Why so many niggers in Zion?

Why so many niggers in Zion?

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Directed by Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski.

You tell me

> zion
You obviously haven't heard of black jews


Not even the machines wanted them.

kek, have no questions anymore, ty.

As if one of your children becomming a Monsanto woman.

How the fuck both of them ended up like that?

They rebel and don't work.

remember how hugo weaving said that the first matrix was a utopia?



>City full of niggers
>Destine to die
>Only hope is a white dude

Sounds about right

>12 tribes of Israel
>niggers of all sorts

Because lots of ideas in The Matrix were taken from Neuromancer.

In Neuromancer, Zion was a low earth orbit station full of Rastafari hackers that were free from the oppression of Wintermute and Neuromancer.

Wait the other one also became a "woman"? Fuckin hell it's truly the end of days

I mean they used to be called the Wachowski brothers, now even wikipedia calls them sisters

Because the 'real world' is in itself another layer of the matrix.

Like the second 'nightmare' matrix before the Modern Matrix, it's designed to more accurately reflect the grotesqueness of humanity.

One of the directors is a tranny so they probably wanted to be inclusive when casting.

Both now

you can pay black extras less

It makes perfect sense.

Africa has the least advanced technology so the machines had the poorest coverage there.


Why else do you think the machines are so hellbent on destroying """"""""humans"""""""


white boys just cant compete

Now you understand why the heroes always where dressed in black, there was so much leather on the costumes and why Hell's Club looks weird as fuck, don't you, Mitsubishi??

They where perturbed from that time already:

Whites are the machines.


Affirmative action.

They have affirmative action slots for state sanctioned nuke shelters in real life, so it wouldn't surprise me in the same happened in this fictional movie.

this, they are both tranny grannies.


Because they woke. No really, they see the "perfect utopia" of the matrix to be oppressive so they woke up. Unbeknownst to them, Zion is just another layer of control, they are still in the matrix, they just no longer realise it.

Everyone stop posting in this thread. I already gave the correct answer here:

The machines killed the smart.

They reproduce faster. While Neo and Trinity were cucking around Moe Feus impregnated niggersess.


no not rare, uncommon

no not uncommon, ununstrange

black people tended to be rejected by the machines because their low iq tricked them into thinking that the human was braindead

Self-Hating Cuck Boys Hate their Heritage.

They create a film where "John The Baptist" is the all-knowing negro (Played by Lawrence "Being Black in Australia Sucks" Fishbourn) that has to play Mr. Miagi to a white dude that is otherwise pretty fucking worthless himself.

Then, once the white dude "gets it", he has to kill himself to save an island of negros and mix children.

Yes, everyone noticed it. No, nobody said shit. It's part of the reason why we're here today in this "situation".

The bulk of the robot war happened in advanced nations meaning more people in underdeveloped Africa were exposed to the war and were better suited to surviving m a post societal climate


no not ununstrange, unusual
