How does it feel to be non white?


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I've been white in non-white majority countries before.
Sure whatever remarks I got concerning my whiteness were nothing but praise and a pregnant lady pinched my skin so that her child would be white also, but I was still singled out.


Its only Americans that think 9/11 was an inside job

Go to any Muslim country and they know it was them

it's not bad, really

might feel a little guilty when older white woman are afraid of me, a 28 yr old virgin harmless anime neet

primitives will either worship you or make you a taboo...

They're literally shaking right now, or so I understand it.

Well I'm half. If we trace my father's ancestors they go back to France and Spain, and even further they come from Scandinavia or central Europe.

I have it pretty good.

>pincher my skin
How the fuck did she steal your skin

Why do so many female descendants of nazis racemix with shitskins?

He joined the US Army in the seventies and was moving all over the place, eventually landing in West Germany. They both worked on computers together and things just took off from there. Still together, nearly thirty years later.


I wouldn't know, my family has only German, Swedish and Finnish blood.
>inb4 Finns aren't white
Whiter than Portugal

>Be me

It's actually pretty neat.

how do you look like? color hair? eyes? skin tone?

>Go to any Muslim country and they know it was them

No, they just wish they could pull something like that off.

>inferior native American blood in my veins


I have a pale skin tone and mostly White-ish eyes, but I have dark hair, brown eyes, and at this time, facial hair.
Strangely though, everyone says I sound British.

Feels great not being an ISIS target

Pretty good, I like being Asian.

Aren't all americans a racemix with shitskins?

Nice ombre hair dye.

Sure, Muslims did WTC.

Portugal helped your country in the 40's with tons of clothes and food

Could post a picture if you want.

Nice meme. Now back that claim up.

>a pregnant lady pinched my skin so that her child would be white also

Holy shit lol. That much self loathing.

do it faggot

And that has been pain in our ass since then
>Gib this gib that because we helped you
So did Swedes and we don't owe them anything. They also don't beg free shit.
Also, thanks for your flag :^)

You seriously believe Muslims are even capable of hijacking two planes and flying them into buildings without any possible obstacles you should have with the intelligence service and secret police?

That's actually a very nice story.

how are you white if you stole our oldest flag? kinda of a black thing to do

Here's me when I first started working as a Salesman a few years ago.

We just took what's rightfully ours. Do you have more lakes than you? No. Do you also have snow? No. This is what our flag represents.

>Do you have more lakes than you?
than us*

what the fuck is wrong with your hair

I'm half white and it's ok. Living and going to school in the south hasn't really made it worse as I thought it would. I kek'd at other minorities saying they're scared now because Donald's in office.

I have no idea. I was trying to comb it with water at the time and it just ended up like that.
It was taken about two years ago so my hair isn't like that anymore.


K Ahmed

>what's it like to be nonwhite?

I have brown eyes and light brown hair so I'm considered white by society due to my white skin but not by Sup Forums. Feels good either way, dark features look better on men, I mean your average blue eyed blond haired man bends over for Arab dick, just look at Sweden. They're the cuckiest cucks to ever cuck.

Sorry Scandicucks, but your women belong to the Anglo and Mediterranean. I culturally enrich my blonde haired blue eyed gf five nights a week and there's nothing you can do about it.

It's alright, I just don't like being 5'10

I have a big dick, affirmative action, people are afraid of being racist to me and I can stay hours under the sun without worry.
It's great actually

White people aren't fucking evil.

Pretty damn good desu.

>dark features look better on men
Healthy-looking suntan looks good on men. Brown eyes look like shit. Light eyes, dark hair and tan is what women are attracted to.

You're probably a pasty faggot.

Snow and Lakes? That's all you got? Sound like a pretty poor country culturally!


Being white rules.

>dark features look better on men

Only a literal faggot would say something like this.

>those 777s and jetfuel and civil engineers do not prove that planes shouldn't have been able to destroy the buildings that had been designed to withstand a plane in a way that mimicked a controlled demolition


Your ancestors are probably some black slave raped by portugues master... how does it feel

Bill Clinton was literally in bed with the Saudi's. See Huma Abedin.

Objectively they look better just like we both agree that being bald is considered unattractive. In the year 2016 being a blonde is a pretty feminine trait

Stop trying to find homosexuality in everything you closet fag

>not white

loving my lower suicide rates and my higher virility

half = 0% white

I can feel the butthurt through my screen

wouldn't know lad

shut up you fuck, we're talking about being shitskin not mentally challenged fuck like you

no idea

You're judging men's attractiveness and saying certain men look "objectively better" than others, and I'm the fag? Lulz.

It's not my fault you look like a fucking filthy wop or a turk, but tell yourself whatever you want to help you sleep at night

you seem nice, I don't even want to bring up that you look like a virgin

then how did two buildings that had been designed to stay up after a plane crash collapse entirely when two shitskins "stole 2 planes"

literally the only possible way is that is was done by whites and it was an inside job.


Good thing I've not an ounce of Blackness in me.
Thank you, you seem nice too!

you have no ideia what's you're missing boy

hello nevin

Courteous reminder that your best politician in a century and the best politician on the planet right now has brown eyes because he isn't an easily triggered cuck

I feel great, because

Feels fucking nice that I dont have any trouble like the whites have
White people are shit

T. Spic

it is because you got 5% portugues blood!? it is exciting


That flip cartoon was terrible

you don't have a race

Nice hair but are you white?

First of im not white, you should know this.
Also its bad, stop making shitty burgerclaps.

^ That should help.

I'm black and it's great to not be white, portu-fag..

>white problems
father bought me a 500$ phone and not a 700$ one

tugas no Sup Forums...
bro es de onde?

I am excited that a portuguese would go so far to try to feel superior to the glorious brazilian master race. [spoiler]I also love rape[/spoiler]

>stop making shitty burgerclaps.

We may be shitty but we're infinitely better than spics. We need white burgerclaps to protect the world from the real problem people of North America.

Your women still want white dick though

living in a country that need to create "Black Live Matter" because even the police hates blacks, go deal coke faggot

zona centro
só pa avacalhar o pessoal

>not white
colour me surprised

Well he is French, you know.

I wouldn't know.

>Its only Americans that think 9/11 was an inside job

KEK. Wrong, but here's (((your))) (You)

What are you trying to prove here

jet fuel cant melt steel beams cunt

Make sure you get your wife to pinch a white guy when you knock her up. Or the next best thing, knock up a white girl because your own women are too disgusting to have sex with

white problems > unpure problems

Got cucked kek.

It's fine. No liberal blames me for anything related to Trump, so I just have yet to exploit that. Plus, I'm not dark enough or dressed to look threatening.

If your nips aint pink you aint white

I feel inferior, but non-cucked at the same time.

>not dark enough to look threatening
you racist fuck

asians have a pretty pink nips

you don't have a race, just a mix of shitrace

Being slav is best. White without the degenerate anglo cuck genes.