Holy fuck the Young Turks get asked why are they named after an Armenian Genocide group and they shut it all down
Holy fuck the Young Turks get asked why are they named after an Armenian Genocide group and they shut it all down
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W-what genocide?
Mashallah Kardes !
the one where you killed a bunch of christian vampires
>autism is unstoppable
why does this kangaroo guy like that faggot conor mcgregor so much?
Got a kek out of me
Shut it down
>autism is unstoppable
I'm surprised Devon isn't on their side considering he blocks or bans anyone who disagrees with him, they have a lot in common. Although Chunk has an actual audience.
who the fuck is this online commentator man? who started this godawful genre?
Always been perplexed as to why an Armenian like Ana would appear on a show called The Young Turks.
There's just something about atheism that compels them to play a video for a few seconds, pause it, give their retarded opinions, and then repeat until the video is over. It is the most lazy and uncreative way to make a video.
>its another muh genocide episode
Bravo goyim bravo remember 1.60000000000.00000000000000.000000000000000000000 trittialibizilion white christian armenian
> Atheism-is-Unstoppable
any video of this without a cunt like this?
modern day muhammed ali
Clip dosent work here, anyone else?
>There's just something about atheism that compels them to play a video for a few seconds,
atheism?? ive seen all type of yutubers do this its not about atheism its about responding to idiots and prevent their nonsense does not go without rebuttal
>pause it, give their retarded opinions,
retarded?? no a retard is the person who make no sense does it look like he make no sense when he completely owns them??
>and then repeat until the video is over.
how else would you respond to each individual idiocy that is spewed out??
>It is the most lazy and uncreative way to make a video.
its not about making a video its about not letting stupidity go unanswered and it takes a long time to make a video edit all the segments add cartoon characters and click bait sound and music and come up with interesting comments to keep the debate going
H's a piece of shit.
This post is the text equivalent to what Youtube atheists do. Well done.
Sargon of kekkard, here you go goy
>I'm surprised Devon isn't on their side
He is- sort of. He despises Trump, supported Clinton, supports gun control, and thinks government programs should be expanded.
The only things he is redpilled on are Race and Islam, and even then he SPERGS THE HELL OUT when called a racist.
>This post
As if the views, personalities, and activities of a large and diverse group can be boiled down into one post; if you believe that the world can be simplified to such an extent, it may be you that has the problem
>is the text equivalent
>to what Youtube atheists do.
As if all or most youtube atheists respond in such a way, and no or few members of other subgroups do so as well.
> Well done.
Armenian genocide was done by kurts like every other bad thing which turks are accused of.
It's money. If they just post a clip, it'll get deleted for copyright infringement. One of the fair use exemptions is if you're using the copyrighted material for commentary, so faggots take videos they know other people want to watch, disguise it as a straight clip, then blather on so it won't get pulled and they can rack up those YouTube millions.
Notice the video is just called Young Turks Got Confronted About The Armenian Genocide, and there's no sign in the thumbnail or anything else that indicates that it's not just the clip anyone clicking on it wants to see. Instead, you have to wait through an ad, then suffer through some faggot talking and only maybe get to see what you wanted.
so ... she rotated 90 degrees to the left??
Is this a new trend in youtube political commentary?
Breaking up the footage in question with shallow commentary every 15 seconds?
Without the commentary people may accidentaly like the video.
>Cuckoldry is Unstoppable
kamin NO!
Stop talking about my show
it took me 30 seconds to find out the "young turks" wasn't just one group but two, one nationalist "CUP" which gained power and committed the genocide of Armenians, and the other group "Freedom and Accord Party" which is liberal and lost against CUP
I would bet TYT take their name and creed from the later.
>hates the nationalist candidate that wants to remove illegal immigrants from the country
>names their show after a group of nationalists that wanted to remove all non-turks from their country
Cenk is darker than her which means cucking for him is progressive even though his people genocided hers.
The Armenian Genocide "three pashas" one is the only one anyone outside of Turkey gives a shit about.
>missing the point
Nobody would care about the name if he acknowledged the genocide. But he conveniently disappears and avoids the question when it's brought up.
You just made my day.
Germany helped the Ottomans with the armenian deportation.
If Armenia ever needs a few submarines, just let us now.
The one where you roaches failed to kill a bunch of women and kids.
The Armenian guy yelled "Answer the question bitch, fuck your mother" and she responded that her mother is sitting right in front.
She's a traitor to her people, the guy asking the question called her a bitch and said he's going to fuck her mother. She is the only Armenian I know that openly does this.
Sometimes i want to be a roach ... whats wrong with me .
This is Sargon of Cuckkad second channel were he puts up hastily put together videos
that looks interesting...
oh... nevermind.
Beta rage ain't no fun, even when it's done by a racist.
who still watches that shit?
This one
Don't forget the Assyrian genocide. And the Greek genocide. All took place between 1913 and 1925. And Kurds helped.
And people doubt me when I say Islamism is a strain of fascism.