Ban All Guns!

I think that banning guns would make my community safer because then the criminals would have to turn them in and the gangsters would have nothing to shoot each other with. I also think that there should be security cameras and full body scanners everywhere in public places to prevent mass shootings. I think that only the police should be allowed to have guns because they work for the government and the government would never abuse it's power.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Evidence_based_Estimate_of_Patient_Harms.2.aspx$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf

If you ban guns, how is Tammy, a wheel-chair bound lady, supposed to respond to a break in? She can't run and hide in a closet because it won't fit her wheelchair. So you expect her to sit in the open and wait for the police while the burglars have their way? That's deplorable of you to think that.


There's something seriously wrong with Canadians.

>firearms are used hundreds of thousands of times a year to save the life of the user
>used under 10,000 times in murders each year
>doctors kill over 400,000 people each year due to medical malpractice

I'll take guns.

Only police should have guns. Damn didn't know leafs followed Adolf law so well

>Hey criminals idk if you heard but we banned guns!!! Turn them in please :^)


I've got 3. Come take 'em, I dare you.

I think you are an asshole.


That image is fucking retarded. You have a right to own guns, not to be given guns. Same with healthcare.

Both are paid for by the citizens that use them.

It's not fucking difficult you faggot leaf.

I think that banning leafs would make my community safer because then the canadians would have to lurk and watch and the Australians would have no one to one up for shitposts. I also think that there should be security captchas and full eye scanners everythread in this board to prevent mass Turkroach shitposting. I think that only the Americans should be allowed to post because they are 60% white and goddamn if that's not good enough.
Fuck yeah!

>banning guns would make my community safer because then the criminals would have to turn them in and the gangsters would have nothing to shoot each other with.

You can't possibly be that naive and stupid.

You know, you also can buy and operate medical tools.

Why should you have the rights to a service for free that someone else provides?
You pay, you get.

That doesn't sound like a good Leaf tax-and-spend solution. How about one that looks more like Canadian healthcare: tax everyone and put them on a mandatory gun and ammo wait list. When its your turn you get your gun and ammo.

Mind showing me where in the constitution it mentions healthcare?

[Citation needed]

Too bad you're never going to get any of those things, and we're going to create more gun freedom so that everyone in the nation can CC, and there isn't a fucking thing you are any other cumdrinking leftist cuck can do about it.

We've got the Left over a barrel. We're holding you down and slicing your fingers off like Titus Pullo tortured that guy who fucked Vorenus's wife. You get nothing. You deserve nothing. You lost, and you will continue to lose so long as your platform revolves around a desire to steal from others.

Too bad that's the Left's entire platform. Jealousy and theft.

in america healthcare is just as much ar right. neither are provided though

I often wonder how Americans square the fact that countries without guns exist and are totally cool. How do you argue with the fact that gun control laws work in other countries? In the UK I've never encountered a gun in the wild, I've never been robbed or burgled and i walk the streets feeling safe. How can you deny that reality is possible!

We have different demographics of people here you fucking retard.

handguns, yes. Their only purpose is to shoot people, and targets. But with hunting rifles and shotguns, people should have their firearms license upon purchasing one, as that's the case here in Canada. However, when 3D printing starts to become commonplace, it's going to be an underground goldmine for a wide variety of firearms.

Regardless of these rules in place, criminals can always find means of attaining these weapons.

But I agree, the US is fucked when it comes to firearms.

Oh yeah because robbers go to the local gun shop and say "ill have one please, whitey, here's my permit and here's my $500"



Ive never been robbed either but I love going to the range and shooting holes in targets.



>healthcare through forced confiscation of assets
>gun ownership through freedom of commerce

Liberals don't even try to make logical arguments.

>people don't understand that the OP is blatant bait

The main difference here is you won't be paying for another person's gun.,_Evidence_based_Estimate_of_Patient_Harms.2.aspx

Most leafy posters hide the sarcasm behind blatant stupidity but not you.....a whole satire post was written by you. Next youll post it every hour hoping for (you)s

What's your point nigger? You didn't come even remotely close to answering my question. How do you deal with the fact that gun laws work in other countries?

How does it feel to get so thoroughly BTFO?

If you remove blacks from gun violence statistics our levels fall to that of any gun owning European nation.

Our gun crime problem is actually a Black gun crime problem.

I think it feels the same as a prolapsed anus does

I wouldn't know, so far I've only seen a bunch of bullshit pol tier infographics, I can put shit in an excel spreadsheet too, doesn't make it real.


You refusing to actually check the cited sources or direct links is not an argument against them.

The elite are so bad their plans have been halted. Fuck off cukkkk

This has literally nothing to do with gun control. Nice citation you fucking retarded prick.

I just read your link, it was bullshit as I just said. Infographics are all bullshit by design and you wanky spreadsheet graph isnt even with looking at.

No, it has to do with the medical malpractice numbers, I cited every aspect of my post that you claimed required sources.

Still no refutation of any of my posts.

>it was bullshit
>it was bullshit, no chance of that being biased, eh?

>ignores all the sources at the bottom

It's almost like you're not evening pretending to be a libtard

Ad hominem, Gunfacts is not the source it is a watermark for the website that made the infograph.

The source is in the bottom left of the image.


I think we should ban all Canadians

>a fucking leaf

>countries without guns exist and are totally cool


You know I'm looking at them right now, you expect me to read every source before I reply to you? You wouldn't be here when I was done for me to point out how much bullshit it is, which I'm sure is you're intention.

And what the fuck does medical malpractice have to do with gun control you stupid cunt. You're whole argument is literally retarded.

>you have the right to pay for a gun
>you have the right to pay for healthcare
fucking retards

I suggest you read the first post I made in this reply chain and then look at the OP image.

>you expect me to read every source before I reply to you?

It would be preferential for you to have any knowledge whatsoever about a topic before you begin mouthing off about it, yes.

>and the government would never abuse it's power.

Not bait. No way.

Oh right, that source that nobody can verify, that's the one I should trust right, fucking nigger.

lets see faggot......make guns illegal and you think that would work.....

Why not make Murder.....You know ILLEGAL.....

Ooh that did not work because criminals dont give a fuck about laws......Well that answered it in simple terms.......or do I need to get out the crayons again

Oh so I should defer to your obvious bullshit because I haven't read enough of it. I don't think so. I don't need to put a turd in my mouth to know what it's going to taste like you know.

Is it just common form for Sup Forums to completely ignore sarcasm when it's got a Canadian flag attached or are you guys legitimately too autistic to understand it?

OP literally makes a comment about "There's no way the government could possibly abuse this"

And yet there are countries with gun control that work perfectly fine. Explain that.

>brit provides anecdotal evidence to argue against 2A.
>fails to address the premise
>argumentum ad lapidem
>thinks he made a point

I've never seen a tiger in the wild, but I still believe they exist.

Back when I was in Uni, the store I worked at was robbed at gunpoint by feral Dindus while I was on the clock. They kept the gun pointed at the manager who was pregnant at the time. They were eventually caught, but not before they robbed a few other stores and beat the shit out of a female friend of mine, just because they wanted to make a point. They got the gun illegally, so it's silly to think that laws would have stopped them. I was naive before, like this Brit, but since then I've become an advocate of being prepared for unforeseen encounters with criminals.

See, I can use anecdotal evidence, too. Still doesn't address the premise that 2A acknowledges the individual right to protect oneself from criminals, both in the street and in congress/parliament.

>How do you argue with the fact that gun control laws work in other countries?
Mexico, Most of Central and South America, Africa, Eastern Europe... and here in USA, we have LA, NY, and Chimpcongo... all examples of how strict gun control doesn't reduce crime.

>Doesn't mention any non shithole country where gun control does work.
Nice work pointing out that chimps have chimpouts

>that source that nobody can verify

>he can't find a study on the internet

This does not bode for for any potential arguments you may have or will attempt to make in this thread.

>Oh so I should defer to your obvious bullshit because I haven't read enough of it.

No, I said you should have knowledge on a subject before having a conversation about it.

If you specifically want to refute a source you actually have to have knowledge on it,

You are free to just shitpost and namecall all you want but it just makes you and your side of the "argument" (if we can call your posts that) look incompetent and uninformed on the matter.

This is some basic human interaction 101 stuff

Not being able to comprehend this and interact with other humans in an intellectual capacity qualifies you as a subhuman animal incapable of critical thought.

You have to pay for both equally.

Post a link to the study then, if it's so easy. I fucking dare you.

You and every other retard that gets on social media and spouts off their retarded opinion before they know anything about the subject should be shot in the head.

right.. how is the crime rates in England since the ban.....Up (and do not bullshit us about it) Here in Australia Crime rates are high as fuck and guess what....SO IS GUN CRIME the difference is only the criminals have the guns now

Fucking limp cocked cunts

Name an instance of the introduction of gun control measures that conclusively were shown to cutcrime and violence effectively .

>1 post by this id
>satirical as fuck
come on guys, how can anyone fall for such an obvious bait?

Well you can think it's horrible all you want, but its in our constitution. Infact, healthcare was BETTER when it wasn't controlled by the government. 80 years ago there was a healthcare crisis in which healthcare was too CHEAP! So the unions went to the government and asked for increased regulations on simple jobs and the overall system to JUSTIFY increasing the cost of healthcare. The gradual government intervention in healthcare is what has caused it to be more and more expensive as time goes by.

Healthcare is infact, BETTER as a priviledge.


Also banning guns wont do jack shit



Welcome to America, now get the fuck out.

See sources

> Harvard study detailing how gun control is counter productive and a waste of valuable police resources
>Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).
>Hemenway finds more reliable an annual federal government research project, called the National Crime Victimization Survey, which yields estimates in the neighborhood of 100,000 defensive gun uses per year. Making various reasonable-sounding adjustments, other social scientists have suggested that perhaps a figure somewhere between 250,000 and 370,000 might be more accurate.$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf
>Upon interviewing convicted felons, these researchers found that
>74% indicated that burglars avoided occupied dwellings, due to fears of being shot
>57% said that most criminals feared armed citizens more than the police
>40% of the felons had been deterred from committing a particular crime, because they believed that the potential victim was armed



Don't go away I'm fact checking you right now.

>moving the goal posts
>onus probandi fallacy
>still doesn't address the premise

You may actually be too dumb to understand how you were just BTFO.

why do cucks think violence is bad?

>what are negative and positive rights

>op's picture
Yeah, except there's not you fucking retard. Getting a doctor to take care of you is a service, owning a gun is your self defense and has nothing to do with anyone else. Fuckingkys.

12% of firearm deaths in Canada are committed with illegal firearms from sawed off shotguns to fully automatic weapons
A mere 11% are committed with 'long arms, hunting rifles and pump shotguns specifically. The vast majority are cleared by police.

77% of gun deaths involve handguns only 4% of which are registered with the majority of registered firearm deaths being stolen from legal owners or wrestled from a victim.

That means that 73% of handgun deaths are performed with illegally owned firearms which in Canada means gangs.

Gun control only harms law abiding citizens, criminals don't give a shit.

Source is StatCan because I know you fuckers are going to whine about it.

Right, just checked it. Doesn't at any point say any single thing about defensive gun use. You are btfo.

The entire post is riddled with satire Jesus why are burgers incapable of understanding satire

Never shoot a gun control hoplophobe. They would be seen as a martyr

Stick to tradition. We hang traitors.


Idk if this can be true. Responsible gun owners using guns as self defense cannot outweight the amount of black people shooting other black people with illegal firearms.

Oops I did not post the other half of the source.

Targeting guns by Gary Kleck

The majority of self defense incidents are just pulling out a gun and the aggregator running off.

We have more guns than people in this country, and the country is a lot bigger than the gang ridden ghettos where the majority of guncrime occurs.


You've gone quiet now haven't you. You silly silly boy.

That's okay OP. I'll take all your guns and you can have a nice conversation with Tyrone about how much he likes your X-box.

>a fucking leaf
Day of the Rake can't come soon enough.


You posted a made up graph and then defended it and you've been called out on being stupid. How does it feel?

Criminals will always, always get guns.
You can't stop them, but you can stop innocent, law abiding people...

You posted this
Which is made up bullshit and you just proved it yourself.
You're a fucking idiot.

Which is the point. Honest people that cannot defend themselves are fearful and fearful people are easily controlled.

>No office I don't mind warrentless searches I'm just so afraid of those nasty criminals. Why can't we make a law to stop them from committing crimes? Committing crimes should be illegal.

Nobody wants to ban access to healthcare you dunce photo

Too blatant OP, you'll have to refine your technique. Subtlety is the key to a truly excellent shitpost, let me point out some of your errors.
>"criminals would have to turn them in and gangsters would have nothing to shoot each other with."
This is a bit too overtly stupid, many people will detect this bait and immediately laugh off your shitpost. Tone it down, you want to draw people in.
>"there should be security cameras and full body scanners everywhere in public places to prevent mass shootings."
Same problem as before, you're being too overt.
>"the government would never abuse your power."
The most egregious yet, most people will immediately recognize and understand your shitpost for what it is, and they won't reply, thus starving you of those delicious (you)'s.

5/10 You make an admirable effort but your shitposting skills are unpolished. Work on it.

False equivalency. People by guns with their own money. Nobody is getting taxed extra to pay for Cletus's arsenal.
Now go fuck yourself.