Did he do anything RIGHT?

Did he do anything RIGHT?

Other urls found in this thread:


Opened up oil reserves.

Like all niggers, he got us into more debt.


He deported millions of illegals.

He proved he was unable to run a country.

Caused the pendulum to swing far to the right at speeds no one thought possible.

He loved vaporizing sandniggers

he got bin laden!! oh...wait, what? you mean the military was already doing that before he got in office?

well he fixed the economy!!! oh shit no way!? you mean it was recovering on it's own and his actions actually slowed the recovery

we he made it so americans have access to affordable healthcare! ...you've gotta be kidding me, you mean healthcare is more expensive than ever and about to sharply spike in cost next year?

at least he was able to bring unemployment down to record lows. Hol up! what do you mean people leaving the work force en masse and part time jobs get calculated into that number?

no. on top of that he did things on purpose to fuck things up.

He made Trump possible.

He became thr first black president and that's about it

He made Trump possible


Just wait till Trump's done, Obama's debt will look like child's play..

He killed the Democratic Party.

Normalizing relations with Cuba was long overdue. I like this.

I love how the current liberal line on this guy was "well at least he had no personal scandals", as if that alone makes him a great president and not just simply an alright guy in his personal life.

He unintentionally redpilled Americans into never voting for another black man again.

Lol didn't the KKK or some other low-tier white supremacy movement endorse Obama specifically because they hoped that'd happen? Props to those boys

Michelle is carrying left, as most of us do, so when he's giving service, he's swaying right.

> it was recovering on it's own and his actions
Bullshit, we were losing jobs faster than during the Great Depression when he took office..
>made it so americans have access to affordable healthcare!
His original plan would have but the lobby controlled congress watered it down and fucked it up. Besides, last time I checked, Congress passes the laws, not the president.

He wasn't perfect but he was handed a shit sandwich and didn't do too bad of a job with it. We didn't expand any wars, we didn't fall off an economic cliff. Was he great? But he wasn't too bad.

He did his best to bring our country to it's knees.

While the Castro-sycophant media cheered him on.

he inspired the first soldiers of the 4th reich to wake up


Made the Paris Agreement enter into force right before the elections.
Any country must wait 3 years after its first entry in force for them before asking to leave :^)

>Flipped House
>Flipped Senate
>Flipped SCOTUS
>Flipped POTUS


>We didn't expand any wars, we didn't fall off an economic cliff
you are in the stain reality right now, not the stein reality

welcome aboard

This. Thanks, Obama!

Unironically: the Iran deal
fight me

Didn't know about that.

Also the Auto Bailout

Also Killing Bin Ladin

Also healthcare

Also education

>corporate welfare
>anyone who doesn't have one foot in the grave now pays 3x as much and has a way higher deductible for the same/worse coverage
>muh common core, which according to the architect is focused more on ending white privilege than imparting knowledge

The Iran deal. I fucking swear if Trump let's his kikes touch that I'll be fuming