So apparently, leftists are trying to subvert /his/ and /lit/ to fight us. Discuss.
Leftist raids and subversion
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Oh, this is ancient news, OP.
>>>/Reddit/ has been trying this shit forever now, they just get btfo'd.
Is there some reason we can't mount a forward defense?
Well what I'm doing is lurking /his/ and /lit/ and whenever I spot a subversion thread, I post the reddit screenshot
Can we get some fresh dank memes for our new gommunist friends?
You have to go back
They assume an awful lot of things.
They will fail in all of that.
so, the autism wars begin
You fucking numnutted pussies, this is what free speech looks like
Don't just go reeeee shill, fucking take them head on until they become shill bad
We'll have the better arguments as long as we dont go full NatSoc (its a draw at that point)
We should go out there and take them on our board or on Plebbit
>some role playing cucks on Reddit think they can undermine Sup Forums
Fucking kek