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Maybe we need a little natural selection. Liberals never shut up about how we're overpopulated, yet say we need to save every life.

should have let the kid die then

>don't have money for treatments
>still let your child go around playing with snakes

yeah it sucks but a lesson learned huh?

We've got Obama care now. This won't be a problem at all.

His dad went into an American hospital and also got bitten by a snake...

the jew

Just don't pay. What are they gonna do?

Ban you from hospitals.

They have to save your life so they can't do shit.

they seize your assets in court

The real questions here are "What kind of snake bit the kid", "Where can I get them", and "How fast I can I breed them".

My friend got serious injury in Amsterdam while his insurance was ended (he quit his job). Government forgive him 1500000 EUR for treatment, gave him free apartment near Centraal and now pays him monthly. God bless Netherlands.

have everything in someone else's name then so they can't take it

time to liquidate all your assets then, huh?

they are required by law to treat you you then just dont pay ive seen it done a hundred times at the local hospital. Hell I was taught to do it by a nigger say the right stuff and you dont pay.

>Africans coming to Europe just to get injured and take gibsmedats

They'd see that you did this and you'd get in trouble for it. Unless you put it in another persons name in the first place, instead of switching later on.

Since it was CA, chances are it was probably a rattlesnake. They can be bred in captivity, but laws on keeping venomous snakes vary state to state. Some require you to be licensed or have an apprenticeship.

He should have given a fake social security number. It's for illegals get treated for free. Unless you have health insurance NEVER give your information to an American hospital

>Can afford a million dollar house
>Can't assured insurance

I understand the doctor will save his life if this gets a million likes by 2moro.

>implying the average burgerclapper has even a single tangible asset

>they are required by law to treat you you then just dont pay ive seen it done a hundred times at the local hospital. Hell I was taught to do it by a nigger say the right stuff and you dont pay.

somehow american thinks this is a sane health system.

>Can afford a million dollar house
>>Can't assured insurance
exactly. The guy is a retard. Declare bankruptcy and move on.


>They'd see that you did this and you'd get in trouble for it
oh noes, are they gonna fine me? too bad i lost all my money that i just withdrew :^)

Go away nigger

Spurdo memes aren't an asset, Luukas

sorry poorfags, you don't get to live. git gud and git $$

thats not how the system works. people scam the system. in the US, hospitals are obligated to treat you, but if you dont give them any info they cant bill you

Fuck the system that needs to be scammed for it to work.

Sue the hospital for extortion.

>buy doctor's degree in Somalia for $10
>travel to California, burn my papers
>now I can stay there forever as an illegal
>build hospital
>charge infinity billion dollars for an aspirin
>get rich

the hell is this ?

it doesnt need to be scammed. non-retarded people have health insurance

You can help natural selection by killing yourself you fucking faggot.

Innocent comics

WTF did they inject him with? Soylent Green?!

fluffy small horses.

That one is tame, but everything like it is essentially snuff porn for barneyfags and sadists

>non-retarded people have health insurance
Buying healthcare in my state is more expensive than eating the penalty with my tax return.

Fuck Obama and fuck white people

Boomer BTFO

At least the faggot could afford a house

What the fuck is this shit

a norwegian student in san diego got bitten by a snake a few years ago. he was charged $150'000 for four doses of anti-venom and one night in hospital. luckily he had travel insurance, so he paid $0.

i would be afraid to walk out of the door if i lived in unites states without some sort of health or travel insurance.

CA resident here. I remember as a cub scout our troop took a tour of a hospital, and the doctor told me that there is only a couple antivenom doses prepared for the entire bay area. Even as a kid I thought this was strange because rattlesnakes are all over the hills, and people are always hiking around not to mention they slither on down into peoples' yards and garages.

98% of the population would be unable to pay this bill, even after a decade.

Its not a question of getting money. Its a Question of getting YOU, dragging you to town square and extra judicially murdering you, your wife, and your children before a screaming mob.

They fucked up the bill twice.
In the end the father's copay would have been 8k.
Since they fucked up the bill twice they waived it entirely

>Ban you from hospitals.


Hospitals cannot ban anyone; they have to treat literally everyone who walks into the Emergency Room, whether citizen or not, insured or not, employed or not, can pay or not.

One illegal alien who never paid a dime to a hospital made 435 visits in one year. That's checking yourself into the ER more than once a day, for a year.

Sounds about right.

Here is the fucking article you lemmings.

Not really bro... I'm an old dude,, grown kids, grandkids... all that good shit.

I literally owe the hospitals about a kazillion dollars over the years. I paid some, some I didn't..... It doesn't even show on my credit report. Maybe it differs state by state.

I have had insurance on and off at times. The times I didn't.... any publicly owned or subsidized hospital will treat you if you enter thru the emergency room.

The article says they made a mistake, but still charged him 350K which is still outrageous. It's because they have insurance. I burned m eyes a couple months ago, and had to go to the ER.

When I left they told me the bill was like 400 if I paid right then, or 3200 if I have them bill me or my insurance company. Seriously WTF?

Kys you fucking degenerate

Can't they be trademarked or copyrighted?

Memes that is.

It's another Sup Forums doesn't read anything but the headline episode
>Prouty is extremely apologetic. He says there was a mistake and it was corrected. Actually, it was corrected twice. The first time it was reduced to $511,825.01. Then, the hospital reduced it to $350,000-plus. Devine's co-pay was in the neighborhood of $8,000, but the hospital decided for all his trouble they wouldn't make him pay that. Now, Devine is worried about the impact on his insurance coverage and his companies.

>Each vial of anti-venom costs $14,000.
What the hell kind of material costs that much to produce? Depending on the size of the vial, pure gold could be cheaper per unit volume.

Well, what are they gonna do about it?
Make you pay fines? Put you to jail?
Doesn't really matter now does it if you're not gonna make that money back in the time you'll sit in the prison anyhow and how are they gonna seize your assets if you've liquidated them?

Wassup fellow Bay Area fag. Yah, I go hiking at rancho San Antonio all the time, and I see constant rattlesnakes in the summer, pic related. Afaik no one has been bitten by one in decades, snakes just don't go out and attack humans. Humans have to get all up in their shit and corner them.

Sounds like the dad never taught his son about being safe. Typical liberal retard, thinks the world is sunshine and rainbows, ignored all early child safety instruction.

Please go fucking back to Sup Forums and never return

this should bring shame to america,a fucking snake bite costing that much to fix or else he dies?

world leaders my ass!


Wait wtf how expensive are anti venoms? I'm going to go round up some rattle snakes and make a million dollars.

Is that anti-venom made of gold-plated nanobots? each dose costs about $21 in Brazil:

It was just a common fucking rattlesnake also, indigenous to the area. You would think they had a barrel of the shit ready to go. I wonder if it's that expensive here? We have snakes everyfuckingwhere where I live. Like I have seen about 7 or 8 rattlers this year and killed one.

Why not just make a new son at that point? You're not going to make million dollars extra in the five years it takes to make another one.

The man ended up paying literally nothing for it
His insurance paid for most of it in the first place but he still ended up paying nothing

Kek, capitalists will unironically defend this

>Implying the same treatment doesn't cost a 1% on a 100 other countries

Did you read the full story OP?

The son is autistic. He grabbed the snake. I think they should have charged double just for that alone.

>Be American
>Get bitten by snake
>$1,000,000 in debt

The articles look like a cross between veiled ads, enquirer tiered shit, and a morning TV show.


Yet almost half a million dollars still changed hands over a snake bite. Even if the man himself paid nothing, that's still a huge problem.

Is that some generic snakebite antivenom you can buy over the counter?

Most hospitals have access to antivenoms for each type of venomous snakes in their region in the USA.

Why didnt they have health insurance? They got their priorities fucked up.

yeah start with the other races. Whites are the minority when it comes to total % of global population. Let niggers, sandniggers, poo in loos and chinks die off first

Still too much.


I don't see anything wrong with this. It costs money for medicine. Why won't they pay their fare share?

>Implying the treatment would even get developed if there wasn't a country that paid so much for it.

>his son has autism
And that's how you know this is gonna be a shitfest.

>they reduce it to $350k anyways
And that's how you know Sup Forums hates reading.


That's a pretty reasonable implication. I think it's safe to say snake bites are common enough that antivenom doesn't need to cost 14,000 dollars to be commercially viable.

Well it's literally produced from snake venom so

>The Director of Pharmacy Services at Riverside University Health Systems - Medical Center Greg Prouty says there was a mistake. A clerk overcharged.

fucking kek thanks finnbro

Euroshits BTFO

>have to treat literally everyone who walks into the Emergency Room
ok here the receipt pharmacy is over the street good luck :) NEXT!

I don't know about that, either it was really exotic species or American hospitals Jew hard. Our hospitals probably don't even have that kind of anti-venom because there is no need for it.

I still find it hard to believe its real price is 1 million even if a trained professional has to personally suck it from somewhere.


now this story makes sense.

obamacare in commiefornia is literally 1250 a month for a 12.5k deductible and that is it.

everyone i know just plans to sign up for emergency medicare if they get hit by a bus.

just do what the spics do and dont pay.

>treatment for a snake bit
>1.1 million dollars
>the equivalent of 44 years worth of labour paid as the average American wage

Somebody explain how this isn't a scam?

Yup. This is what happens when you subsidies health care.

its an antivenon for all snakes of Bothrops genus (pit vipers) and Crotalus genus (one of two genus of rattlesnakes, the other being Sistrurus).

even if the snake who bit the boy was a rarer kind or one with stronger poison, I doubt it would cost 500 times more to buy it

Hey if you don't like the price one hospital offers you can just choose another. :^)

They can't charge so much that nobody ever buys, they must know they can can get a million dollars for that kind of treatment. They'll charge as much as they can get paid so clearly they're used to fucking insurance companies on healthcare costs, those companies then screw over their customers with high premiums for shit coverage.

Obama care is exactly why this is a problem.

The country is already in debt beyond paying back.

Who gives a fuck about paying back a personal bill that's not EVER going to get paid off anyways?

That's how Obamacare works.

Depends what kind of snake.
I assume this is a very rare type, and propably the doctors had to fly it in via jet so the stupid little shit doesnt die. And pumped him full of other chemicals to keep him alive until then

Its written in a newspaper. Its a super rare occurrence

Why do you trust the lying press now

capitalism is the answer

deal with it


>american health"care"

This. Instead of getting robbed by your government for your hospitals we just don't pay these retardedly expensive bills.

Eurosnobs rekt

>get shot

Real anti-venom is expensive

The one I linked is actually for animal treatment, since snakebites are considered a public health risk, so the anitivenon is provided for free by the government.