Can someone explain why Trump is trying so hard to stop the recount?
What does he have to lose?
Can someone explain why Trump is trying so hard to stop the recount?
What does he have to lose?
>trump allies
aka not trump
Getting screwed out of the presidency by dem-friendly counters and hanging chads?
would you? we all know what they will try and it will involve 1000s of "missing" dnc votes outta nowhere
why give them a chance to rig it?
why allow them to keep giving false hope thus dragging on the healing process?
The counts won't be finished by Dec 13 so those delegates won't count.
The Michigan recount will cost us MI taxpayers up to $20 million dollars. The money will be taken from the account used to fix the lead in the flint water supply. I'm not kidding.
they're trying to save the left from another embarrassing defeat
constitutional crisis
What if the recounts are stalled until the electoral college votes ? Who wins then ?
The problem I have is that they are doing the recounts as slowly as possible, the whole idea isn't to change the counts but just to keep alive the hope Clinton can win long-term and stop people accepting him.
This should either be sped up or stopped because there is no evidence of wrongdoing at all.
Their plan isn't to get more votes. The recount in WI has gotten Hillary a massive single vote.
They are insisting it's done by hand so that they stall it out and then those electors aren't counted.
Shill Stein admitted she has no evidence of wrong doing in Michigan, the recount would cost the state more than $5 million and not return a verdict that Trump cheated.