
What are your thoughts on the subject? Would you accept a cybernetic limb? How about a brain upgrade? What do you think politicians from your country will do about such things?

Can we create a perfect world using the power of technology?

Would Trump accept such things if he was/is in office when the advancements are made?

If you're not American, how would your country's leaders react to transhumanist technology?

Would you trust your government not to interfere with your upgrades?

i really just want some cyborg limbs so i can jump over houses and run super fast.

All humans will die in the future, many such cases. Sad.

with all the invigilation that is going on? fuck no.
>Cyberzuckerberg using your brain implants to block all non PC thoughts and implement love for refugees
>goverment litearaly can block your body from moving or stop your heart if they want to
>so can hackers

>implying we wont get eradicated before that either by the chinks or the allah snackbars

Hell nah. Watch the Ghost in the Shell movies.

And nothing you can do about it. When cyberimplants will start to provide real benefits enhanced humans will win in competition.
>2016 no linkedin - resume discarded
>2036 no cyebrbrain - resume discarded
Natural selection aka free market.

So the question becomes: how does one get the implants and cybernetics without getting thought policed or mind controlled/body controlled?

I, too, want to become an apache helicopter

Thanks for killing the thread faggot

Transhumanism will inevitably lead us into a war over the purity of mankind.

Thats pretty fun.


A war i believe the augmented will win, simply by basis of having superior tech in their soldiers, civilians too.

There would be a massive splitting of humanity based on where we want to go in our evolution. you have the puritans, the machinists and the nanoaugs. We'd end up like Deus Ex: invisible war

Useful, if dubious.

I might need one, so yes. Yes. Ban it because retarded orthodox church.

We might if we go post-scarcity,

Trump can't tell his thumb from his pecker.

As I said, try to ban it because churchy mcretard.

No. I'd make my own, have my more tech-minded friends hook me up,

>No. I'd make my own
like you make your own cars, computers and cellphones to stay safe from goverment and corporations? making your own would propably even be illegal, need them (((certificates)))

In the same sense that ISIS is leading a war on western civilization. Yeah, maybe you get some fanatic bodypurists who fight against augmented society and start blowing up some buildings, but they're not gonna be a serious threat at that point. Imagine the Amish declared war on the US government, their very core beliefs make them lack the necessary tools to compete.

It's a phase society will go through, certainly, but it's not like it's some great struggle over the fate of humanity. The outcome is clear.

How would you make your own? Are you already capable of making your own smartphone and computer from scratch?

Also, as the other user brought up: augs will probably be regulated, much like guns.

i want to be a giant angry dinosaur

Okay, that was pretty funny.
But in all seriousness, with artificial neurons helping the transition, some rich lunatic could really become a mechanical Dragon...
Dear God, the possibilities are only limited by the resources...

Hey Sup Forums, brainstorm with me on this: how do we get science and progress advancing faster, with an end goal of making humans immortal, so that we may travel the stars forever and making the universe great again?

How long do you think the protests would last before they just fucked off to their own little communities like the Amish?

Transhumanism is nothing more than a generalized version of uncontroversial values like humanism and the belief that things like death, disability and illness are undesirable. Lots of the discussion about transhumanism--both for and against--vastly overanalyzes it.

Okay, so what do we call the people who cannot fucking wait to get augmented?

>some rich lunatic could really become a mechanical Dragon.
What a small goal.


...but you just said that those people don't fit the label, because according to you Transhumanism isn't about the augments

Sorry if I wasn't being clear: transhumanism is definitely a unique thing; my point is just that it's much more connected to existing beliefs/systems than people commonly assume.

For example, most people think its a good idea to heal sick people, or develop prosthetics to help disabled people. That isn't an exciting ethical system with a cool name, but it's fundamentally just describing transhumanism.


We don't like freaks 'round these parts.


I used to love the idea, but then we had Snowden, and I bought a smartphone, and I realized that cybernetic limbs are just parts of my body that aren't actually mine anymore.
So no thanks, I'll stay human.