Give credit where credit is due

>90% of Sup Forums rabid Putin & Russia fans
>obsession with Russia goes to such extremes that they would betray their own country in a sec
>if Putin said "shoot your parents" they would agree without hesitation
>75% dreams daily of moving to Russia

Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck are you talking about?

Can you blame us? I'd rather be a Russian bear than a fucking leaf

It's mainly just contrarian act and doesn't mean they actually believe what they are saying.

Russia has the greatest national anthem in the world.

Fuck Putin, Fuck Russia

That's just the Soviet anthem with altered lyrics


Whatever it is, I like it.

Russia is a shithole

>nigger tier murder rates
>25% muslim
>25% mongolshit
>heroin everywhere
>HIV everywhere
>oil economy
>everyone is depressed and nihilistic

They have the potential to be successful, but right now no thanks

Sounds like liberal heaven

Putin is likable because he represents fighting spirit.

>They have the potential to be successful
How exactly did you derive that? The people's mentality here today does not leave hope for this country to be successful.

By the way, you forgot:
>average income is literally africa-tier

i love putin.

Subotai gets it

You won't find blind patriots here, almost everybody has some kind of complaint about their country. Usually it's an edgy teenager complaint like "they're not doing enough for muhhh christian values"

On Russian imageboards I hear it's like topsy turvy world where its populated by liberals that would betray Russia and join American side in WW3

naw life would be hell for me if I lived in Russia

Putin is a homosexual pedophile

>nigger tier murder rates
>oil economy

>25% mongolshit
Almost true

>25% muslim
Only 6.5%

>HIV everywhere
>everyone is depressed and nihilistic
>heroin everywhere

Jokes on you my Dad is dead and my mother is a drunk who I resent

>Usually it's an edgy teenager complaint like "they're not doing enough for muhhh christian values"
Most teenagers are atheists

ti si briselski konjušar

>now all clap your hands and support EU, the non-degenerate alternative

gun laws are getting lax

you can apply for a handgun permit now IIRC

i'm almost considering isreal desu
"Residents of 'qualifying towns' (towns on frontiers, in the West Bank and the Golan Heights)
West Bank residents may possess handguns and can be issued automatic rifles by the army for personal protection. The automatic rifles are the property of the army and may be recalled at any time."

>nikad nije trolao ironicno.

we like russia because putin, he stand against the fucking world status quo, and even a russian is better than a jew.

if they ever reach the top all of us will be against them.

>Russian flag
Dude, if you that depressed, you better stop thinking about how shitty this place is, don't make our suicide rates worse, we're already #14 in the list.

>Only 6.5%
t. Ahmed Muhammedovich

idk, it's what wikipedia said
>Пo дaнным иccлeдoвaния "Apeнa: Aтлac peлигий и нaциoнaльнocтeй", пpoвeдённoгo Иccлeдoвaтeльcкoй cлyжбoй Cpeдa в 2012 гoдy, 6,5% poccиян являютcя пocлeдoвaтeлями иcлaмa.

I see the Chinese more frequently than muslims, they're all in Moscow and their containment republics in Caucasus.

Why do right-wingers love putin and russia so much but called left-wingers communist lovers when they praise him so much