Did... did Jontron just make a holocaust joke..?
Did... did Jontron just make a holocaust joke..?
>6 million
Don't you mean 6 TRILLION, you anti-semite?
You guys didn't see the Japanese internment joke he had with the numbers on his wrist?
>"these numbers don't wash off"
>proceeds to wash em off
H-. Y. Yes... ofc c-ourse i'm sorry for your people's suffering and as a white male i apologise.
Jontron redpilled?
Are you here Mr. Jafari?
cool, which episode. I also remember him tweeting about not being surprised trump won because they kept calling everyone a racist.
meme him into being an alt right icon for lulz
>off by one
Oy vey
It was one of his first few ones, where he was still in that awkward stage
ive always felt he was a closeted trump supporter
Is he /ourguy/, lads?
He's just intelligent. You're just too used to every leftist you meet being braindead.
intelligent leftist = crypto right wing
very sensitive to redpill
Yea, probably. I'm working my phd in sociology and my promoter agree on mostly everything. I called him a nazi once for bants but he keeps claiming he's a liberal.
Oy vey
He was during gamergate
It was released 1 day ago.
why are you posting youtube cucks on pol faggot?
That's not even a shop is it...?
No, it's real.
He was talking about the Japanese internment camp joke from one of his earlier videos, you illiterate snaggle-toothed monocle-wearing tea-sipping limey fucking bong.
Why do you have a problem with me being gay, asshole? Why don't you go suck off some Paki's who feed off your taxmoney as yizwah and rape your children by thousands as the time. You are in absolutely no position to call anyone a cuck except for Germany and Sweden, you fucking #3 that you are. Despite your centuries of practice sipping tea, you can't even excel in sucking migrantcock you worthless inbred fuck. Your turn.
Fuck dude take a chill pill and stop being so triggered, twas only asking a question son.
now all we need is a kraut and we can provide with his "gotta catch 'em all", "diversity is our strength" cuck-harem.
poes law dude, especially on Sup Forums
Why are we bosting a fat faggot millenial youtube "eceleb" on this board? Fuck off back to rddit please.
Just to point out this is coming from a cheese eating surrender monkey,
you don't really have the right to have a go at other country's paki problems mate.
fyi, I'm South African.
Apologies lad.
Who the hell apologizes after the shit i posted about your country? I'm not even gay, it was completely unprovoked. I'm insane and you're a cuck.
Thats a bit rude,
I guess I'm not as much of a little whiny pissbaby like yourself who gets his undies in a twist about what some random guy on a malaysian aircraft message board
Well thats what i said but you just gonna trigger him further.
thats the spirit. good goy.