Ireland votes to legalise medicinal cannabis

Ireland votes to legalise medicinal cannabis
>The bill seeks to legalise and regulate cannabis products for those suffering serious illnesses like cancer, multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia, as well as people who live with chronic pain.

Fug m8s, fags, abortion, weed, we're getting it from the globalists at all angles.

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Weed isn't from globalist you idiot. Pharmaceuticals are which weed replaces and can easily be grown in your own backyard

So now they'll be drunk AND stoned all the time. Get ready for the potato famine 2.0

>hurr durr we shouldn't help people who suffer


Heyy that flag looks pretty cool with a leaf on it ;^)

ay bro pass the joint *takes a toke* did you know weed cures cancer *coughs up black tar* good shitbro!

they suffer because it is part of God's plan.

God's plan unravels itself through our free will, let them smoke a doobie if that's what they want to do, they deserve it tbf

it makes you dumb.

narcotics are legal down there m8.

you cunts are prescribed alot more than weed. buncha junky pillheads, not like up north where we're all upright godfearing british folk.

you say this ironically ?

the UK is the biggest weed place outside of the USA


Fuck god. Man was placed here to defy him

Lol look at the louts in this

*tips fedora*

Would you have that opinion if you were the one suffering? I think not.

Only someone with absolutely zero empathy could have an opinion like yours

I, too, like strawmen. I'll build one in your image as an effigy to burn.

>muh feels

by that logic you should let out all the paedophiles because they are suffering in jail

Ireland sold out along time ago. They've been in the pockets of Globalist from the get go. Be happy your economy will never fail because your a tax haven

Thank you god, gib me dat weed.
Better than Irish society and normies.

it helps a fuckton to dull the pain when you pull a muscle

but yes goyim, keep taking opiates and buying tylenol