EyEs WiDe OpEn /EWO/

November 23rd: Norway cracks down on child trafficking pedophile ring
November 29th: Canada cracks down on child trafficking pedophile ring

>Pizzagate - Washington DC Child Sex Trafficking.zip Download


>Archive keyword EWO

@jimmyomet @werkinmahnightcheese @brockjpierce amanda kleinman, tamera luzzatto, Monica Petersen [RIP] Andrew Breitbart [RIP]
David Mcgowan: programmed to kill

Other urls found in this thread:




Why are you writing like a 13 year-old kid striving to find some cool gamer tag?


"Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie." -Miyamoto Musashi

ten shkelim for the good goy.

You still haven't given me the XxAnSw3RxX, mate.



>Mid-2016 feds raid
>Loren Copp, the Dojo Pizza owner targeted in a long-running criminal investigation, was arrested Thursday afternoon on charges of producing child pornography.
What is up with pedophile pizza owners??

I made some OC comedy

We all need a laugh or else we'll lose our minds


Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.

Thanks for bumping the thread

Guys I've sifted through all my files and I can't find it in wikileaks, does anyone have that picture of Podesta sitting in the car with this symbol on his face?

>pic related

was part of a bike race or some shit



that isn't anyone's face.

you can get the zipped file and lurk.


See: OP

Fuckin Bump
Thank God you are still here, I thought the mods banned this gen.

No they just die so fast because this shit is too depressing for Sup Forums they'd rather shitpost






is it a sperm? seems like a leaf (top-left) ??

nvm it was a very close symbol, almost tho lol

how do i get adderall so i can unleash the full potential of my autism

Bump and pic related Japan + Podesta

It's a tadpole retard


Sup Forums related victories to boost morale should be in these threads

do not give into the pharma jew, eat some fruit for energy my son..

Japs are the most ancient race nation by 1000 years, listen to them

Also watch Westworld to understand how we are all hosts

im addicted to 4 of the 7....

am i lost?

lately i feel like my brain is all fogged over and i can't bring myself to focus on anything properly

also i've been sleeping like 12 hours a day

Most humans choose to live a lie


There is an extremely destructive disgenics plan happening in Japan right now. Check out Passio's video above, Mark might be the most red pilled and effective weaponized autism this world has seen.

never seen that. source, Sir?

no matter if FAKE NEWS, false leads and constant debumping from mods.

no matter... there's a lot to find. (((They))) are a big group, an eterogeneous group, so the leads are alot and we get them.

One by one.

No U. just stay with the classic green face. these adaptaions are real cancer, sorry.



go to attachments, its IMG_7611.JPG

They are trying to eliminate the Japanese ancient genetics and knowledge. As long as they keep their borders closed hopefully they can stop their people from regressing too far. Humanity needs them especially.

eddie savitz

i wanna die

i think my brain is getting taken over by the jews

A good vid


thanks dawg i needed that

time to order some helium