Prove him wrong. Tip. You can't
Lol. Sup Forumsacks bested yet again
Fake and gay
kys OP
My parents don't have a basement.
How the fuck do you not die of septic shock living in the crawlspace under your parents' trailer?
not rich but by no means poor
there is literally nothing wrong with living with your parents
"Sad. What a bunch of Sup Forumsack wannabe facists."
>forgets to include that many of us graduated
I'm still not a jew though
>paying a shitload of money to jews in order to be responsible for washing clothes
I'm fine here
i would wager that less than 20% of pol is older than 22 and living in parents basement.
Goddamnit japan you really cant comment on this
Who the fuck is this Sup Forums guy?
Fucking scrapping the barrel m8...
Who gives a fuck about this guys opinion and why should I prove him wrong?
Fake tweet
You are absolutely poor, you just don't realize it. You still need to cuck out at work because you are dependent.
Sup Forums are the wokest of woke. On this glorious japanese cartoon inspired anonymous information board the real memes are born. We are truly the voice of a generation. The future of this very world.
It's sad when would be decent folk just can't see that and feel the need awkwardly denounce those proud enough to fly truth proud as a flag.
I hate Shaniqua and NEETsocs all the same. All leeches need to be exterminated.
>want to be
Shouldn't that be wanna be?
>Company owner.
>Expensive car
>Own a house and 2 appartments
>Member of Rotary club
You're wrong, kiddo.
...that's also far from 'rich' you leaf cuck
>1 post by this ID
weak-ass bait, move on everyone
They have this cute delusion about who we are.
>muh markets
Well,what'd I expect from a leaf
Low energy!
Lurk more. New fag.
We like Shapiro except for how he once pressured a mentally ill woman into filing a false police report.
Little does Ben know I'm not a fascist and am actually a fan of his. I am living in my parents' basement and complaining about welfare, though.
Fascists are not free market hard ons as fascism is mix economy based
If someone cares enough about what a bunch of anime loving larpers care about then I feel sorry for you.
That's just sad
Doesn't Ben Shapiro have a Christian bull to prep for his dissatisfied Jewish wife?
The only thing we expect from Russia is a lackluster quarter-finals performance.
Isn't Ben Shapiro like 5ft maybe 5'2 on his tippy toes?
Yeah,that's about the only thing you got going for you,hockey.
I live in Florida.