Hawking says you're fat

Stephen Hawking weighs on in obesity crisis, saying "we eat too much and move too little"

>Stephen Hawking

What did he mean by this?

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stephen hawking is a moron


"beep boop I'm a robot"
wtf is this guy's problem?

Fuck him. This shitlord doesn't know my journey.

Why should I care what some cripple thinks of me?

I pay no attention to him and it's so obvious that he's a faggot.

We should give him a wedgy

screw attack special

Hawking vs boogie 2987230562736-236

>move too little

> Confined to a wheelchair
> Can't speak or move his hands at all
> Still manages to be more productive

I guess if he's a moron then you must be a pile of shit.

The amount of people who can actually decipher what he's trying to say is so little, that at this point, it is pointless to trust that anything he says is from him and not some organization looking to benefit from his status.

Hawking has been brain dead for a long time. His robot chair calls the shots now

Steven Hawking is not 'we' with anyone.

Ironic, coming from him.

Don't know why this made me kek so much but it did

>all these fat shills trying to talk shit about based Steven hawkings
>they're all American

Who would've guessed

I don't see the issue, fatties need to learn their lesson.
Hawking is right, crippled or not.


Aussie posts are worth their weight in gold these days

>being such a fatass that even immobile people criticize you for moving too little
has amurika gone too far?

just push him

Remind me what the title was, of Professor Hawking's most important paper on physiology.

and then just touch him

Stephen hawking was an athlete in college

till he can get his

Even hawking moves around more than your average amerishart, who spends the majority of the day glued to their couches via the shitcrust

>move too little

wow, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, Stephen...

I eat too little and move too little. I'm practically a shut in and weigh 8.5st.

It doesn't take much to stay thin, it amazes me how fat people get.

What's up with his bottom teeth? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to simple have them removed instead of looking weird af?

>All these triggered murrifats

Yeah, because being a quadrapelegic cripple is the same thing as being a fat fuck. Burgers truly are pathetic


amerifats won't defend that


At least we can actually pick up food and eat it

This made me fuckin spill my lollies

good show ol chap

Quads of truth

Robospaz is a bit of a twat


That even a completely paralyzed man is fitter than you.

>people are getting obese, having major health problems
>le science bot decides to, rather than start or give support to a program to help this issue, instead just say "ppl are 2 fat and i dont know why :/Users/Steve/chairbot/main.cpp:10:22: error: invalid statement or unescaped character "("






Is actually the first prototype AI they have been testing for years.


Were going to hell.



Has anyone here ever met a fat person they respect?

The only one's I've met have lacked self-awareness (playing their music / TV real loud), have no self-discipline or moral standards and are generally not nice people to be around. My fat uncle has a thyroid problem and he's a cool guy, but otherwise I literally don't waste my time with these "people"

false equivelancy


it was called "hnnnnnng: hurrrrrrr"

You know he doesn't really say/type/blork any of the shit that comes out of his speaker right?
(((((They)))) script all of his horseshit and input it into his machine and then roll him out on stage and press play.

he's projecting

Notice how he's not fat, burger? He's doing one of those things better than how you're doing at both. You poorly educated fat pile of shit and piss.

Before his disease Stephen Hawking was a collegiate athlete. I'll bet he misses being active and resents fat people for squandering their health. Here he is, imprisoned within his own body, forever trapped in a wheelchair and he sees fatlords using mart carts and scooters because walking is too tiring. Were I him I'd demand to have my computer have an angry screech noise just so I could express my hate whenever I encountered a fat.

How dare you make fun of cyborg-americans!! As a trans-cyborg I am deeply offended.

This post shouldn't be this funny

e v e r y t i m e


>americans calling americans "burgers"


I would be pissed too watching fat fucks eat themselves onto electric meat mobiles so they can get even fatter.




God, fuck off. Enjoy paying a trillion dollars for your next checkup. Btw we have private healthcare too

Stephen Hawking isn't real. He's a vegetative invalid in a radio controlled wheelchair, and his handlers just type silly things into a laptop that for some reason people think Hawking is saying because it's in that meme computer voice. He hasn't had an actual cognitive thought in almost 2 decades.

lets face facts. Being a fat fuck is just as bad as being a nigger. Can hardly work, a drain on society, and fucks over innocent people. Fuck fat people.

He has been dead for years. That's just a wax dummy.

When is the last time this fucker went jogging?

Could someone just roll him down a fucking boat launch already?

Fucking christ, I'm getting sick of his shit.

I wanted to go fuck with dinosaurs, and he's no closer to doing that now than ever.

Like Hawking is at the gym 5 days a week or something.

Shut up steven… just because you have great genetics, doesn't mean you have to disparage us fatties.

There really shouldn't be a food trolly, though. You wouldn't bring around heroine on a trolly for the people in rehab, would you?

He can go from 0 to 60mph in 3 seconds. What about you, faggot?

why the butthurt? he's right

Just because Brits have the same teeth as Hawking doesn't mean he's one of you.

What's that even supposed to mean? He is British

At least he was able to maintain that winning British smile in his deteriorated condition.

He's only jealous of Fat people master race cause he can't chew.
He should theorize himself a better body, desu.


This would be true if he was in some fat camp or weight loss clinic. He's at a hospital. A regular hospital. They're letting that fat sack of shit consume valuable time and energy. He's in a hospital bed for being fat, sitting next to people who are injured or ill. Should those people be denied a snack cart simply because Fatfuck McWidelord can't stop stuffing his fat fucking face?

>Steven Hawking

Steven Hawking is a self reitious prick.

He's right. On average we live a much more sedentary lifestyle than our ancestors. We eat a lot and never burn it off, hence the obesity problem.

Stephen Hoaxings

He is a braindead since decades


Under rated post

He means that practically all of us don't use our bodies as our evolution has designed them to be used

blah blah blah space bs thats really not needed smart lol