Be me

>Be me
>6AM in the morning
>Girlfriend leaves for work.
>Literally 10 minutes later I hear people screaming and crying outside, mostly females.
>Run outside and see a huge black pitbull terrorizing two females and their little dogs.
>People finally managed to get the dogs off the people and little dogs, but they were injured for sure, maybe even the owners.
>Dog then goes to a plumber working behind his truck.
>Lunges at him
>Guy grabs a metal pipe and bashes its head with it
>Run back and call the cops
>Cops come and is looking for the dog, and sees the two ladies who are sitting down on the stairs of their apt, crying with blood on their shirts and their little dogs.
>Cops starts walking around looking for the dog
>Sees the same dog in someones front yard
>The cop asks "Is this your dog?" to the owner.
>I walk out to go to my car and see ambulances and fire dept there too.
>As im going to my car, the owner of the dog looks at me like he's going to kick my ass or something because he knows I called because I yelled out if they were okay.
>I walk up to the guy and the cop and straight out tell him, "yeah i called, my girlfriend left 10 minutes and if she got bitten I would have ran that thing over"
>Tell him this isn't the first time these people are having problem swith dogs, and that their police reports will show that.

Why do spics make the worst pet owners? They never pick up after their pets, they never fucking have a leash on their pets. What is the fucking problem? Fucking idiots, I guess they get a sense of false power with such dogs.

Other urls found in this thread:

In most states you could have legally shot the dog and smiled in the beaners face.

You did the right thing user hopefully it doesn't happen again.

yeah cali sucks. a nice baseball bat would have worked though, might pick one up later.

I hope they evict these people for good.

Why didn't the women seek medical attention for their dogs and themselves instead of just crying?

Fucking useless creatures.

tfw i'm cuddled up with my cute lab pitbull mix right now

feels good

because most of them are spics who just want a pitbull so they can look cool in their good

t. hispanic who has a very well trained german shepherd


my guess? they were mexicans and didnt want to rat out their neighbors. but fuck that, there is a school for kids down the street and they walk up and down that street all the time.

even when i yelled out if they needed help, they didnt say anytthing. still when i left they were putting them on a stretcher.

nonwhites don't have the generations of experience with dogs that European whites have from domesticating wolves.

expect that he will bite off half of your cheetos covered face

Pitbulls truly are the niggers of dogs. Lynch time when?


You sure it isn't their savage genetics?

What plumber works at 6:10am?

Fake and gay

I can't do it because dogs are better than niggers even if they're the niggers of dogs

The problem with pitbulls is they're stupid, loyal, and attack anything they're suspicious of.
They're good dogs if raised by good people. The problem is blacks aren't good people.
We should just ban minorities from owning them

Any plumber worth his salt works 24/7, miho. Im sorry your people embarrass you. i would be too.

this goy gets it.

>We should just ban minorities

Thats the truest shit i ever read

Also acceptable

Have fun putting him down after he bites a kid.

>yeah i called

snitches get stitches

you're going to get enriched op

>muh owner argument

It was a Pitt there is no bad owners with pits. They are just shit dogs.

Holy fucking shit, something VERY similar happened to me.

Me and my sister were walking our little chihuahuas recently and a fucking pit bull followed by his stupid ass spic owner came running towards us and by the grace of God the dog just stopped. The dumbasss was laughing. I was took scared to tell him off, because I thought we were all going to fucking die.

Pit Bulls need to be exterminated.

Day of doggie heaven when?

I dont follow nigger code.

t. 3000 years old elder wolf breeder from europe.
Spics and niggers purposely make the dogs this way since they are puppies so they can imitate other people/gang members or "accidentally lose" their chains when some fight arrives. Also pitbulls seems to have a tendency to be agressive in their nature so that's another reason why they go with pitbulls. So shit people raise shitty dogs from shitty breeds.

The people you called the cops on most likely do.

>the owner of the dog looks at me like he's going to kick my ass or something because he knows I called

You and your girlfriend are fucked.

Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable
He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.

Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time i'm getting the dose right

Which ghetto do you live in?

Is your neighbor a nigger or a spic?

All you hypocrites defending pitbulls should be ashamed of yourselves.
>when black are the niggers of humans
>race war now!
>when pitbulls are the niggers of dogs
>awww, dey dindu nuffin!

Pitbulls are bred to be aggressive and to destroy other dogs in combat. They are useless for everything else. They are useless as work dogs, they are useless as police dogs, they are useless as dog sniffer, useless in the military, useless for hunting, terrible swimmers, terrible runners, useless for search and rescue, too stupid to learn complicated tasks and the list goes on and on. They are exactly like the degenerate, non-contributing people who own them.

>t. dog owner and former trainer

You did the right thing fella, may have been a kid next time.

I don't give a fuck, let them try to do whatever they want, wouldn't be the first time i remove trash from the street that I have been living on FOR OVER 26 YEARS!.

Pitbulls are the most powerful race of all dogs

American pitbulls are literally the perfect dog, they beat every other dog, the perfect bread, no health problems love lifes, once they bite u theyll never let go, its up the dog he decides when to let go,

Idiots who dont know how to train dogs get them cuz there "badass", im talking first time owners and then wonder why the dog acts like an animal, thy think "man, thts just how pitbulls are cuz" no retard u can train any dog to stand still for days until it dies n it will listen to you, ur just fukin retarded

I fukin hate bad dog owners,

Also a little story my uncle had one n it bite one of his friends nuts, so my uncle had to shot it in the head

that is true but they are generally bad at raising things as evident by their nigger life culture and even worse at raising dogs.

I thought dogs were banned in the Muslim sand-lands.

nice pasta leaf.

niggers could be trained to not act like niggers it's just that they won't and never will be because they are controlled by the jews and treated like whites by women.

they might only ever be smart as a pitbull but they could at least be trained to stop raping and murdering everything around if the kikes and women allowed whites to fix them.

Is this pasta?

Pit Bulls are actually extremely safe dogs and are known to guard babies for their owners
Provided they're fucking raised properly, which most dumb spics fail to fucking do


>Why do spics make the worst pet owners?

They are a low end shit people.

>I thought dogs were banned in the Muslim sand-lands.
Pic related is a Turkish Sivas kangal. Shepherd and guard dogs of this lands. Only hardcore arab wannabe muslims are afraid of/hates dogs.

Blacks in the ghetto of dallas ftw have a pit... the dealers use them to fend off robbers or cops

that looks like a good puppy.
mastiffs are good working dogs.

>Only hardcore arab wannabe muslims are afraid of/hates dogs.

why do the muslims hate the best animal?

I've been attacked by pit Bulls twice.

Once when I was a driver for pizza Hut back in the day. Fucker ran at me from behind the house I was delivering too. Clearly looking for a fight.

I was lucky to see it coming and was able to time a kick just right.

I had pretty sturdy boots on and caught it right in the throat. He limped away unable to breath.

Second time was at a park/woods. Was running in the morning.

Was pretty chilly out so I had a hoodie on.

Dog comes from around the bend barking and charging at me.

I had planned for this someday so I pulled my life out. A little "Kershaw leak" I had.

I tried to keep it away but it wanted a fight. So I decided to sacrifice my arm.

Thankfully he grabbed a mouthful sweater and just locked on.

While he was preoccupied I slid the knife under his neck and gave it a slash.

I keep my shit sharp and it went damn near to his spine. He died almost instantly.

Fuck pit Bulls man.

t. larper

I always used to argue with my neighboor regarding what to do with stray dogs. His stance was THEY DIN DU NUFFIN.
Mine was, and still is culling.

A few months ago i had an entire pack of stray dogs following a female in heat. All of them in my backyard, barking at me. Grabbed my chainsaw and served a couple of them. Had a lot of fun btw. Especially when the first one tried to bite the blade and ended up with his head split in 2 lmao

As someone who doesn't know the slightest thing about dogs, are they really safe? They always look like they're ready to bite someone.
I'm baffled by people who can stay near killing machines like or that could change their mind at any time and tear your arm. I feel safer without a pitbull than I would with a pitbull.

"hello i dont know how to greentext"

>be me
>this asshole 2 streets away always lets his dog run around time to time with no guard or anything
>fleabag just run from cars to cars, pissing up everything and goes everywhere he can
>1 morning as it's making it's routine patrol I shoot him with my air rifle right in the gut
>make a loud yelping sound as it runs away
>havent seen the fucker since

That sound more like what I would expect from Mexico. Are you sure your flag isn't broken?

>Be nu-male
>Get pitbull
>"Hurr durr it's all about how you raise the dog!"
>Awwww look at cute little doggo!
>Raise dog
>Dog gets big and strong
>Whoo boy my wittle pittie wouldn't hurt a fly
>Meet fake dyke hambeast
>"It's what's inside that counts!"
>Have child out of wedlock
>Not sure if it's mine but I will love it as my own because "it's all about how you raise them!"
>One day my girlfriend's son is playing with pitdoggo
>My girlfriend's son makes a funny move the pit doesn't like
>Pit tears out my girlfriend's son's throat
>Pit bull gets put down
>"Why?! Why God?! Why?! Why would such a gentle creature do this?!"
>Look up history of pitbulls
>Read they were originally bred to fight fucking bulls and fucking bears in the ring for underground gambling in Elizabethan England
>Literally bred to fight fucking bulls and fucking bears from its very foundation as a species
>Still don't understand
>"It'''s...all about how you raise them..."
>Keep reading
>This practice lasted for 250 years
>250 years before it was stopped
>250 years of breeding to fight fucking bulls and fucking bears
>Bull and Bear and Pit bull fights are finally outlawed
>But they can't stop gambling
>"Fuck it dog fights are easier to conceal than fucking bull and fucking bear fights anyway"
>Keep breeding for dog fights and underground gambling for the next 180 years or so to present day
>Insurance companies have started saying fuck it hell no we're not insuring these fucking beasts
>"It'''s...all about"
>Girlfriend leaves me for black man
>Cry alone in apartment
>See article about homosexuality is a sin
>Go to comment section
>"Hurr durr gay people are born! It's not a choice! It's in their blood! Their DNA!"
>Kill self by 40

Thanks for teaching me what a Kershaw Leek is. I learn something new every day.

It's not the owner, Pitbulls are just nigger dogs.

in every state

Uncommon pasta, but yes, still pasta.


Beaners only ever own 2 types of dogs

The Mexcrement males get pit bulls

The females get chihuahuas

I have one of these doggos and can confirm they are supreme doggo race. Though mine is a girl and not nearly that large. When I go back to Turkey I plan on getting 1 or 2 boys.

>>Literally bred to fight fucking bulls and fucking bears from its very foundation as a species
>implying bulldogs were not bred to fight bulls.
>implying bulldogs are satan because they were bred to fight.

>implying bulldogs have the same shit reputation as pits.

It's a shame your country is pissing on ataturks legacy right now and spending all the Civ points on the islam tree.

This thing should be put down
And I'm not talking about the dog

What the fuck is with the one guy on Sup Forums who makes up these stupid stories out of his irrational hatred of pitbulls. Did a pitbull fuck your wife?

nigger, if they were serious about banning islam they wouldnt have a moon on their flag

silly scandinavic fuckboy

>Why do spics make the worst pet owners?

Bc gringos are maricas

best pit bull defense is either hammer to the skull or blade to the rib cage, nasty shits don't put up too much fuss after that

a shame that we allowed sub humans to ruin the white man's dog

lol shut the fuck up sweden you don't know what you're talking about. shame your country is pissing on Gustav Adolf's legacy and spending all your civ points on the cuckoldry tree.

Muslims don't hate dogs they just consider them dirty because they eat shit and stuff
But they are allowed to own one if the dog lives outside in doghousw and not in the home

they're not super loyal as in they change ownership easily

but I agree, ban minorities, limit their number of legally allowed offspring


stopped reading there :)

I read the that ramming your thumb into it's eye socket will force him to let go of you.

>implying the modern bulldog is the same as the old bulldog
>implying certain breeds of the American Bulldog aren't in the same class as Pitbulls

Everyone here who isn't some bolivian-paraguayan mongrel hates pitbulls.
You are right about them sucking as owners however. Half the people I know would get their pets taken away if anyone found out the conditions they live in.

>why do the muslims hate the best animal?
Because they are the worst kind of peple? But serious answer is again arabs and their culture. They think they are "impure" or "dirty". So you can hear them giving irrelevant excuses about termites or other kind of shit. If I wasn't living in an small apartment I would own a kangal dog.
You can trust your own dogs more than your friends user but dogs of strangers like gang members or that kind of people is another story. Dogs without owners in the streets are almost always more afraid than you.
They are beautiful creatures. They would die for their owners or families without thinking.
I know. You can see the results on latest coup.
>attacking tanks with sticks
No user hardcore muslims legimately hates dogs. Some people are still trying to poison street dogs with food.

I know, ive been angry for years, living in this waking nightmare, ive gone numb long ago, need no yank to regurgitate the YES meme thank you.

If you took a minute to think and compare what Ataturks meant, did and tried down there you would reach a conclusion that he might've started the much needed Enlightenment of Shitslam, eventually allowing it to become old history just like any other religion in any other modern country right now.

Also i shouldnt speak about shame when half of your country laid their vote on Shitlery.

>If I wasn't living in an small apartment I would own a kangal dog.

some Turks are alright.

also some large dogs adapt well to apartment living because they're so lazy, kangals seem like work dogs so they might not be as lazy, but definitely check friend.

I served in the army as a cynologist working with war dogs.
Pitbulls, rottweilers, caucasian ovcharkas and some other breads should be 100% restricted to only people with special training.
The shit they can do if they're not properly trained and maintained is no joke. Letting people without special education buy them is like selling grenades to children. Its only a matter of time when it will end badly. Not only for general public but also for the owners.
Leashes and muzzles often fail and they're not enough to contain badly raised dangerous bread. For some of the most angry dogs we had to use exclusively chains and metal muzzles, because they would destroy everything else and that was with decently trained dogs.

>>attacking tanks with sticks
holy fuck that's stupid.

at least try to make some pressure cooker IEDs


Buy or make a club and mangle the fucker next time before it hurts the little doggos

>breeds ofc, not breads lol

because being having a good pet requires lots of work.
>regular exercise
>early exposure to strangers
this is why retarded mexicans shouldnt be allowed to own animals, especially pits. they keep those things in a house/backyard or even sometimes chained all day and give them little to no training (for the most part) and then when the dog loses its mind it is everyone elses fault. seriously, have you ever seen a cholo taking their dog for a walk? even blacks do it.

the fuck is that black thing?

looks very ouchie

>shovel spear
>crutch axe

are you a mestizo?

Yes you shouldn't speak about shame considering 90% of your country would have voted for her.

There's plenty of scarier dogs that can actually be trained to be useful. The Caucasian Ovcharka for instance has been bredto not feel pain, has a coat thats as thick as bear hide (which they are trained to hunt) and a bit and strong intellect. The Russian military uses these.

The Sicilian Mastiff is almost as good.

The pitbull is just a dog bred to be violent can't be trained to fulfill basic duties and has been known to kill its owners. Its a fucking nigger dog

working replica of a gunstock warclub.


now I want 1

Niggers and spics are the worst. They have terrible taste in everything, they breed horrible kids and make lousy pet owners.

>Op tells the story of a put bull
>Blames it on beaners
