Just wow... What's next, euthanizing ""nazis""?

Just wow... What's next, euthanizing ""nazis""?

He chose to do it.

When you build a """"nation"""" below sea level you aren't a nessicarly smart people

>drinking the ethanol jew

>eugenics is on the rise again
Progressives are trying too hard. Enjoy your fascism in 30 years

Dutch people have small heads.

What's the problem? He's gone and not causing costs to tax payers.

This policy needs to be massively expanded.

Why bother killing yourself when you can have someone else do it

Wouldn't he die if he just kept drinking? Pastebin the article because I ain't searching shit.

Makes sense, I'm an alcoholic because I'm dead on the inside, if someone finished me off, it'd be for the best. Good job, Netherlands!

> not a single notion on dutch media

This was my thought, why not just drink yourself to death if you're at that point?

(((Only applies to White men)))

Literally nothing wrong with this.
Social parasites must be removed from society.

Because drinking yourself to death takes years and it can be quite agonizing.

It's pretty hard to kill yourself from an alcohol overdose because you will likely go unconscious before you can. Also, the hangover would be awful if you didn't die.

Have you ever seen a bottom of the bottle alcoholic?

Good, good, you are unemployed, you have nothing to live for, you are just an alcoholic with no future and have no prospect of improvement, everyone hates you, you are just a racist bigot, just accept euthanization

have been reading up on this online, he choose to do this, he was 41, and was 8 years alcoholic, 21 timed did he try to stop, but he could not.

Do you know if he was diagnosed with end stage liver disease? I could see him taking the easy way out if he had 6 months to go and couldn't get sober for a transplant


it was bassie, my childhood hero, the one stupid dude in all the dutch movies, and a lot if series. Jezus christ that hurts.

he lost feeling in his face

has nerve-disease

has Guillain-Barré syndrom

nothing on live disease, but this alone would be reason enough desu

Did he requested it?

> being this blind

>drinking yourself to death takes years
Probably not any longer than 3 months of intense binge drinking.
Or just starve yourself for a week or so, then drink whatever has the highest concentration of alcohol and chug it for 20 minutes. There's no way you'll survive that.

>unironically getting put down by the government

> minute time gap
> being this stupid


My Dad had GBS to the point where he was fully paralyzed for a month and a half. Very aggressive, then one day it reversed itself and now he's back to living life as if it never happened like 2 years later. He is a rare case. Very strange, very scary disease.

you'd be surprised, I've tried a few times and just ended up with temporary alcohol poisoning. I think to drink yourself to death you'd have to go through the long drawn out process of having all your internal shit fall apart and end up like Nic Cage in Leaving Las Vegas

>tfw no hookerfu to fug you as you convulse and rattle your way to death

Like drunks, right Ireland?

But did you try starving yourself first? Did you try drinking vodka through a straw, or something like that?


I will enjoy the fuck out of it.

Or, perhaps, it's due to individual alcohol tolerance?

A girl I know once got alcohol poisoning from drinking 3 Double Vodka and Limes - on the other hand, I can drink out 3 bottles of Whiskey and just be drunk. I'm sure if that girl tried to drink a similar amount, she'd likely die.

Basically every teacher I knew believed euthanasia would be instantly exploited by the government

What school?

that's a point, I am a pretty big guy4u so I just soak it up I guess. What difference would drinking with a straw make?

some shitty highschool in newcastle

geordies don't like leftist shit the south approves, we're literally england's skyrim

>being such an alcoholic you are put down by the state because you're so brain-diseased
>being of sound mind to select euthanasia
pick one

You must've not been to college yet. Ask a grad student. You get more alcohol in a shorter period of time, and the vacuum created by the straw stops oxygen from getting in as well.

Girlfriend's uncle was so badly addicted to booze that every bar/liquor shop had him banned by name from getting so much as a shot.

He basically hurt so much from withdrawal that he ended up finding a stream in the middle of North Dakota winter that was still running, lay down in it, and rapid hypothermia did the rest. Dead in minutes.

Oh, I missed out on all that stuff. Never really went out to drink.

Better than him jumping in front of a train, dying painfully of organ failure, or being donated organs that could go to other people only for him to start drinking again.

What's wrong with? It's far more humane than watching him deteriorate

This shit is why I'm glad alcoholism skipped me in the family. Mother's side is mostly alcoholics, but somehow I cant even make myself drink with friends half of the time, and thats maybe once every three months at best

I was really just addressing OP how he implied the state might decide for you, but this is just someone wanting to die.
I don't have too much of an opinion on this, though, as "being of sound mind" is p. subjective.

Degenerates need to be purged
I thought Sup Forums agreed

>Being intolerant to the ethanol jew

Call it assisted suicide then fuck sake newspaper jews trying to get us used to the idea

>purging of inferior people has started

This is unconscionable. Alcoholism is very treatable. Or just let him drink more.

Degeneracy needs to be purged
No excuses

>addicted to shitposting? It's incurable. Time to kill you

We don't euthanize full blown schizophrenics. Alcoholism is relatively minor. What's next, killing people for racism?

>Because drinking yourself to death takes years and it can be quite agonizing.
If you're that far from death you should be rehabilitated

Schizos are next
Autism after that

>based Dutch bros begin purging undesirables from society
This is now a Netherlands appreciation thread.

Every American should have eternal respect for the Netherlands...
The ship Andrew Doria sailed down the Delaware River on 17 October 1776, for a voyage to the West Indies to obtain a cargo of munitions and military supplies at the Dutch island of Sint Eustatius.
When the brig reached the island on 16 November, she fired a 13-gun salute and received a reply from Fort Oranji,the first salute to an American flag on board an American warship in a foreign port.

Love you guys.

me next please

>A girl I know once got alcohol poisoning from drinking 3 Double Vodka and Limes
Were you slipping her rufies?

Many a White invention has been produced under the influence of Alcohol or Opium. Both are top tier enablers of White supremacy (mainly because we handle mind altering substances much better than other races).

Any addiction is degenerate

Euthanasia is degeneracy
Also the Netherlands wouldn't have anything left if you purged all degeneracy

The plan is as following

Having the freedom to choose when and how you die
How is this not the ultimate form of freedom?

If someone isn't in the mindset to make that decision then the state has to choose to euthanize them. Full consent

Nah mate, we were at the same party.
>see her drinking
>think nothing of it
>a few minutes later find out that she passed out
>ambulance called
>alcohol poisoning

Were there black people at this party?

>Being able to do what you want is degenerate
>Having to stay alive because the government telling you to isn't

Choose one

>alcohol poisoning

That's just called getting drunk and passing out. There is no way she had legit alcohol poisoning unless she was like 90 pounds.

you have small head

Addiction is just a part of the human condition. You are addicted to eating, shitting, drinking and sleeping yet you act like it's no problem at all.
Adding one thing without killing yourself with it isn't a big deal especially if you use it in an appropriate way such as trying to think of new applications of already existing technology. Alcohol is god tier for that.

right here in the netherlands a human being jumps in front of a train every day. there are many such suicides that affect people. they crash their cars into traffic. suicidal people hang themselves for family and friends to find. a lot of grief comes when people who don't care about anything anymore decide to end it. and they will. no force in our world today can prevent suicide. so might as well accept that people do this and start to assist them and smoothe out the process. this will prevent trauma in the people around them, unnecacary death when they take people with them, cost of repairs and clean up. allowing people to off themselves in for instance a suicide center could also prevent suicides. you could have psychiatrists on staff. you could arrange for their will to be drawn out. the benefits are huge.

fact of the matter is you can not prevent suicide. if you instead assist these people everyone will benefit.

also kys

>my father was an alcoholic
>mfw I enjoy drinking

How do I know if I develop a problem, senpai?

>you can't prevent suicide
In Canada you literally can't commit suicide, it's illegal dumbass.

This desu

You can't limit what people do
Might as well do it in a controlled way

>Being able to do what you want is degenerate

Gay pride much?


What's next, gassing kikes?
oh wait


If the person isn't aware enough to consent to being euthanized, who is being euthanized in the first place? Is the person even there? I fail to see the problem.

>no force in our world today can prevent suicide.
Maybe if you weren't such a bunch of cucked faggots, things would improve

>isn't aware enough
You really think that you can just walk in and ask for an injection?
It's a pretty regulated process and your mental status is strictly monitored

real anons let god decide when times up
we are legion, we are everyone and no one.
we do not abort. we do not euthanize. if a govt gives us a struggle session, we will shut down your power grid.

>It's a pretty regulated process and your mental status is strictly monitored
And this whole thread is happening because obviously the standarfs are looser than we'd been led to believe

>person requests suicide
>goes through the process with family and close ones
>still wants to to trough with it

no. we dont build bridges to heaven. we dont hand out free jobs. you do those yourself.

>in USSR disagreeing with govt was seen as mental illness
>its current year now and we are making a full circle
>but in this cycle you got euthanasia over gulag
>mfw we are commie union naw
>just with more faggs and less cool music

>right here in the netherlands a human being jumps in front of a train every day. there are many such suicides that affect people. they crash their cars into traffic. suicidal people hang themselves for family and friends to find. a lot of grief comes when people who don't care about anything anymore decide to end it. and they will. no force in our world today can prevent suicide.

Viene la migra, cabron.

>pass out
>vomit it out in your sleep
>live (through the pneumonia from inhaling some of the contense of your stomach)


I totally support this having lived with a true alcoholic.

My aunt was a total sack of shit bum that lived with my family for a while.
She would drink a bottle of rum and a case of beer a day just to be "herself".

These people cannot quit. They turn angry, and sick to their stomachs if they can't get booze.

Its a poison that slowly kills you, and once you're in too deep it kills you anyways for quiting. The body can't cope without it eventually.

She drank herself to till she was just a pissing skeleton and stroked out so we had her put down.

Its a sad way to go out, but people make their own choices.

Tape your mouth shut, then.

>killing autists
Yes please

We mostly low-key want to die

"A man in the Netherlands has been allowed to die because he could no longer carry on living as an alcoholic.

Mark Langedijk chose the day of his death and was telling jokes, drinking beer and eating ham sandwiches with his family hours before he passed away."

He killed himself faggot. Just like you should for making this thread.

Fuck no

Yeah, she's like 45kg (so around 90 pounds)

>Hurr durr throw yourself off a bridge so that we can blame Smoking/Drinking/Racism.

>*grabs you*
>*tortures you for a few days*
>*gives you to the government*
>*wants to die so no capture again*
>*they kill before therapy or meds*


>*punches u in head*
>"he aint there no more, he brain damaged son, may as well liquidate his organs now"

>he's never vomited out his nose
>he doesn't know that the hands move of their own accord as your body writhes instinctively, removing tape, bag on head, etc

If you're gonna commit suicide it isn't going to be like you think it is familia.

Other people telling you is a pretty good sign, but remember people tend to be pussy faggots so add in a few lines of coke and call it day.

Pretty complicated compared to just killing them. You'd end up in jail for both of it if they catch you so there is no advantage.

no hope for niggers, time for them to go

>How do I know if I develop a problem, senpai?
When it becomes a regular behavior and you find it difficult to stop.