salvage Trudeau's reputation on a Mongolian bamboo sampan forum
I thought history books are pretty clear about this: there have been many influential women in the past who have collaborated with innovative people from all walks of life, they couldn't get credit for it because women were not allowed to partake in such things at the time. The history does record this though.
Why do we have to be so focused on how many people were fucked over in the past? Can we just move forward without people complaining how unfair everything is all the time?
not a real tweet
>Canadians take great pride in being different than Americans
>until you do something retarded, then it's because of Americans?
Really revs up the ol' grey matter
Except for the whole "post-nationalist state" thing, because fuck your history ... and your law that makes it illegal to call someone by the wrong gender.
That .1% really is the kicker though.
This morning I've decided to end my life.
This tweet was the final straw.
Thanks for all the laughs and happenings, Sup Forums
Its fake dumbass. But if you still want to kill yourself, use that energy to kill trudeau. You'll most likely get shot in the process. Win-win for everyone
I'm not defending Trudeau. I'm pointing out the stupidity on Sup Forums.
I've attacked Trudeau many times, but I've attacked his FUCKING POLICIES, not fake quotes like a bumbling partisan retard.
This country was a lot better 50 years ago when kids like you would quickly get a backhand by their parents when they acted this stupid. For fuck's sake.
they never are. all he tweets is standard cookie cutter holiday messages in english and french
he saves all his idiocy so he can say it in person
The joke is that Trudeau is retarded enough to say something like in OP and that he believes it too
Canada was better when you weren't independent, yes
I read some articles the other day saying the "love-affair" with Trudeau is over, because he said something on behalf of all Canadians about how much of a great guy Castro was. Little Marco grilled him on twitter about it
>The joke is that Trudeau is retarded enough to say something like in OP and that he believes it too
You say that, but virtually all the stupid quotes posted here are fake. It's like saying Donald Trump is racist because of some fake quotes, then saying, "Well yeah, he didn't say it, but he probably would lol."
>calling someone retarded for something they never said
There is no colony of monkies living on Jupiter, you retard
>we need feminism because there's no female quotas in history
He looks a lot more like his actually dad
Question to all, I don't care much about leaves, so I haven't looked into it:
Does Canada have a Trump-like figure that can be elected?
The possibility of Europe taking the first step towards uncucking themselves through their own elections as America did is open, but what about Canada? Are the only options available UltraCucks like Trudeau?
Fine, lets look at Trudeau's "best".
>"I trust Canadians to be able to look at the different parties, the different leaders, the plans, the teams, and make a responsible choice. And I'm very, very confident that's exactly what Canadians are going to do."
>"I have no fears that on a purely merit basis, we will have an embarrassment of riches from which to choose in order to reach gender parity."
>"People don't believe that any politician is any different from any other one.
Read more at."
On the other hand:
>"My idea of freedom is that we should protect the rights of people to believe what their conscience dictates, but fight equally hard to protect people from having the beliefs of others imposed upon them."
Trundeau is sometimes so close to stumbling onto the pill that it's downright tragic.
He´s such a loser
I can tell by just looking at him
What are you faggots trying to do here? You should examine your motives. Are you trying to defend Trudeau, defend Canada's honour or someshit? You shouldn't bother because you cannot salvage either of those. Trudeau is the platonic faggot and Canada is a joke nation.
Trudeau has enough retarded real quotes that are just as ridiculous.
Kevin O'Leary, Allah forbid.
It had little to do with Castro.
The economy has barely recovered. Young people are still facing terrible job prospects. Case in point, we're seeing an increase in jobs recently, but they're mainly in the service sector, and mainly part-time. The government has been criticized for hosting expensive dinners to talk to big business owners and foreign investors for access. The government has not been transparent about a lot of issues. Environmentalists are also angry with Trudeau (even though he's always said he was pro-oil). I can go on.
Post some of his real retarded quotes with citations so I can use them to shame shitleafs later.
You know someone is salty when they pivot and totally change the subject.
I hope this doesn't happen. Canada can't elect two memes in a row
The guy from Shark Tank? Seriously? Does he have any traction?
>Trudeau has enough retarded real quotes that are just as ridiculous.
And yet, they're almost never posted here.
If you want to be intellectually dishonest, go over to reddit or twitter.
I don't give a shit if you or anyone else wants to shit on Trudeau, just do it with factual material.
"There's a lot of people, refugees, displaced peoples, fleeing violence who are facing a very, very cold winter in the mountains. Something Canada has expertise on is how to face a winter in the mountains with the right kind of equipment."
"It's very worrying, especially because Russia lost in hockey, they'll be in a bad mood. We fear Russia's involvement in Ukraine."
“We have to realize that the way of thinking that got us to this place no longer holds. We have to rethink elements as basic as space and time, to go all science fictiony on you in this sense,”
Hmm, is all this shit he does about feminism and equality just a distraction? Trying to make people focus on non-issues? Or does he actually feel like that stuff is more important than jobs and the economy?
Can you Canadians just impeach this assbag or is there nothing to be done about him?
based leaf
I used to not give a shit about America's I'm a little bit concerned. Are there no suitable alternatives to this asshole?
>says 99.9% of the things Trudeau says are fake
>mention some of the .1% things he says that are true and stupid
>claims I'm changing the subject and salty
Okay dude, whatever helps you cope.
>"Canada isn't doing well right now because it's Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn't work."
Is the Prime Memester popular in Alberta?
>Are there no suitable alternatives to this asshole?
O'LEARY.... the Irish will take Canada from the SJW.
I found another one
>"[Is Canada better served when there are more Quebeckers in power than Albertans?]''
>''I'm a Liberal, so obviously I think so."
Bud I just popped in to make a goof about your dumb retard son analogy, maybe learn to read IDs?
No. He's really only popular in southern Ontario and parts of Quebec.
I honestly think Quebec should be independent. They have a habit of sending pozzed faggot cucks into federal power and hating the fuck out of them on the next day just to trigger the Anglo. They will vote for nationalist parties provincially and try to cuck the Anglo by doing as much damage as possible on the federal level
IDK man they just elected a meme in the states.
Yeah he's basically our Trump, as a "celebrity businessman". If he runs for leadership of the Tories idk how well he'll do, though.
Will Quebec ever have another vote to leave? Realistically what would happen to the rest of Canada if they actually did leave?
Does he have any support though? Trump won mainly because he is not crooked, two-face witch Hillary, anti-SJWs, and is SUPPOSEDLY, an anti-establishment pick. The Shark Tank guy doesn't seem like he'll be Canada's Trump The Unlikely. Does he have anything good about him? Trudeau is nowhere near as bad as Saudi cumbucket Hillary, so Kevin being an ant-pick is not justified.
They imported too many niggers now and the urban centers are inhabited by faggotized anglo-cucks
>No. He's really only popular in southern Ontario and parts of Quebec.
The only place he wasn't popular was sask, Alberta, and the NDP parts of BC
filthy huehue
>Bud I just popped in to make a goof about your dumb retard son analogy, maybe learn to read IDs?
And it sounds like you're popping out now that you've been called on your bullshit.
It's okay, just make sure not to call a transwoman a girl or you'll end up in jail thanks to Prime Minister Dudeweed.
I'm not mad at you, I would be pissed if my leader shit all over our history and heritage by declaring us a "Post-National State" without any core identity, too.
>history books are mostly about white males
So was actual history, what's his point?
Don't get too excited, you have a mortal manifestation of the SJW microcosm to worry about, get rid of him first.
You had Obama for 8 years!
We just got tricked by the weed.
I looked it up and Trudeau did not tweet this.
There are enough real problems with Trudeau that should be discussed without creating fake ones.
This really makes me think Trudeau literally cannot get laid as PM of Canada.
I fucking hate Castro's son, he's such a bitch
I know what you mean, I think he's just blue pilled as fuck and doesn't understand why everyone isn't just nice to everyone.
I feels ashamed to think these cucks are descendants of the British and our once proud mother empire