Should only people with an IQ of 120 or higher be allowed to vote?
Should only people with an IQ of 120 or higher be allowed to vote?
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Of course not, you retard. Can you not imagine how the government would abuse that?
Landowners. Nobody else has skin in the game.
We tried that. It doesn't work.
Yes. Also, your lineage must have been US citizens for at least 5 generations.
Only people who have served in the military should be allowed to vote.
Trump would have been rekt.
A high iq is pointless if you're a faggot.
Someone has an IQ below 120.
who is the Swedish guy in that pic?
So according to your system basicly no one in my country is allowed to vote
High IQ doesn't mean that the person understands how the government is supposed to work. You should only be allowed to vote if you can show a working knowledge of how our government is supposed to work.
The founding fathers already tried that. It turns out that landowners can be dumbfucks just like anybody else. Being a land owner does not correlate with knowledge of how the government is supposed to work or why. I think that you'll fiind that a lot of low information voters today are also home owners.
Dr Alban.
it brought on the industrial revolution and modern technology
Id say it worked!
I think you should have to complete some kind of test that will allow you to vote that simply checks that you aren't a complete degenerate retard. The test should check that you actually know what you're voting for and what the parties stand for in their policies.
IQ isn't a measurement of knowledge so it's a bad indicator.
only when people with IQ below 120 have their manual labor jobs fully automated, and the rest of their lives fully funded so that they can die out in peace (on the condition that they dont reproduce). maybe thats too softhearted
This, imagine if only Jews and college educated people could vote
Only people who put the toilet paper roll so it goes over should be allowed to vote.
Only people not on welfare should be allowed to vote. Otherwise it is bribery by definition.
over 35, up to date on your taxes
The voting system is fine as it is.
The only problem is the mass media lying and propagandizing to the electorate.
IQ is more or less a fucking meme. Only good for stroking your irrelevant online ego, but it doesn't mean jack shit in the real world
People with a high IQ are normally unstable and with the emotions of a nooo
Any evidence for this?
I could vote. Hell, my lineage is only one state and much more than 5 generations.
Since you have no grasp on critical thinking you probably have a double digit IQ yourself
Being smart doesn't necessarily mean you're moral.
This, and that's the end of the discussion, peasants.
You utter barbarian......
Only white land owners.
the black guy is a quota hire with low iq
has produced nothing
no, the election results would expose all their lies about being liberal diversity-fanatics who hate the massive amount of money they've come into
>but it doesn't mean jack shit in the real world
Simply not true. Intelligent people, on average, commit less crime, earn more money, and live longer.
I think people with an IQ over 100, landowning, over 25, and 3rd generation American should be allowed to vote. That seems reasonable.
>you have no grasp on critical thinking
What makes you say this?
No. People with high IQs are naturally depressed, suicidal and hate society. Example me. I voted for Trump because he's an asshole and I hope he destroys America/the world.
Explain Steven hawking then?.....
If he were that clever he wouldn't be a cabbage
>needs college to be over 120 IQ
dumbass detected
Literally thousands of engineers physicists, and scientist's, yet you idiots worship a mediocre token black guy that media has shoved in your face. tsk tsk
You should only be allowed to vote (in Western countries) if:
You are white and own property
You are white and have/are raising a family of white children
You are white and have served in the military
You are white and have a college degree in a non-cucked field of study
All of this is conditional upon not following the teachings of Islam
Convicted felons and those with a lengthy, documented history of extreme degeneracy shall not be granted the privilege of voting.
2nd-degree Mischlings may be considered on a case by case basis.
>IQ of 120 or higher
>posts black guy
you're not doing it right
posted anime, therefore
dumb animeposter (emphasis on dumb)
Allow only white people to vote. That's it.
That's all your problems fixed right there.
I mentioned this in a thread yesterday.
Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of ~114, and have a higher percentage of people over 120 than any other races.
it won't work, because of that and the fact that "intellectuals" always vote left.
How about just not letting Jews vote?
No, only landowners that served in the military.
No, only the shareholders.
How about we just kill all the people that dont look or think like me.
ex pz problem solved you guys are idiots
I'm completely serious
If standards for voting were necessary, IQ wouldn't be my top priority. Voting rights should be earned. And you should deadlift at least 2x of your body weight.
Who tests IQ. Can you trust them? Are they libcucks? (yes)
nice opinions, dude. don'. change them when you grow up.
No, it should be 115 and higher
>t. IQ of 115
How about just not letting Jews live?
Well, why stop there? Let's apply, then you have to pay at least 200 000 SEK in taxes, because let's face it if you are not contributing to society then why should you be able to vote.
Then let's check your medical record do you you have any history of mental illness? if so tough luck, can't have crazy people voting.
Do you have a criminal record? can't have criminals voting.
Are you a woman? Woman are proven to choose feelings over logic, can't have that so they lose the right to vote.
Are you religious? religious people are crazy, can't have them voting.
Do you go to university? can't have uneducated people voting.
Can you still vote? Are you satisfied, if not i could keep going?
So much this, it's better aesthetically
Why would jews vote for the wrong party? Also, black people have low IQ's, and they overwhelmingly vote left.
>"intellectuals" always vote left
I don't think intelligent people are more likely to vote left.
Republicans have higher verbal IQ's.
Yes, college graduates are more leftist, but I think a lot of those have "Women's studies"-tier degrees.
Is that Stanley from The Office?
As a persin with a tested IQ of 163, i aproove this hole-heartidly.
>Are you satisfied, if not i could keep going?
No thank you. Instead, I'd like to hear you make an actual argument.
$1 of taxes paid should equal 1 vote. Natural persons only, not corporations.
We can't even get voter ID laws passed, gl with that.
Voting isnt the problem its the leaders
We need to have an actual meritocracy
Let people vote but only give them actually good choices
What's the secret to IQ tests? I used to get scores in the ~135 range as a teen, but it's dropped since I've grown up. Is that due to depression, or just a normal decay?
its because IQ tests don't actually work outside of getting a 1 off 200 IQ score so you can rub your dick
Only people with money should be allowed to vote.
One vote per dollar you earn. Once a vote is "spent" you have to earn another dollar to get another vote.
Total freedom of vote distribution
>drop all votes on 1 issue if you like
>spread votes across multiple issues, if you care about multiple things
>save up 4 years salary and drop 120,000 votes on the presidential election, if that's your style
Fucking terrible, it's no different from the "special interests" that control your country at present.
If you can show me an IQ test that has any validity then maybe you might have a point but no you still don't.
Why did you choose 120 IQ? why that certain trait and why that certain number?
Actual arguments? You haven't provided any either.
so do autistic cucks like you. That doesn't mean they we should limit who votes
>soros dump his votes on minimum wage, border & his candidate.
>border racys, no more border
>Minimum wage racys, increased
>candidate increases welfare
>now gibsmedat nignog got as much power as a paramedic
>"immigrant workforce" as much as doctors.
>with jews
>you lose.
wrong, the use of oil made the industrial revolution happen
fuck off commie
>Why did you choose 120 IQ? why that certain trait and why that certain number?
I didn't put that much thought into it. Why do you ask?
>Actual arguments? You haven't provided any either.
I've made several arguments throughout this thread. You make it clear that you think my suggestion is bad, so why not explain why you feel this way?
I'm a nigger with an IQ of 120 and I voted constitutional (which is inherently right).
He's a swede, this is how it'd a perfect voting system
>Everyone who has a bbc (swede or not) can vote
>crackas can't
IQ 123 approved
Is there any online test that gets close to the actual number? I don't want to have to go get tested by a psychologist, but the online tests seem iffy. I've gotten 107-136
Basic questions like
>Does this nominee want this policy or this policy
Would eliminate a large number of people
Nope not at all. Especially when people with higher IQ's will believe in indisputable (((facts))) and indisputably (((reliable sources))) all easily subverted things.
Unstable from having to live with low IQs like you, it's like trying to have a connection with a plant.
>119 IQ
Are you trying to say smart people don't have diseases?
How incredibly racist, you want to make sure 99% of black people can't vote
Fucking bigoted ignorant racist go to hell
>Biology is a meme
Better idea. No one who can be classified as mentally retarded can vote. We raise the standard back to the old one of 80. There goes half the blacks.
No because then trump would not have been elected which was a good thing.
IQ tests are irrelevant to this matter.
There should be a exam the verifies person's ability to see through cognitive bias, and an advanced logic test, and a basic history test.
Like, if you want to vote, register, pass exam over certain mark, get voting id card. If fail - educate yourself and try again on next elections.
Even high IQs can fuck it up, look at what happened in the french revolution.
Even on Sup Forums, people seem to believe that Trump voters have lower IQ's. As far as I know there isn't any evidence for this. Remember, 88% of black Americans voted for Hillary.
If voting is going to be egalitarian, meaning all citizens are granted a single vote. Then the voting should be weighted.
Common dude, admit it, there was a large amount of people who voted for trump that had lower IQs. The majority of people with high IQs (especially the chink and Jews in the states) would have voted sanders or Hilary or didn't even vote in this election.
>there was a large amount of people who voted for trump that had lower IQs.
So? A lot of people with low IQ's voted for Hillary. I don't think there's enough data to say which candidateĀ“s voter base had the highest average IQ.
Sure. It'll rule you out
but then hillary clinton wouldnt get any votes.
>hearing that guy's token nigger sidekick voice
Say what you want about him as a person, but his voice is awesome.