What level of meltdown is this?

What level of meltdown is this?

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I really want to know what kind of job this cuck has to have the audacity to type something like that.

>taking less money in taxes is big government

I hope this is satire. If not, it's hard to believe how a human can be like this, it goes against all of our evolutionary instincts.

This is like being the father of a family
and feeding a random child before your own son

Don't see it as inhumane to the other kids to ignore them
See it as inhumane to your son to choose another child over him

It's a jew, m8. these kikes are storytellers.


he probably collects welfare

the only thing foreign countries deserve is nuclear fire.

>bite the hand that feeds them

What the FUCK

Arts student

Just your normal commie bootlicker. This is how they all think.

you're a fucking retard. "bottlicker" is a liberal code word for "disciplined young man". If you have no respect for authority you are a literal nigger. i think it would be an honor to lick president trump's boots.


Do your best.



Gee i wonder who posted that

Look at this faggot

wow, the hillary supporter calling me a faggot, thats rich.

How the fuck do you get the idea that I'm a Hillary supporter

The moment an American citizen stops prioritizing their nation first is the moment we can disregard their input, that is one ultimate opinion I have no problem holding

this is one fucked up world and countries are the only way we can have a measure of control over our future

> Profess globalism.
> Still probably despises "Russia" for leaking emails to Wikileaks.

Ironic level meltdown.

Naw go lick some boots you cuckservative Sup Forums only likes freethinkers
If you dont think the police and military and various cuckservative governments over the years haven't betrayed us, you are either a kid or a moron
Karl Rove called whites racist for being against amnesty
Reagan gave amnesty
The military and police enforced busing and desegregation at the barrel of a gun

you don't want to lick trumps boots. You are definitely a hillary supporter.

Probably works for Bioware, adding his globalism to mass effect andromeda

This person has reached levels unknown to us.
They are a cuck no more.
They are a Super Cuck.

"freethinker" is a code wored for "liberal" go back to tumblr you SJW trash, your hated of authority, right-wing politics and your worship of niggers is welcomed there.

It's shit like this that will prevent the Democrats from ever winning another election

Translation: I'm against H1Bs because foreigners might take my job, but fuck blue collar laborers. They should lose their jobs idc.

how is this not seditious conduct?

Why is he so obsessed with white people?

>7+ year reddit account.

Probably coming from a nu male who never worked a day in his life.

Does that racist still have a job at Bioware?

The irony is that it's government's job to intervene. That intervention is ostensibly a positive force which attempts to balance the needs of the nation. Otherwise we might as well all just say fuckit and go full Somalia. This reads like a caricature of what the left thinks the right is. Fact is, everyone who goes into government, believes government is going to provide the answers to the problems we face, otherwise they'd do some other shit they thought would help. It isn't that "government intervention is always bad", it's "which governing philosophy is better suited for our nation".

It's a common belief amongst those kinds of individuals that all native workers are lazy good-for-nothing scum, and that all good things come from immigrant (in the US, specfically illegal) populations, and foreigners who are virtuous simply by being foreign. The swarms of migrants taking the jobs from natve workers are virtuous and hard-working, whilst the natives are either lazy bums who don't deserve jobs, or actively refuse to work them.

In their mind, all wealth and good things are due to (illegal) immigrant populations in the country, and foreign populaions outside of it. The globalisation that caused American companies to outsource to foreigners allowed the brave and virtuous foreign populations with their hard work to cause those companies to make bank and be wealthy, as opposed to undercutting labour costs and safety regulation.

As such, the wealth of the US is not due to Anericans, who are inferior lazy scum, but foreigners nd illegal immigrants. As such, by voting for Amercan jobs, protection for American workers from globalisation, etc. the Americans have bitten the hand of the virtuous foreigner, who works so hard and provides Americans with such a good life. Truly monstrous. Accordingly, they should be denied jobs and livelihoods and left to die.

I would gladly like Trumps boots.

But authority shouldn't be respected just because it's authority. Respect is earned.

Professional victim

Yeah I want to know too. Unless you're an executive at an international company or immigrant you get screwed by globalism more than you benefit.


Regressive leftists are hateful, human scum.

What essential job does this idiot do, which ONLY HE can do? Persuading the public? "Journalism"?

you sound like a fucking libtard. If someone has authority they HAVE earned it, otherwise they wouldn't have it. You seriously can't use logic because you're too busy thinking about sucking nigger cocks like a fucking cuckold.

Fucking idiot those people constant vote for the government to protect Chinese and Indian interests

This level of self destructive "humanism" is only found in white marxists. Liberal leaning people are so self destructive and now they are getting to the point of self genocide

I just don't get it

>they won't bite the hand that feeds them
But those countries regularly take shots at the US
But kudos to America for trying to close the gap between Canada/Germany/Sweden. Very progressive!

I would sooner spit on obamas boots than lick them. He has earned nothing but my contempt. You're the one who sounds like a liberal pussy saying I should lick boots bc someone has authority over me. This is also the mindset of a weak limp wristed faggot cuck fuccboi.

A man so cucked that even his bull is a cuck.

He's probably Indian, honestly. 40% of reddit users are from India, but they do a surprisingly good job of hiding themselves. I know I pretend to be an American on reddit, I bet a lot of other foreigners do the same.

>thinking obama is a legitimate president

I knew you were cucked, but come on, this must be b8.

On election night a liberal chick I know texted me in tears. Over the week I tried talking to her, I've since given up. One of the things she kept trying to hammer away at was that immigrants were doing jobs "lazy Americans wouldnt do". I tried explaining to her it was a simple math problem, and not an issue of thinking jobs were "beneath us" in some way. She literally couldn't understand it though her anger and self righteousness.

The just-put-them-out-of-their-misery level

>talking to women
>not beating them senseless and raping them


>>A man so cucked that even his bull is a cuck.

In the words of Thomas sowell "if liberals understood economics they wouldn't be liberal"

She doesn't understand how the market or why companies would want immigrant borderline slave labor it's all feels to them "they just want to have bettering life why not let them??"

They refuse to see how this is a nice cover for "we want to pay slave wages"

whats wrong with paying slave wages you socialist libtard.

eh. The only reason I talked to her is because she used to be able to talk politics rationally without letting emotion get in the way of it all. Something changed this election cycle with her. I was emotionally invested in the outcome, but she went full fucking overboard with it. To the point of literally screaming at me calling me every buzzward she knew. We've known each other for ten years, she knows who I am and what I think. Maybe she'll snap out of it, but I doubt it.

a combination of being emotionally stunted and jealousy

you're a serious fucking cuckold for not putting that dumb uppity slut in her place. kys now faggot, you aren't wanted in trumps america.

It's not even the corporate greed. It's literally math. If the job pays $10/hr, and day care costs $10.25/hr, what the fuck am I going to do with that?

And Bioware has just begun the path to bankruptcy.

empathy dude. White people have it. I was trying to bring her around to rationality again. She just wouldn't have it.

empathy is the trait of beta white knight cuckolds. You are seriously going to be put against the wall in the coming months for your faggotry. Trump can't let degenerate feminists like you live.

Can't wait till the next election once the democrats kick out all white people from the party. Make it a POC party with the most oppressed (blacks) on top.

One way to look at it. The other was I wanted to fuck her one again, while making her say "President Trump". She went full retard though so I just cut ties.

you are seriously not helping your case. burn in hell feminist retard.
