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Ill take two please how much is 300000EUR in bitcoins again?
Production problems, only one made.
Is no problem, unique works are highly valued!
Thank you burgerbro, together we make Binland great again.
serious question: why is EVERY european nation working so hard to pretend that 60 IQ, uneducated, african welfare leeches are all 140 IQ syrian doctor refugees?
america has problems, I'm not here to deny that. but something completely incomprehensible is going on in euroland.
No idea, there was study about the refugees who came in last year, over 20% of them cant even write or read in their own language, less than 20% have some kind of education.
Whats the reaction in Finland about this?
Has it made it to the news?
Havent seen it on news yet. Everyone dont know what to think, laugh, cry or what, it's just so absurd.
Probably ends up like the leftist clown interview, it was cut from the live show after airing and no mention on media what so ever, luckily someone recorded it live tho.
what is this boat all about anyway?
Gubment gave 150 000€ for this project called Startup Refugees, and this morning it was featured on Good morning show. They proudly presented what that 150k€ was for, a fucking wooden boat.
>Refugees could make these all over Europe to make some money
This is a hoax right?
I wish.
how much are the shipping costs to estonia?
Who was the 150000e REALLY given to?
To heatenings man for his drugs.
5 bottles of Viru Valge 80%
Give me 150,000€ please.
I'm sorry Finland. You were the last bastion of whiteness.
I thought Finland was the nation with highest IQ in Europe, what happened??
I must have it
wtf i hate heatenings man now
This is a good thing you fool, leftist are pissing in their own cereal (dunno how well that translates)
How have you not overthrown these people yet?
You are giving sweden a run for their money.
20 fucking euros !!
What happened, Binland ...
Look at the silver lining here: Finland is paying migrants to make a toy for children. Sweden is paying migrants to make children
alllright no way this is real
if it was, it was full blown psychosis
I'm too drunk to start explaining the other moneyholes, including "Coding bus to Africa" 30 000€, to teach them little nigglets to be some ashy hackers.
im with this, didnt seen years so much nationalism rising than this year when leftist tryin to push their agenda on every way.
usuallu it is just like, icehockey and couple of manly tear's on last hours of evening when youre drunk. Now people are openly nationalistic and with SUOMI PEKELE-mentality's. this wont shown on helsinki but every were else it will.
I bet the piece of shit isnt even stable.
Just.. one.. win. just.. one..
I literally made a better wooden boat than that in middle school shop class.
How much of that 150 grand was actually spend on hookers and blow?
That's the whole point, they are too stupid to realise they made the whole word "racist" useless, and they just keep making fool of themselfs every possible way. It's just sitting back and watching them go down.
Someone fill me in? reverse search provided nothing.
it WAS the news burger
we are fucked, nuke us now
Spurdo could share the same fate as Pepe in burgerland
archived thread
wtf is this boat meme?
Don't fucking say that
As much as I wish it wouldn't, its up to the leftists how bad they will fuck it up.
I mean, its inevitable. Just a matter of when.