
Max allowed is triple alliance, also put your nation name in your trip

picking Norway

>here be niggers


How do I play?

claming iceland (vikangz)



Nice trip


The last true son of Rome is here to save the day!

There are better maps than this one.

1 more player and we start
Be warned: I am using real time rolls, so dont complain about being wiped out even though you had a "higher roll" because you posted too late

yeah i was playing this last night, pretty dank, although i got dp'd as Kazakhstan


Feel free to host one yourself :)

Oh boy here we go!

Invade Ireland, fill.

Take Switzerland

Invade Denmark.

Good point. Okay, invade Portugal.

Claiming Greece
Invade Turkey

Palis count as the same as doubles btw

Invade Hungary



Invade UK

dubz ;^)

Pick Russia
-expand into Finland

Hey me too :D

Shame. I had no intention of invading you. We will kill you quickly though.

bump for OP

Put your name as either Sharistan or UK, else your next roll wont be counted


Spread into Germany

Fill Portugal. Remaining spill goes into France.

More Turkey

Also, put spills into your first post, or else I'll decide where they go

Keep expanding into Finland

I asked for Hungary, not Bulgaria

>Take that last Bulgarian tile and then invade Serbia

Wipe out Iceland. They are an intolerable.

kill more brits. they are sissy bois

Claim Moldova.
Expand in Belarus

Sorry, misread your post, but I know where Hungary lies, also I can also fix it if you want me to

Kill Denmark and Sweden

Well, that was a disappointing tie.

no that's fine, i would've taken Bulgaria later anyways

I mean Ukraine



Fight back the Greeks

We are family

Claim Austria

Roll to attack Slovenia

Dear Turkey,

we are willing to help you with the Greek threat in exchange for Albania.


i dindu noffin

Hey everybody, i gotta catch a bus in like, 15 minutes, ill continue on my phone so i may take a bit to post but im not out!

Yes that's true, but I was eyein Athens before you even joined.

Claimin poland, defend and invade slovakia

Slavic Alliance?

This is an agreeable proposition. I accept.

Sure thing comrade

Str8s count as 10 too

Use country names or I won't count your rolls

As always complain if OP fucks up

The Slavs have joined together. It is only a matter of time. We must work together to fight them off. We must end this war for the white race.

Germany pls

Invade Greece through Macedonia

Push the greek scum out of Anatolia, retake Istanbul.

Fill Finland
if extra spills -> expand into Estonia

Keep taking Ukraine

Keep filling France.

defend from attackers and invade Slovakia

Spills Germany

Invade Sweden.

fixed name
Also i said to attack Slovakia not Czech but Czech rep is also fine. but now slovakia plz

Israel, dah

kill more brit sissy bois

Off by fucking one. Oh well.

Annex Romania

push back against Iceland, invade it.


what are you laughing about, that's a pal


Iceland just got it's shit rekt.

No it isnt a pali

On the bright side, your island will be filled with qt Icelandic woman now

Im on the bus posting from my phone.

baka fuck off

Nice pali, still only worth 10t

Pick georgia or some shit, kike

Are you retarded?


Fill France.

Establish a buffer zone in Thrace, then invade Crete.

Hey, Norawy~kun, wanna NaP ? you can have all that Swedish boipucci 4 u

Invade Iceland, haha.

Push down west Greece to Athens.

Germany again

I would rather have Russian pucci but sure, Ivan. I love Russia.

Keep taking Ukraine.


More Romania

Finland -> Estonia -> Latvia

anything not taken?

Oh shit, only read the first 3 digits.
Defend from any attackers, Take the bordering Ukranian territories just the borders, spills continue to grab german land

I didn't know Italy had nuclear weapons..... nice job

Picking czeck, holocaust now belongs to me.

kill brit sissies

You allies now, or just a NAP, if allies then norway must ally with me.