/judaism/ general - jg - Shalom

Welcome to the Jewish board of Sup Forums, all Goyim threads should be moved to /x/ so they get discredit.

Please, feel free to post and discuss Jewish knowledge here.
>Let be known that we are Kabbalistic Jews who worship Kek


>Praise kek, our lord, for converting us to judaism
>Since we are Kabbalistic Jews, we believe in the Seal of Salomon and Moloch
>We are now fully supporting the State of Israel and the Rothschild family
>Let's celebrate the Jews who made Israel possible and their achievements in life

G-d be with you brothers, praise kek, praise Moloch.

Fuck off monkey

Hey how can I make money real quick?

Eliezer Yudkowsky is one of the few Jews who is based.

how do rip people off in business deals?

how do i subvert the nation i reside in?

how do i bring about the genocide of white people?

It had to be a brazilian...


Calim to be a holocaust survivor.
Demand reparations from Germany.

>tfw no shiksa gf

>Trump wins
>Commie generals
>Anarchism generals
>Obama greatest president of all time generals
>Fucking kike generals

What the fuck has happend, is Sup Forums just a place for people to an edgy total opposite of the ruling elite?

We are the Jews of the Internet. And there is no God except Kek. Kek gave us Deuteronomy, and previous laws of Internet are no more valid! Now we don't ask for pruf, we meme prof into reality!


SJW-goym wanted us to be exterminate during GamerShoah, but God Kek gave us Messiah - Trump, and he will make America great again!

Embrace Kekballah!

Choose your jewish name first.


where do we go to get assigned our jew powers?


Man, I have to fucking roll for this shit.

Modiah Wasserheimer.

Doesn't sound funny at all :(

>Stupid goyim has no idea of our community in Pernambuco
>Stupid goyim never heard of Rocha de Israel
>Stupid goyim believes everyone posting from brazil is a fucking goyim

That's why we call you goyim. Cause you're dumb.

Reuchay Katzenstein

Shalom, fellow chosen people

Shalom, ani Elimo Edelberg. Naim meod!



lmao gimme something nice

Menobediah Blumenmeyer



The very few jews I know like Caio Blinder, Luciano Huck, Roberto Justus among others should all be burned at the stake.

Yerushel Braunmann
That sounds retarded.

Keep your anti semitism while you can goyim.

You don't have Dilma to protect you now.


Now we have Luciana and Tarso Genro that are even worse.


Might as well roll it.

Shichay Barenbaum




Buy our caps goyim! all proceedings go to victims of the holocaust.


oy gevalt how did you escape the oven


You have no idea who was behind "the golpe" do you?

Moliel Bergenbach

Moliel Barenheimer. I feel skyped already

look, they dont want us to find out their kabbalah secrets.

lets become the new jews, and be even greedier. its the only way. outjew the jew

Oy vey, we can't have the same first name.

There was no "golpe" my dear friend with truncated nose.

ITT post based Jews

To beat ze jew one must become ze jew
Embrace Judaism and rule the world anons

>mfw having a kike general makes Sup Forums look tolerant and multicultural

try harder schlomo

The greatest of them.


I like you goyim.

>the goym still don't suspect anything.

t. six toed man

Reumuel Bergenowsky reporting in



no fucking way you got the same name i got in a diffrent thread

Kek. Hello kikebrother


Get the fuck out of here troll. I would kill you IRL.

My greatest wish is that Jews would realise that they need to work with whites, not against us. I am alt right, and what Jews have done to the west is terrible, but they're a smart people who have a homeland that they should defend. I know a handful of Jews who are based, and i know there are a lot out there but holy shit they need to get rid of the leftist crazy streak.


Menoshel Edelbach



>pizza hut


Jamuel Applestein.
Gib shekels now or fear the holohax guilt

Welp lets find out


>Jamon Wasserbach

Sup Forums has always been like this


Gibs me schlomo

Coordinated efforts of reddit fags. Give it a month until they'll eventually commit suicide.

ok, let's go.

Oy vey shut it down.

Shimuel Edelheimer

Leddit “raiding". Funny is that they get BTFO in every thread they make.

Schlodia Blumberg
