Are we the Darkside Sup Forums?

It seems to me that of this dichotomy (gray Jedi excluded) Sup Forums falls closer to Sith, however it does fall even closer to the Galactic Empire and even The First Order.

Obviously the writers tried to make it black and white with good an even, but what they created were a group of secular religious (spirituality IE The Force) fanatics that sought to kill all those who thought differently or independently.

After Luke is introduced the whole thing becomes muddy as he claims to be a Jedi but he uses his anger against his enemies which means he is stepping toward the Darkside.

Theoretically is Sup Forums the Darkside?

>implying the sith are the bad guys

obv you'd think that you rebel sympathizing cuck.

ALLLLLL starwars movies from 1-7 have been nothing but rebel alliance propaganda. Ofc they won't show you the order and prosperity the empire maintains.

kek Sup Forums wishes they were the dark side.
bunch of neckbeard losers pretending they are nazis and how they want to purge degeneracy.

>>implying the sith are the bad guys
Actually I'm not implying that. The narrative of the series is that, but it contradicts itself given that the Jedi purged anyone that thought differently.

The Sith did not care what anyone believed, it was all merit. If you believed that HooHoo the buttfag would give you divine power, then prove it.

>neckbeard losers
This isn't Sup Forums. Check out the threads about gun control, you see some pricey stuff. Meme as you might, its only partially true here whereas neckbeards have hegemony in Sup Forums post MLP.

Returning to Sith.

Their crystals are synthetic, which indicates that they prefer STEM over "muh feels" to attain their weapons.

man is that pic retarded and triggers autism
jedi have emotion and if there is no emotion its same as endless darkness
constant ignorance of the force, only "muh noob force lmao" shit. sith had far more knowledge
>no passion
jedi had passion for something, peace of whatever. without passion, might as well kill yourself, instead of forcing others to bend to your idiotic "dude weed lmao" attitude
when jedi is in power there is constant chaos and denegracy, but they keep ignoring it like its no big dead that it eats up everything eventually
what the fuck is this bullshit, when everything is supposedly carry force

clearly right side is redpill, they talk about as in the point of view of the "dude weed lmao"s

also gray jedi are the biggest cucks of all

>i'm a centrist!
>the only good side is the one that takes the middle ground between extremes! exx Dee!

Pol is the darkside because it embraces things as they are instead of pretending things like race doesn't exist.

Sup Forums is the empire.

We want the human race to supersede all boundaries and take massive leap advancements

No real life ideology represents itself like the sith order

The sith seek power through emotion, chaos, murder and wealth. The ultimate goal of the sith was complete domination of anything that would even dare stand against them (the jedi)

Star wars is the underlying factions sith and jedi who hijack goverments to fugill tehir ideologies

Islam and chrisianity are a good example but are complete different from jedi and sith

Even after palpatine conquered the galexy he was upset, no longer was he doing what he wanted. Sidious was a conquerer, warlord and scholar. After he empire rose to power completely, he was dis satisfied and often contemplated his life had he not slayn his master

Sidious did not like being the emperor thats why the moffs were intoduced, so they can govern while he studies

>so they can govern while he studies

gonna need a source on that

Look up any starwars continuity, sidious sought to complete his mentors research

Sup Forums is the weequay pirate band

>star wars is a serious reflection of reality


Reminder that Yedi are literally Jews and that Star Wars is history of Good Guys losing to the barbaric rebelion that destroyed the greatest thing in galaxy.

Also, if you are Christian you cannot not be Sith due the fact that Jesus and co. were sith as fuck and if I would be bishop I could easily excommunicated you for being cryptojudaizing quasimason.

Fuck Hollywood and fuck Jew Wars. Stop giving your money to these pedo fucking parasites.

The point was that it IS NOT retard

The Jedi are the KGB, and the only way they could make the empire look "evil" in relation is having the BLACK MASK WEARING LEADER literally strangle a guy for NO REASON in the opening scene.

The empire was right.

Daily reminder that in a falaxybof inconceivable horror and hostile alien beasts the empire literally did nothing wrong.

Jedi order: unelected warrior class that has power of judge jury and executioner, plus diplomatic power wholly independent of oversight from the republic

Empire: strict power structure trying to maintain peace and order over trillions of citizens


If you consider that the sith is all about accepting your human part, knowing that you are not a machine capable of denying your emotions then yes christians are siths.
The only problem is that most of the history of star wars is about the siths being "muh I'm evil lol", the true dark side is when you see force users acting like real human beings, capable of caring of others, thinking abou the society problems, having emotions etc

The jedis on the other end are just extremists ascetics, you cannot force thousand of people of being just like Buddha and they are also highly intolerant against force users that aren't members of the jedi order

(Changing subject to the Empire)

The empire was actually a stable economically good system, it brang order and control into a HUGE seemingly uncontrollable GALAXY. That's impressive, something that the Republic could not do.

The rebels in Star Wars are actually Terrorists, After they plummeted the galaxy into a economic crash (By defeating the empire) They established the New Republic

And you saw how well the New Republic went.

The empire were actually the good guys

Yeah based on the new movies it looks like Luke just plunged the galaxy into a futuristic dark ages overrun with competing warlords and complete chaos and death

we fighting against evil that mask as good, we dont want to harm, only to save us everyone and no accept agresive and dangerous people like musks....

in the legend the death of Palpatine lead to a gigantic civil war that lasted for decades, in fact peace arrived only 60 years after the destruction of the first death star, and it was all for nothing since the new republic became very quickly corrupted and inefficient

>in the legend the death of Palpatine lead to a gigantic civil war that lasted for decades

Between who? Who were the two factions in civil war AFTER the Galactic Civil War?

Well I just recapitulated very quickly the situation, in fact after the civil war there is a massive alien invasion that killed countless billions of people and destructed many planets (coruscant included) then there was a sith that took over the remnants of the empire and attacked the rest of the galaxy with great success (in fact the republic had almost to hide if I'm correct and ally with the loyalists of the previous emperor of the remnants, so technically it's another civil war) and tutti quanti

So to make it simple, the rebel alliance killed trillions of people by opposing Palpatine

Ah yeah the yuuzhan vong war, right. forgot about that, you're not wrong. yuuzhan vong were like the reason why Thrawn joined the empire.

Anyway, the Empire was right and based, they dindu nuffin wrong and Tarkin is basically a Sup Forums's user

>tmw you realize Palpatine was trying to prevent the yuuzhan vong from going apeshit on the galaxy the entire time and feared their arrival
>luke and his terrorist friends killed him and fucked the galaxy

Don't forget Thrawn aswell, Thrawn is like the ultimate red-pill

It really is.

>a small elite able to make you believe anything
>subjugates galaxy under the guise of peace
>create corrupt as fuck government unable to do
>discourages innovation because you're scared people will make weapons(proof : the ships that you see in episode 1 are the same ships the OLD FUCKING REPUBLIC HAD)

>be sith
>expose the oppression of the jedi and the unjust taxation by the republic doesn't even yield protection (couldn't even retaliate against a corporation when it decided to take over a sovereign planet)
>all hell breaks loose and jedi are in non-stop damage control

>release movie after movie showing the sith and the empire doing bad shit

>the sith started a galactic war for independence (the sith could not have started this war if they didn't have a coalition of pissed off star systems.)

>death star blows up alderaan (2 billion people killed in a galaxy of 400 TRILLION, cry me a fucking river).

I'm sure you can draw the parallels. The jedi are sjw liberals with no sense of irony or morality for that matter. They view the sith as evil, but fail to see the misery they themselves have wrought since the old republic.

Yeah, he is honorary white (in fact it's one of my favorite characters, he isn't into all of that force use bullshit, pure machiavelian character (not machiavelic there is a difference about it, at least in france). He is a man that deserved to rule, truly

Palpatine dindu nuffin wrong, the balance of the force was indeed brought by Anakin by killing the so called peace keepers and crushing the republic, the empire was peaceful, prosper, stable and uncorrupted, something that never occured before in the history and indeed Palpatine was in fact preparing the galaxy for the yuuzhan vongs by making those shit tons of star destroyers and death stars

Sith Code:
>Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
>Through passion, I gain strength.
>Through strength, I gain power.
>Through power, I gain victory.
>Through victory, my chains are broken.
>The Force shall free me.

Jedi Code:
>There is no emotion, there is peace.
>There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
>There is no passion, there is serenity.
>There is no chaos, there is harmony.
>There is no death, there is the Force

They both sound like deluded faggots. Jedi special snowflakes, Sith spirit cookers.

Sup Forums are like sand people, we attack then return in greater numbers, we live on the edge of the star system, wild wild west Mos Eisley rif-raf

You mean peace lasted up until the destruction of the first death star?

Before that the rebel alliance was a minor nuisance. Did the empire oppress a few people? Sure it did, but justifying the destruction of the empire because a few minorities cry foul is something only the jedi would think as rational.

Fucking hell, even Luke liked them enough to consider joining the imperial academy before jedi cuck obi wan convinced him otherwise.

FYI, after palpatine died the yu zong vong invaded and killed trillions of people. Something that would never have happened if the empire were still around and had deathstars :^)

This, you understand everything if you understand that the balance of the force that Anakin was supposed to brought wasn't about the light side vs the dark side (because the force has no side, it simply exists) but between chaos and order

the jedi were the bad guys if you exclude the fact that lucas arts made almost every siths completely psychos (but Palpatine wasn't one of them)

They should have left Revan and the Exile canon and let them return with the Star Forge after Palpatine's death to fuck shit up in an all out intergalactic war along with the new Jedi Order.

Instead now we just have a bunch of SJW pussies, muh stronk woman who don't need no man,a token negro, an edgy cuck who would rock if he was as half as manly as one single Revan's pubic hair
What a shitshow, fucking Disney hope they go bankrupt

Peace lasted more or less until Yahvin IV yup, there was a few harsh repressions of systems ruled by sjw thinking that they could overthrown the empire by themselves (Naboo... kek) but yeah, there was peace, the rebels fucked up that because muh my tentacles wife's son

The first order is also based but the films are biased, they are supposed to be the bad guys and therefor lose at the end
even in the films the new republic is corrupted, inefficient and incapable of enforcing peace and stability in its worlds

>first order is based
Fucking lmao, bunch of cucks

No, pol is Whiteside.

White Power!

the film makes them a little edgy with kilo ren (please kill him) and a fucking irish anglo as one of the main generals, but the ideology behing the first order is based, almost even more than the original empire

the galactic empire mirrors america perfectly

>both displaced indigenous people
>both came out on top in a great war
>both innovate technology at light fucking speed
>both create untold prosperity and safety for all
>as long as you don't try to fuck up anything, you'll be ok

>suddenly a great calamity occurs in the empire

>disgusting rebel alliance get lucky as fuck and BTFO deathstar
>disgusting sand niggers that don't like america get lucky as fuck and cause 9/11

>disgusting rebel alliance gains allies that suddenly remember "OH YA THE EMPIRE, YA THEY'RE SO EVIL N SHIT"
>cause absolute fucking mayhem throughout the galaxy because "we can do better!".

>disgusting sand niggers gain sjw liberal support because they remember Islam is a religion of peace and the nice minorities who dindu nuffin will surely remain peaceful once the whitemale empire of america is abolished.

You see where I'm going with this.

Also: star wars is bullshit. Don't waste a single minute on that. And just like in Harry Potter, EVIL is always presented as a ridiculous form of distorted stoicism. Of course to shit on our own culture.


Funny thing is that according to the empire, the aliens are basically niggers

They say that they cannot govern by themselves and are likely to chimp out and creating mayhem for no reasons

kek, hutt lifes matter

>Funny thing is that according to the empire, the aliens are basically niggers

The people within the ranks of the empire just notice that aliens don't perform as well as humans, in everything. However, they never had a problem allowing aliens that did perform to the standards of humans to join their ranks.

Fucking hell, they even had an alien at the head of the galactic military at one point (RIP Based Thrawn).

>mfw Thrawn is literally Colin Powell

Kylo is the best character, he's hillarously emo, everyone else is pretty boring.

Kylo is to the sith what nu-males are to nordic vikings.

Let that sink in.

They did surprisingly well for him, hey couldn't beat Vader so instead they took that problem and made it the villains ark

Pretty good DESU

But in general the only good Star Wars stories for the last 30 years have been books and bioware

I'm not looking to the Star Wars films for role models.

Yeah the characters are lame and the plot is basically star wars 4

b-but u kept shootin

They are also promoting patriarchy but have no problem allowing women having important ranks if competents, basically redpilled society

I just wish he had said "Psssh, nothin personnel dad".

Do Sith do it for the lulz? If no then no, Sup Forums is not Sithish.

>"if the empire isn't sexist why isn't the empire 50-50 men and women for the officer corp?"

>"because like in our reality most militaries are made of men, however this doesn't mean women can't join if they are as capable"

>"but that's still sexist"


Another thread a while back was saying in some books (before (((Disney))) called everything non canon) that the empire was actually getting ready to face some insane life forms and that because the rebels crippled the empire they were wide open for attack, and that there were a large force of star destroyers fighting these life forms.

Sorry for inaccuracy or maybe even wrong vague details, but it sounded interesting. Would like to know what books they were of anyone manages to understand what I'm talking about.

That was he storyline of the expanded universe books

Yu Zong Vong?

Possibru, another user said it's extended universe books so idk if that's ALL of them or a few.

You got book names? All of expanded universe? I'd like to read them.

>The only problem is that most of the history of star wars is about the siths being "muh I'm evil lol"
There are hiden lore of Siths or something that shows that Siths were right for the whole time. I don't know, I've read it long time ago.

like darth marr ?

Man, if you could harness both of them...

Turns out yes, my boss is a huge SW fan and when I mentioned them, it all made sense. Thanks user!!!

>death star blows up alderaan (2 billion people killed in a galaxy of 400 TRILLION, cry me a fucking river).
For a reference: in current Earth scale it would be 35000 people.
Dunno. I would have to read at least wiki again to remind it and since Disney bought it I have no interest in it.

>Are we the Darkside Sup Forums?

No, we are the light side.

Stop posting this bullshit already, it's not even politics.

This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but for a lot of the movies the Sith felt more reasonable to me. Seems they had more practical and HONEST solutions, wheras the Jedi claimed to be fair to all the people and that their way was best. It's an arrogance that I have come to associate with the left. Its like "they go low, we go high". But how, exactly, do you go high?