GENERAL IDEAS SO FAR: >capitalize on Hillary's #ImWithHer, both in the US and abroad in France to try to stir support for Le Pen (and try to soften her image) >#LesFemmesAvecLePen >#UneFemmeALaPresidence >#MadameLaPresidente >#MadameFrexit >#MFGA
>A globalist >work week goes from 35h to 39h in the public sector (unpaid) >private sector work week goes from 35h up to 48 hours >cut 500.000 jobs in the public sector >retirement age increases to 65 years >vat increases from 20% to 22% >jobless benefits capped at 75 percent of wages before the job was lost >wants an annual quota for intake of immigrants to come under the control of parliament and be written into the French constitution >supports the European Union, in contrast to the anti-EU National Front party, and advocates stronger decision-making ties between euro zone countries >Worthwhile Thick much, m8?
John James
Dominic Rogers
Grayson Ortiz
bump bump bump
Jordan Thompson
France will be reborn and shall join us in the coming Golden Age!