Daily reminder: We are full, fuck off


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No, I am moving to Perth next year.

Who wants to be in that shithole of a country anyway. It was originally created as a dumping ground for UK dissidents and criminals anyway.

Good thread.

Are australians even white?

but we are full...

>among the lowest population densities in the world
just stick em in the outback faggot. not like you're doing anything else with it

>Aussies are all part Abbo.
>Aussies are all part shitskin imblying not white

Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.

Bullshit, thayt is A myth its really high pop in the outback

implying that we anglos would fuck shitskins.

are you counting your emu overlords there?


Do you know your own history shitskin?

>We are full

Not according to your government, which is actively recruiting immigrants with my skills. I'm seriously thinking about applying.

get ready to be hot and bored

if we send you mexicans, they could build houses that you could actually afford

Why? our shitposting shacks are good enough.

we already have enough brown people who wont work

Lmfao, nice bait





Fucking hell can you even reply correctly, even the muslim dicks are corrected up your girls ass.

Got a few spiders on yer arm m8

Fucking hue's its the southern cross.

How do you survive in a desolate hell hole with natural disasters fucking you in the ass 24/7?

Being anglo and not cucked, also shitposting for government protection

Why are you so obsessed dicks? Is it because your own is so tiny?

I don't think you're in any position to insult the Aussie, sonny jim.

Even with that dicksize mohammed has to pleasure your women says alot cuckton

I got a qt 8/10 Australian loli gf and will emigrate SOON

this shit right here? Why is it reversed?

Our women are raped whereas your women willingly spread their legs for pic-related. Hell, I don't blame them though. You australians and your micro-dicks can't measure up to the sexual satisfaction that your women receive from birds.

Its not a choice user, some of us have to serve the great gemus Gangh

In case you don’t know what Australia is, it’s a God-forsaken country in the middle of nowhere full of kangaroos, lions, giant spiders and crocodiles that are ever always trying to kill you. Inside this wasteland lives a group of people named Australians. Australians are the laziest, most annoying and most troublesome people you will ever have the misfortune of coming into contact with. Their entire diction consists of using the words “mate” and “c*nt” at every opportunity and talking as though they have been possessed by evil kangaroo spirits. Nothing they say makes sense and their words have no value or worth whatsoever. They talk and communicate with each other just because, and they live just because.


Righto dad, ill get ya another cold one



i am moving to melbourne in 2 months, what can i expect? i have australian gf. she told me that average australian man is worse then ours bydlos. should be easy game there

What about tourism?

Reckon it's easy if you're lean and at least somewhat attractive. Australians are almost as fat as the Americans.

i guess i will whoop their asses just for banter. cant wait to glass some australian cunt from behind. that fat fuck wont be expecting that


Fullsized version for people who's eyes are born squinting.

Fullsized version for people who's eyes are born squinting.

Fucking Mongols.


How did you know?!


>get ya own beer ya cunt
True Blue

You shitposters work fast


Cuck stoped responding.exe

What does this even mean?

What am I supposed to be replying to?

Enjoy the beaches mate.

oh yeah? you're full? is that why we traded 2k of your rapefugees for 18,000 beaners?

Ausfags eternally btfo

Why do Australians suicide so much?


Not allowed to talk about feelings here, it's taboo.

When an Aussie gets emotionally compromised he does a good job of removing himself from that pain. He doesn't burden the world by scratching himself a couple of times and posting it to social media.

stop bullying us :(


this is what we call a soft cunt, Dont be him.

Is he okay?


lol india haz a little poop problem.



She's not as good as mummy!

You'd have to ask the aussie, mate. I don't have those kinds of pictures of his wife. I'm not into bestiality.

I honestly feel bad for those people.

>post porn
> mexifag ask for more
> deny it ever happening and refer to the aussie
> Profit!!?!!

aussie approved image

That's not porn, mate.

That muscular definition, dat ass, dem thighs


the woman is also moderately attractive


Too bad she's only into emus, huh? Seems like there's a lot of that going around in the land down under.


This still apply's.

Obviously commonwealth countries are the exception.

The women. They are fucking unbearable.

How is it that a country can have so many based blokes, who are chill as fuck and bring best beertime banters, also have women who are so difficult, rude and needlessly entitled? They are loud, aggro, utterly devoid of any charm and those poor fellows have to deal with them because the only alternative are the fucking Outback Apes who spend their days drunkenly scratching their unwiped arses and getting raped by their male relatives. And yet STILL, Abbo women are still more womanly than fucking Sheilas.

For the same outcome, but reverse the genders, please see South Africans. South African women are based as fuck.

Atleast we aren't gonna be getting aids.

our nations do seem to have a problem with our females fucking animals

Daily reminder: good, stay there


we do, but atleast i can find any fucking german or euro fag to fuck.

you see there is red everywhere they just have camo.

Dat feeling when this actress ended up blacked and murdered shortly after...

also if you check closely
the subtle joke was that i found the emu sexier than the woman, you will learn to banter Sven I will teach you. I can't teach you how to be a man though, that was a task your father failed to do.

(girls eyes scream 'help me' while dindu grabs her neck, meanwhile sven feels a slight tingle in the nethers)


Take it easy on him straya, he doesnt know how to bantz yet

>not getting aids

pick one

As far as minorities go, I feel bad for Australia.
Abbos seem like the worst of the worst to have


But he will after a month of Bantz Club.


>Up this early in the morning

I don't understand how people can do this

post the real stats fag

>user gets tricked

Oh Petr... That's just sad mate. You tried to bants someone else by posting evidence of your own cucking...

that was a fast edit Sven, timing is key to effective bantz. However responding to constant accusations of being a cuck with 'nuh uh YOUR the cuck' is something that belongs on the school yard. You are getting better and even showing signs of assertiveness, which is something swedes are no longer famous for. Remember that 'savage bantz' are aimed at weaknesses in the opponents ego, so ask yourself "What is this anonymous aussie sensitive about? what are his sacred cows that I may slaughter in front of him?"

>Implying the Internet hate machine ever sleeps

I don't get you guys though. It's statistically proven that anglos are the biggest cucks. If anyone shouldn't use cuck as banter, it ought be you.

its a sataday cunt im gonna fucking stay up all night regret ti later

Daily reminder Australians are full of shit. They have plenty of land for refugees. Pic related.