Trumpets BTFO
Trumpets BTFO
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How do I change my vote to Hillary?
Do they really not see that as worth it?
>700K in FEDERAL NOT STATE tax credits per annum
>for a company that will pay 25M in wages per annum
>yielding 2.5M in federal tax receipts per annum
>protecting over 1K jobs, not 850
kys, die in a fire, etc., etc.
post your credit card info and jill stein will take care of it
They already did don't worry
>Trump is raising taxes
I think the air conditioner installation work is in India, wise senpai
wtf i'm #cruzmissile now
>Carrier jobs still moving to Mexico: 1300
Wrong its 800+/- from a different facility in the same state
>Carrier jobs staying in Indiana: 850
Wrong its over 1100
>Cost to Indiana taxpayers: $7 million
Wrong taxpayers aren't paying anything, the company pays less taxes in return for a $16 million investment to improve the company and hire more employees
Inb4 new Holocaust inc
Citation needed.
Please see me after class.
*expand not improve
Made up numbers lol
>Costs taxpayers $7m
Why do they say that like the money wasn't going to be used regardless? Like, whether the money is going to be used on roads, jobs, or schools, that $7m is going to go somewhere.
So liberals care about the budget now?
And it only cost 7k per direct job? (remember there are a number of industries who will survive thanks to this that are not directly related to the plant)
Fake news
>taxpayers are entitled to other people's money
>illegals going back to Mexico: 3mil
>Illegals staying in USA: 0
>cost to American taxpayers: $0
>the company pays less taxes
den wheres all dat money fo dem programs gonna come from? :'(
>Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond).
If she won 4/5 counties, shouldn't it stand to reason that she won more votes? Or am I missing something?
Well, actually deporting them would have to cost something, but it'd be worth every penny
it wont cost shit. All Trump has to do is cut off benefits for illegals, welfare, medical etc and they will all go back.
>$7,000,000 is some huge amount
can i have source on this so i can repost it to kikebook?
>less theft is a cost
Why does that image have a burnt filter?
it was posted about an hour ago ill see if i can find the thread
Trump won't be deporting anyone retard. As well, the wall was a meme to rouse rural rednecks who other would would never and have never voted in their lives.
Trump is a Billionaire self avowed liberal democrat and he has been his entire life. He won't be deporting any number of Hispanics that matter in any way for the grand scheme of society.
They are not arguing that idiot.
Clinton won the popular vote by 1.5m, those 4 counties that she won in NYC gave her a 2m lead in votes against Trump.
The image is just explaining how and why the electoral college works the way it does.
(High population density areas shouldn't decide the course of the country)
>I shouldn't have to play fair
>the post
You wouldn't be complaining if it was dense Urban environments giving republicans the upper hand.
The popular vote, for better or worse, is obviously and very clearly what should decide elections.
No, it shouldn't, you are wrong and an idiot
Nirvana fallacy
Call Emmett Brown
Why are liberal such negative, weak, vile people?
He hasn't even taken office yet... What? Also how did that cost them so much in taxes?
Question for leftists:
Since rich people pay the vast majority of taxes, how is taking $7 million from rich people and using it to subsidize jobs for American workers a bad thing? Isn't that basically redistribution of wealth, except in the form of a job rather than a handout?
> Cost: $7mil.
> Tax revenue staying in the country: $13mil.
>oy vey 7 million from tax cuts
>But let's ignore the 16 million investment Carrier will do in the US
Not if they get posted home in a cardboard urn
You're going in the fireplace too btw
income taxes on those 800 jobs will pay off eventually. plus those wages staying in the state to purchase shit
are the left this stupid?
>Illegal Immigrants in California: 3mil +
>Illegal Immigrants coming in from Mexico: 10mil+
>Cost to American Taxpayers: Priceless
In this guy's mind, any reduction in taxes represents a "cost"
Of course, reality doesn't work like that. Taxes are more like a price, reducing your price gets more sales. There is an optimum price level. In this case, by reducing our tax burden, we generate more economic growth which means more tax revenue net.
So you might say this costs $7 million, but what about the money made off the products these workers produce? What about the money they spend with their paychecks?
how about we all just follow the democrat economic model?
we let all the manufacturing, mining, and oil jobs go to another country. then we all go welfare, get $250,000 in debt for a liberal arts or humanities degree. so we can get minimum wage working as a barista as StarCucks.
I'm glad all these low population leech states populated by welfare queens and federally subsidized farmers get to decide the course of the country instead.
>leech states
Who consumes most of the welfare? Urbanites
>No, it shouldn't, you are wrong and an idiot
Nice argument you have there Pedro.
You will never hear Conservatives complain about a popular vote election until they themselves loose it.
The irony there is that this would after 8 years or so force rural people to actually vote; which would then guarantee the republicans the white house for at least the next 70 years.
The problem is your average redneck conservative isn't intelligent enough to comprehend that, which is why it would take at least a decade to get through to them. Likewise I don't expect you to be able to process the logic there, Pedro.
The jobs that are staying here, those people will be taxed and in the end it will be more than the tax breaks the company gets.
lol, not even close. It's southern retard states like Mississippi and Alabama. And it's not just welfare, it's about the state itself not being self-sufficient and being highly reliant on federal funds just to survive.
>You're going in the fireplace too btw
Nice argument you have there Steve. Truth hurts. I know.
>southern retard states like Mississippi and Alabama
You mean, the states with the most black people?
Where did this 800 figure come from?
>1 post by this ID
They though they were going to #MAGA but just ended up installing a prototypical republican administration.
>tfw costal elite
>tfw getting yuuuge break
>tfw getting more subsidies from govt
>tfw open season on deceptive marketing to poors in flyover country
dis gon be gud!!!
those 850 jobs will more than likely pay the $8235.29 each in lost taxes , plus more
>dis gon be gud!!!
>already saving jobs with no loss in tax revenue
you're right
With the money Obama gave to Iran, and per Trump's Carrier deal, America would have saved 2,428,571 jobs
1000 jobs wowwwwwwwwwwww
Walmart does more than that every time they open a new store.
I'd be willing to agree to a popular vote deciding elections if every state has strict voter ID laws. Untill then one person from the Midwest tells you to go fuck yourself.
A popular vote is far to easy to rig, also this system hasn't been an issue the last 200 years so why is it suddenly "problematic" now?
It was an incredibly good deal - let's do the math (something the liberals seem to have trouble with)! The $7 million tax break is over ten years. So that's $700,000 per year in lost tax revenue to keep 1000 jobs, or $700 bucks per worker. That's it - a lousy seven hundred bucks! But it gets better - each of those workers will pay many times that in state and local taxes instead of having to go on unemployment, so Indiana will actually make money on this deal. But wait, there's more! The trickle down effect of having 1000 more gainfully employed people in the community will keep others employed and paying taxes too!
So the workers get to keep their jobs, Carrier gets a nice tax break and Indiana's economy gets a shot in the arm. Everyone wins! Well, except Mexico but fuck them.
Assuming the "850" jobs saved were actually let go, and further assuming they were all minimum wage, that would have been $3.5 mil over 26 weeks for unemployment
Dignity is priceless.
Libcucks will never understand this as they clean up after the bull.
this is why you're not a person anyone takes the opinion of seriously.
Publicizing this was so fucking stupid.
Now, other companies know what a pushover Trump is.
Jesus Christ.
And yet it still benefits the country, instead did loosing all those jobs he saved some and then is paying for the tax break and more with those jobs he saved.
As for Walmart you're pretty much in a loop of legal slavery there. They pay you just enough to buy products from them and keep you just feeding right into their own business.
This system destroys local businesses and cause towns that used to be somewhat self reliant to rely on Walmart for work.
>I'd be willing to agree to a popular vote deciding elections
The # of electoral votes a state gets is equal to it's # of representatives in Congress, that means House members + Senate members.
House membership is proportional to population, Senate membership is equal among the states. Therefore, the amount of electoral pulling power a given state has is roughly proportional to population, but is somewhat moderated towards a more equal distribution.
Just having a lot of people shouldn't be the only asset that matters. Some states have beautiful land, natural resources, critical industries...etc. Population should be a factor in voting, but not the only factor.
And you're just a leaf lol, which puts you a notch below me.
>Lets imply that a reduction in taxes is stealing from the people for some reason
Fuck off faggot
Also, manufacturing jobs have a multiplier effect. each manufacturing job spawns up to 5 service sector jobs. Because you're actually drawing water from the well instead of just passing it around
Let's talk when you're not so worked up. You're not bringing your best when you're emotional.
>oy vey remember the carriecaust goyim! 6 million jobs were lost! Don't do that ever again! Fuck drumpf goyim! Failed president!
Hmm you really think so do you?
I understand that but I'm willing to reach compromise. Deep down I think the electoral process is the most fair way since we are the United STATES of America. A constitutional Republic founded on give equal representation to states big and small.
Honestly I'm just humoring them because I know "voter ID laws are racist" so they can't be put in place to protect the integrity of elections.
850 people paying just 15% tax making 60k a year is 7,650,000 in tax revenue a year.
Lol. You are short sighted.
Those who adopt early will be rewarded, those who do so late will be penalized. This is a common trend in newly implemented policy, going well back to Rome.
People not in business (or un-involved in politics) don't understand just how little $7mill actually is.
Not to mention the deal also requires carrier to spend 16 million dollars on facility upgrades. So in other words 16 million dollars worth of construction jobs right there that nobody seems to be counting.
That's assuming they make 60k which is highly unlikely. Still, you're partially right
$7m over 10 years is $700k/year.
$700k/year for 850 jobs works out to $882 per year for one job.
With 6.5m people in Indiana, that's a cost of 0.013ยข per job per Indiana resident for one year.
As irritating as conservatives should find it on general principle, libs should be ashamed for even suggesting this is a poor use of taxpayer money.
Using a fucking tweet.
Why do you call them "liberals"? Call them what they really are: Bolsheviks
We profit off this deal over the course of 2 years, not even counting the jobs saved and the money they will spend.
I'm not going to sit here and pretend these spineless fucking leftists cared.
They wanted vote for a crooked bitch that ran a campaign on literally shutting down jobs.
This isn't just some fucking numbers.
The fact 1,300 jobs are leaving still is tragic, but I'm still glad at least SOMETHING was done.
Something Obama would have NEVER DONE.
850 men, all with women and children of their own that will continue to be provided for by their father/husband.
This is a good thing.
FUCK anyone saying otherwise.
Kill yourself leftists.
YOu never fucking cared.
Things done by Obama to stop this happening: 0
just think, these billion dollar companies are willing to put their own countrymen out of work if they can save at least 700k a year
math is racist
You should be going out and correcting people en masse on the social networks, not gloating here
This. The idea that a handful of cities should be able to set policy for the rest of the country, regardless of geography, demography, culture, religion, and all the rest of it - is preposterous. People are no better educated on distant matters in the City than they are in the Country, or the Mountains, or the Desert, or the Frontier.
Additionally, cities are echo-chambers, simply due to the nature of human social interaction. If a party came along, and was able to propose policies that benefited the cities at expense of the rural communities, it would have a high likelihood of succeeding. That is insane - the leg does not starve the hand because it is bigger.
>That's assuming they make 60k which is highly unlikely. Still, you're partially right
They probably make more, a lot of the people they hire there are engineers, even if it was just techs the average low end pay is 25 an hour with a 60 hour work week which is 2k a week aka 104,000 a year.
These are good paying job not 8 dollar a hour nigger jobs
Epic 9gag meme xDDDD
So you approve of this concept because it proves your own beliefs.
Obama actually said it was impossible to keep those jobs in Indiana. Impossible. Told a worker there to "get over it", and get a job with "clean technology".
Obama threw billions of dollars, not 7 million, billions of dollars at companies that eventually failed, went bankrupt, or just plain took the money and ran. (Solyndra, etc.)
Worst president ever set a very low bar for success.
From the 1100 people who will continue to pay payroll taxes probably?
But seriously, only the fucking Left could turn the retention of jobs for American citizens into a negative.
Trigger Warning - Weaponized Autism follows
Sources and Assumptions and Math in following post. Feel free to disagree with anything.
OK, so according to Source 1, there were 1069 jobs saved at an average wage of $30.91. A 35 hour work week would mean that these employees each earned $1081.85 per week.
According to Source 2 Indiana employees on unemployment earn 47% of their average weekly wage and there is a cap of $390 per week. Thus each employee would easily hit the weekly unemployment cap.
So, based upon the 12 week assumption, the total cost in unemployment benefits, and remember this is only unemployment and includes no other benefits or payments to which the employees may entitled, would be $5,002,920.
So of the $7 million in tax incentives, $5 million alone is recovered in unemployment that won't have to be paid. And keep in mind that $1 million of the tax incentive is contingent on training workers and $1 million is contingent upon future investments in the plant so its not an straight handout.
Now I've been reading criticism that he should have leaned heavier on the parent company's defense contracts. I believe that if this was as easily done as said, the Obama administration would have done that. Obama is no dummy.
Also, as to the validity that this deal is creating an environment where more companies threaten to leave in order to gain tax incentives, maybe. I have no idea. It seems like there were enough company shifting operations to other countries before this deal so I'm not sure how to quantify this argument.
To me this seems like a pretty good deal. No?