Competing Cultures/Races

I hear this thing on hear alot that
"Diversity + Proximity = Conflict"

Are there any studies on this that have some real basis to this claim? I mean I've seen a lot of people say it but they always get countered with "America is diverse and its a world superpower"

Redpill me on this

Other urls found in this thread:[email protected]


mods halp bump pls


In good times, when everybody minds his own business, diversity might work. In bad times diversity will become an enemy, one side will blame the other for societies cancer. there will be war and the stronger will take over, unless some outside force interferes. bad times are inevitable.

here comes the jew, the jew is the guy who makes 2 or more sides fight over some trivial shit so they can sit back and profit. so what the jew does is help create bad times, so conflict emerges. conflict = profit.

That's a rather larger pupper.

>here comes the jew, the jew is the guy who makes 2 or more sides fight over some trivial shit so they can sit back and profit.

Here's where Im stuck tho swiss bro, cultural marxism pushes for the fact that there are no races and everyone is equal

Yet at the same time pushes for the "oppressed peoples" i.e. blacks, hispanics, etc, to be given power, thus contradicting themselves

Is the contradiction on purpose?

Also, what profit do the Jews get out of destroying society? I've known that they are behind it, but what do they get out of it?

Why yes, yes it is

what a good dogger

Yes very good dogger :^ )

Whats ur take on my question fellow burger?



mods pls bump

Conflict isnt necessarily armed conflict, it could just be a conflict of values and which role the government should play in peoples lives. Compare the governments of the US and Sweden for example. Centralized government is more easily formed and face less problems in ethnically homogenous Sweden because people trust eachother/public officials more because they believe that all the people around them function pretty much the same way as they do. Meanwhile the US constitution is all about minimizing centralized government and ensuring the power of the states. This system is much more suited for a "multicultural" society. Although this system will also face problems because central and south-americans prefer big government and most whites in the US wants it to be smaller

the biggest enemy of the jews is the white man, he is the one who occasionally has enough brain to see what happening. you wont see hispanics, black or chinese etc. revolting against the jews. thats why the want to breed them out of existence.

what do they gain from it? right now profit and control. but their endgoal is to just create a mass of people they can control so well they use as slaves to keep the system running0 and have basically paradise on earth for themselves for eternity

Huh, never thought of it like that swedebro.

It's kind of weird though, why do you think south americans who like big government, yet go to the US which in principle likes smaller government?

Being diverse is fine, trying to be diverse is not. Diversity should be a natural thing, when you try to force it you're gonna make things a fuckton worse.

I see now

It's necessarily not entirely money, but it's to infiltrate the nation and to get rid of the inherent population that dislikes them. Thats why they appeal to minorities so much and pin white people against minorities.

yeah you're right, why do you think diversity is forced in the west?

Watch Molyneux's video on it. He leaves all sources in the description.
There's also a study that shows how racial diversity completely destroys social capital, and i'm not sure if Moly covers that but it's worth googleing. Diversity is against nature, and if we weren't so prosperous it would end quickly.

It's promoted by both corporations and leftists to get third-worlders in here for low wage labor and big government votes. That's literally it.

Whats the video name?

Nonwhites also tolerate corruption at far higher levels than Europeans. Specifically north west Europeans.[email protected]

Just some stuff on why it's a shit idea to have that.

because america has made the entire fucking world retarded with all the unnatural levels of peace it has provided the world.

Without a great war or famine to occupy them, young people find purpose in bullshit like safe spaces, lgbt, islam, etc.

hehe yeah I hate our foreign policy, kinda wish we went /Isolationist/ like in the 20's

thanks for the insight tho

Indignant blacks and women. That's my guess anyway. Or the Joos

wew are there titles to those links at all? :3

>Indignant blacks and women. That's my guess anyway. Or the Joos

Why do you think they want it tho? Why would they want more people to compete with in the country? How does diversity benefit them?




Not you, but that's all I hear whenever some liberal or foreigner makes a remake about the wars we start.

If you don't have time for these then you should at least have a look at Putnam's study on diversity.

hahaha yeah I admit that other countries put too much blame on us in certain cases

but in all honesty the last justified war that we have fought in was against Japan in ww2

The founding fathers actually didnt want us to get involved at all in any foreign conflicts nor have allies, they simply wanted us to be global in commerce.

That was the only reason why the barbary wars happened iirc, bc our commerce ships were being attacked by nogs

No I have time, just helps to know titles bc some times links correlate with one another and sometimes people post them chronilogically

I appreciate the info tho, I'll read up on them

this guy was a lifelong democrat and harvard professor, started studying it and was shocked to see what he found. spent rest of his life trying to debunk his own studies without success.

thanks I'll read up on the guy

Well that's new.

indeed :^ )

That's probably like a $5000 catwoman costume too.


probably is re

>ywn be a qt grill who has a rich daddy that buys cat costumes for you

why even live?