Why do blonde Mediterranean people look better than blonde Nordic people?

Why do blonde Mediterranean people look better than blonde Nordic people?

Looks like a kike.

they don't and this is a really bad example

Who cares?

>jelly because he has a Germanic pig nose instead of a master race Roman nose

t. gypsy

I have never seen a Nordic as good looking as Abate. Nordic features make the men look like spergs. They fit women better.

Have fun jerking off, homo.

Have you never heard about Dolph Lundgren? I understand that you're a monkey and all that but this is just unbelievable.

LOL he looks like a slav meat head.

I'm better looking than him

>random football player vs famous actor
>Abate still better looking by a considerable margin

Nordcucks on suicide watch.

Sure thing Sven.

What about Dark haired Nords?
Do they look better than Dark haired Meds?

nordics are pretty inbred aren't they? low population numbers and all that. there are a lot of swedes, norwegians and finns that look goofy as hell


He look polish or german actually

Yeah, this is pretty cool.

dark hair = nigger

this also double doubles

Without the sperg features that are associated with these people. I took a look at the German and Swedish teams and no one matched him in looks.

So Hitler was a nigger. Pathetic.

it depends on person I think.

there are a lot of "aryan" look a likes in german football as well, but Abate could fit right in

nah, he had blue eyes
that cancels it out

this is my crush btw

We mediterranians are better in everything


>blonde Mediterranean

>implying your pic isn't of a German from Northern Italy

There are some shitskins with blue eyes too (mostly dark blue eyes). So no, it won't cancel it.

Richard Hammond is only 1.70cm tho

>t. Manlets

The difference is that the viking houses are ancient and the african houses are modern

oh... guess Hitler is a nigger then


>abate is better looking
you dont have any women friends, do you