You know what? Fuck the wall. Seriously. Build the pipelines! Build Keystone! Build Dakota Access! That's the infrastructure we need to Make America Great Again!
Dear President Trump
Why not both?
The United States has the resources and production capacity to be bigger than all of OPEC put together. It's time to use that power to secure our energy-independent future. Drill baby drill!
The Trump Transition team has been working with expert from the freight and logistics industry to craft his infrastructure spending plan.
>t. works in freight industry
I don't get pipelines
Couldn't I just put a hole in it and steal loads of oil?
I also want Trump to open all public lands to oil exploration. There is plenty of oil under the Chesapeake Bay and the Alaska sounds. We just need to go get it.
We need the wall here as much as you do there. Once it starts, Mexico can get serious and finish the southern wall.
System pressure is monitored. That's how they detect leaks quickly, by the way. So that's a pretty good way to get yourself arrested.
Would really like to see Saudi Arabia take that massive shit on itself.
> non renewable resource
> independent
Wew lad
This is what money looks like. This is what energy independence looks like. Solar and wind power are pipe dreams. Coal and oil are proven.
To Make America Great Again you have to put America back to work again. Oil and coal point the way forward, because they are proven resources, and America is sitting atop a vast treasure trove of mineral resources. Let's get it out and put it to work!
Neet. Any details?
>But muh global warming!
>But muh greenhouse gases!
Leftyshill detected. Back to le reddit you go.
Well I've never eaten a polar bear and I've never met anyone thats eaten a polarbear so fuck em.
Seals can fuck right off too.
>Couldn't I just put a hole in it and steal loads of oil?
Yes. We do this all the time. Why aren't you? Don't be a faggot.
Hello, my name is William Anders.
Now you have.
the earth has survived a fucking ice age i think well be alright faggot
the ice age is a lib hoax you fucking shill. The earth has always been this temperature and always will be.
what the fuck do the polar bears do for me?
We are in a fucking ice age, faggot.
Coal is the way to make America powerful again. You guys like having electricity for your laptops and your refrigerators and your air conditioning, don't you? Coal is the answer!
Carriers and submarines run on nuclear power, but these babies run on marine diesel fuel. Oil makes America strong! These ships are the workhorses of the Navy, keep 'em floating, keep 'em fighting!
That isn't oil. I think it's some salt or something.
Didn't read the file name, did you? That's a coal mine. Pay attention.
Not really. I wouldn't have it again, and wouldn't have gone out of my way to have it the first time. Also was just jerky, not like steaks.
Just wanted to see ifs you'd somehow fall for it.
If we don't get the oil, what's the point? Just bending over for corporations that want to sell to foreigners
There, you see? Fuck the polar bears. We'll make jerky out of them after the ice caps melt, and flood the libcucks out of their beachfront properties.
>Hurr durr I troll u
Back to Sup Forums with you, faggot.
>obligatory "huehueue i was only PRETENDING to be retarded" meme
Just to be clear, is climate change happening? Yes, the polar ice is definitely melting.
Are humans responsible for it? No. It's just the natural cycle of warming and cooling that's happening.
Obviously it presents a challenge, but we've overcome challenges before. But to do so, we are going to need a LOT of energy. So extract the coal, extract the natural gas, and extract the oil, and put it to work.
Got you covered user.
most agree climate change is very much happening but global warming is a jewish lie.
Once a month the pipes are cleared and a robot is used to check pressure and structural soundness. So no.
Build the pipelines. I got my rad safety and I want to learn weld quality xray inspection.
I don't really care whose lie it is. My point is that we need proven energy resources, not pie-in-the-sky pipe dreams like wind and solar. I'd also go for hydroelectric, that works pretty well.
Anyone else here love Trump but really care about the environment?
I love the outdoors and nature, I don't think fossil fuels are sustainable, and we're going to need far better, more efficient energy sources to expand into space anyway.
I'm seriously looking forward to Jan 20th when Trump gasses all the hipsters, mexicans, and natives camped out at standing rock blocking the completion of DAPL.
They are destroying our city with graffiti, robberies, and blocked traffic.
t. Bismarck user