Why do you keep refusing God in your life, user?

Why do you keep refusing God in your life, user?

>Do nothing for 2000 years
>Expect my worship

at least Kek can get digits

But that's Jesus, senpai

Also, he died for our sins.

Don't obey God looking for a reward.

You do it because it is the right thing to do.

Because I have prodromal schizophrenia and God is making my life weird as fuck

>Do nothing
>Conquered Muslims and built western civilization

Really gets my calculator calculating

>me me me me me me
>what will god do for me?
>why won't the omnipotent creator of the universe demonstrate his existence in a way that i like?
fucking millennials

He won't give me a qt pure christian gf.

God doesn't do anything for you if you sit on your ass all day and don't work for it

I will say that I'm struggling with a great sin. I want to do it, I can find no real excuse, aside from powerlessness.

I remain open to the possibility of the existence of God, but God or His supernatural servants have never contacted me in any meaningful way, in addition to this His followers on earth have failed to provide me with a convincing case for His existence.

Because I'm not a gullible goy

Checkmate kikes

>Why do you keep refusing God in your life, user?
why won't you join our cult user?

I don't refuse G-d.

Bc I'm not worthy of god in my life. I'm a shit head.

What does god do for all of us? Look at all the bullshit in the world, and we're supposed to all praise him? Seems like he's the selfish one.

God doesn't intervene directly.

why is christ chan so redpilled?

>this level of unwarranted self importance
my goodness

Because Christianity and Catholicism were sprung from the same like desert cults that Islam was, and both have a long and bloody history of conquering and destroying true European cultures and the histories of European people. Fuck your church.

you're the malaysian guy who shills for his comics aren't you

please leave

I don't refuse him, I simply don't believe in him.
He could exist, but if he does he's shit at his job.

>God doesn't intervene directly.
you meant exist right? god doesnt exist

>wanting christ chan to be a cuck
one should start to wonder why all christian nations are so progressive

>god doesnt exist
prove it, that's different from "i haven't seen what my feelings say is sufficient evidence to warrant belief in God."

I do!

I stopped going to church after my old pastor fucking didn't even help after I lost everything. I guess they want that 10%, nigga.

>prove it,
occam's razor. all can exist without god, so their isnt one

Churches are Jewish. God is not.

willam of ockham was a theist you goofy nigger

Devote your life to someone who does nothing for you that you can identify with absolute certainty.

>willam of ockham was a theist you goofy nigger
what would have happened to him if he said wasnt? these people were under the threat of death

>they wuz forced tuh belive n sheittt

You only say this because you don't have a chance at remaining an atheist if you accept the fact.

Parents do it all of the time.

If I can get it myself what do I need him for?

God doesn't do anything.

because everytime i start feeling good about myself / life something ridiculous happens like my dad was murdered or a friend burned his house down killing himself and little sister or the simple fact im a man born with breasts so fuck you and your fagget god

>You only say this because you don't have a chance at remaining an atheist if you accept the fact.
what fact? id be an atheist even if everyone else in the world was religious. its obvious that their is no god. just like their is no unicorns or leprechauns. i knew this when i was 8. you people are really stupid

I accept God into my life.


Just like it was obvious that giant octopus didn't exist right? It was just a mythos fishermen told for the lelz.

How is it obvious there is no God? I'll wait.

What if the Christian god exists but he's actually totally evil and lies his ass off to people for fun?

>numale atheist rejected christianity with the theological understanding of an 8 year old
sounds about right

Why your god
There are literally tens of thousands of religions, what makes yours the only correct one

> There is no God
> Posts Trump
Opinion discarded.

Are bathing-suits and beach-wears heretical?

Praise Kek.

That's why I became a Puritan

the historical evidence of the events surrounding the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a good place to start

>Just like it was obvious that giant octopus didn't exist right?
are you implying that leprechauns exist? this is what your argument has come too?

Believing in the lesser deitys of Abrahamic religions is a sham. Divert yourself from the Jew. KEK has proven to be worthy of praise, and we have been chosen to be worthy of his mercy.

Why worship a god when you can become one?

If repeating numers, the Holy Trinity exists.

How so?

>atheist rejected christianity with the theological understanding of an 8 year old
ya bro. thats all it took


but I don't, desu

bro he is an atheist. he just panders to morons

>an 8 year old is a better person to say whether God is real or not than thousands of intellectuals

I believe in my own version of God.

Religion is a cancer.

Post source

I think they have, and you just didn't know it.

The bible says to be hospitable to strangers, for you may be entertaining angels unawares.

Do you really expect God to overwhelm your reason and will and force you to love him?

I accepted him at birth

God believes in no other God and panders to morons.

Your move.

What I'm implying is that your argument isn't an argument at all. At the time giant octopus was just as absurd as a leprechaun or unicorn.

The funny thing is it is a false equivalence and a strawman to compare these things to God. Still didn't answer the question.

Really want to know the truth? You could always kill yourself and find out.

Silly answer. Catholicism sprang from Babylon, which predates Christianity by 2000 years. Same with Islam.

>won't believe in God without peer-reviewed scientific proof that reliably predicts future events
>believes trump is atheist because of his feefees
will you keep spouting this meme after he repeals the johnson amendment?

Isn't religion just a cult with a lot of members?

God wants you to think that he is not real, so that you become a sinner and until you repent.

i believe in Kek my dude

I have recieved an atheist education, with judeo-christian values, and went to the overly zealously secular public school, so it's hard for me to be spiritual.

I'm trying to find the light in my life but I've seen only darkness so far, but I'm still working on it.

I wish I had a religious education because it's hard to warp my mind around something that isn't built inside me.

gib proofs

Look up Satanism

It's true; most pastors try to keep their churches open and giving them money so they don't have to get real jobs.

The picture of the early church in Acts is just people meeting at each other's homes.

Christianity hasn't changed, but the way we "practice" it has, and not for the better.

why would it matter what a fictional character thinks?

Nothing can exist without the eternal God, and the eternal God always existed.

Prove he exists without appeal to authority, emotion, or tradition.

I understand the value of religion, that it makes people moral, but it just isn't enough for me to believe, I'm sorry Christ-chan

4 options
1: bulletpoints
2: pastebin that lays out the groundwork (the pastebin is just a transcription of 3)
3: link to a debate between an atheist intellectual and david wood where the opening argument lays out a good case
4: i point you toward a book on the subject

>Sup Forums claims to hate Jews
>practices gematria and worships a false god just like Jews

Really fires up the neurons

>believes trump is atheist because of his feefees
no, his actions and IQ

Then men have no hope.

Because God doesn't real, also Christ-chan is a shit tier waifu.

Why do we need to have this thread every day?
Religion is slowly dying on its own, nothing you post will convince anonymous strangers to change their personal beliefs, move on.

so no argument at all?

they should really sort out the terrible plotholes in the bible some time, not making him some mary sue with all powers in everything would be a good start

like if god knows literally everything then our actions are predestined and free will can't exist for one

If the 8 year old is a born again Christian, and the thousands of intellectuals are not, that would be correct.

Yes look at all the bullshit in the world that god spared you from.

So I'm responsible for God's well being now? God's a child? Lel fucking retard.

.t Demon

I think God is pretty cool, but I'd rather stay home and play vidya instead of going to church.

Most people believe in their own version of God.

Most people are going to hell for believing in their own version of God.

>Religion is slowly dying on its own, nothing you post will convince anonymous strangers to change their personal beliefs, move on.
i cant help it. the butthurt is so cheap

You did not, and nobody living today has.

Same, but I go so that I got nothing else better to do.

don't speak for other people, heathen

The unicorn is actually a strawman in and of itself, as the Asian rhino with one horn, the rhinoceros unicornus, was the definition of a unicorn for 3800 years.

>Conquered Muslims
Except you lost to Muslims over and over again whenever you weren't taking back your own land.

I dont need an imaginary friend to help cope with the fact that I will die someday.

The universe he created exists, and you are a part of it.