Wake up at 7 am

>Wake up at 7 am
>Eat breakfast, get dressed and brush teeth before heading out
>Take train towards university
>Majority of people on train are white, a few immigrants
>The immigrants sit/stand quietly and orderly
>Arrive at university
>No fat sjw women yelling about the patriarchy, no refugees raping anyone
>Have a fulfilling schoolday
>Head home, satisfied with the day
>No news about robbery, rape, or murder
>Come home
>Read about how my country is too far gone

>Wake up at 5 am
>Eat breakfast, get dressed and brush teeth before heading out
>Take bus towards university
>Majority of people on train are white, a few immigrants
>The immigrants sit/stand quietly and orderly
>Arrive at university
>No fat sjw women yelling about the patriarchy, no refugees raping anyone
>Have a fulfilling schoolday
>Head home, satisfied with the day
>No news about robbery, rape, or murder
>Come home
>Read about how my country is too far gone

living the dream

>be frog
>In a pot of water
>Temperature is a little bit warmer
>I'll be fine

Nice blog sven

>Wake up at 12 pm
>Eat lunch,
>Log in to Sup Forums
>Majority of people are American, few foreigners
>The foreigners spam and shitpost constantly
>Tell them their countries are third-world shit holes filled with immigrants and niggers

Most immigrants in decent places are just annoying.

It takes a concentration of immigrants from a common background and probably social engineering to turn them into dangerous mobs.

The blue pill is nice. Do not continue reading this website. Do not take any red pills. Get out while you can. Once you see, you cannot unsee. Get out while you can.

>wake up at 6pm (emus have low night visibility)
>check sleeping quarters for snakes and spiders
>put board shorts on
>eat a bowl of yeast for breakfast
>start drinking beer
>wander to local beach
>check for boat people
>there are none because Tones stopped the boats
>alone for miles on pristine coast line
>internalise that we are still indeed full

>>be frog
>>In a pot of water
>>Temperature is a little bit warmer
>>I'll be fine
Too bad the "boiling frog" meme is a debunked myth, as well. Oh the urban legends on the internet..


Not with regard to human behavior. There, its one of the only constants in history.

Where do you live faggot? I bet you live in some kind of secluded area. Here are some incidents i've had with immigrants and i rarely go outside.

>Been threatend at knife point for trying to stop immigrants from beating up a fellow Swede

>Stopped two immigrants from raping a Swedish girl

>Witnessed an immigrant whipping his dick out and started rubbing girls on the dance floor with it only to get threatend when i called security

>my apartment was burgulirez by immigrants

>had to throw out immigrant kids from my campus complex because they were burglarize our complex

>witnessed immigrants theiveing in stores

>witnessed immigrants harassing women

Again, i rarely go outside and i've seen all this shit with my own eyes.

>Once you see, you cannot unsee.
Listen to this fellow burger, Sven. Your country is a lost cause, you might as well be one of the useful idiots. Truth will ruin your life, you're not capable of handling it.

>the "boiling frog" meme is a debunked myth
Literal Hans is too literal, except when it comes to ficki ficki, then it's all abstraction.

>Woken up at 8 am by my rooster pet
>Eat baguette and frog legs, get dressed with my beret and brush my moustache before heading out
>Walk towards university since the bus drivers are on strike
>Majority of people on street are philosophers, a few mimes
>The mimes sit/stand quietly and orderly
>Arrive at university and greet my friends with twelve cheek-kisses each
>No french cancan mademoiselle yelling "oulala sacrebleu", no mimes speaking to anyone
>Have a fulfilling schoolday learning about Fanfan La Tulipe
>Head home smoking a pack gauloise, satisfied with the day
>No news about german invasion, rape, or murder
>Come home and pour myself a glass of beaujolais nouveau
>Read about how my country is too far gone

>>No news about robbery, rape, or murder
Horse shit. We have plenty, which means you must have even more, but that doesn't get reported

well memed, friend

> Wake up at 6 am.
> Live in the ghetto area
> Haven't seen any burned car
> Come to another ghetto, see cars are burned daily

You swallowed the true redpill that Sup Forums is actually a biased filterbubble circlejerk.

zat iz my pleazure, friend

>Walk towards university since the bus drivers are on strike

>Be Sven
>Wake up at 7 am Pull dildo out of ass
>Eat breakfast, put on makeup and gender fluid clothing.
>Take gay solar future train to work
>Majority of people having orgy on train, a few immigrants culturally enrich my anus.
>Arrive at Marxist university.
>Fat sjw tell me how much I should hate myself for being white.
>Check my privilege
>Head home getting rape several times by gangs of refugees
>House robbed while riot goes on outside because the migrants don't have enough gummy bears.
>Come home
>Read about how my country is too far gone


Will SD win the next election?

>wake up at 6am
>take bus to train station at 7am
>all white
>take train and arrive in Brussels
>take the underground
>only white person in a 60 compartment
>they look at me like I'm the immigrant
>what have you done to my country retards

''my country''
oh you

>wake up at 6am to the sound of my wife's bull having sex with (((her)))
>eat cum covered dog food because that's what my (((wife))) want me to eat
>go to work
>come home
>repeat the same thing from the morning
>mfw I'm an average white male
>mfw I actually enjoy this and wanted this

What you are saying is
>be me
>live in mostly white area
>barely see any immigrants and when I do they are people who immigrated here long ago and not refugees
>people are telling me immigrants are fucking up my country
>I dont see it happening in my mostly white area

Just because you are not seeing this right now does not mena its not happening what are you 12?


>drink tea
>wake up at 6am
>eat beans and chips, get dressed
>don't brush teeth
>drink tea
>take the underground towards university
>couple of gentlemen salute me with taking off their top hats and saying "cheerio" as we walk out
>drink tea
>arrive at university
>learn more about the empire
>ride bike around the little cobbled streets
>drink tea
>head home, satisfied with the day
>turn on the telly, the queen is 150
>bloody hell
>drink tea
>read about how my country is too far gone

You know there are places in my country were I can move and barely ever have to see a black person.

Does that mean my country has not gone in the wrong direction? No it doesnt.

>Wake up at 8 AM to the sound of Eagles.

>Recite my love of the flag and spray a few hundred rounds from my minigun at the local elementary school before breakfast.

>Eat 4 extra large burgers and drink a gallon of Coke.

>Stroll past the immigrant district and hear someone scream "Allah Akbar" before exploding.

>Laugh while continue walking unharmed, Trump's new border wall protecting me from Ahmed's cultural enrichment.

>Grab a ladder and climb the wall to begin my job. Big boss said the wall had to be 10 feet higher.

>Decide to go home because we finish ahead of schedule and below budget.

>Boss comes in and hands me a check. It's all in Spanish.

>Laugh and go to Church and sit with my new AI GF.

>Pastor hands me a copy of The Art of The Deal.

>Spend the rest of the day eating McChickens and drinking Coke just like our great Messiah.

>End the day shitposting on Sup Forums and read a post from the pitiful foreigners unlucky enough to not be born in the US.


Nice anecdote. The numbers certainly suggest otherwise. You don't accidentally become the rape capital in the world

>wake up at 6am
>east breakfast, get dressed and brush teeth before heading out
>take the bus (for free of course) to my university
>not a foreigner in sight
>have never even seen a muslim
>have a fulfilling school day
>head home, open pol
>read about how my country is too far gone

That is a really nice picture.