"A sheriff in Louisiana confirmed Friday that investigators released the man who admitted he shot ex-NFL running back Joe McKnight in a road rage incident that left the athlete dead."

So I guess the shooting was justified or the shooter would be in prison right now, what are the gun laws in Louisiana?

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Louisiana cop here. There are a lot of gun laws in Louisiana. What specifically would you like to know?

Under what circumstances might this have been a good shoot?

If a reasonable person under the same set of circumstances would reasonably believe themselves to be at risk of death or great bodily harm.

The niggers are already chimping out on twitter, it's only a matter of time before they take it to the streets.

Goddamn, I fucking hate niggers.
If for once they could just go ''oh, some random guy got shot. Oh, he was black? Whatever'' I'd chop off my balls and become an anti-racist. I'd grow a beard and put on problem glasses. I will go full SJW and kiss black ass if that ever happens.

It's never going to happen.
When a white guy gets killed by a nigger I don't automatically assume the white guy dindu nuffin.

So if some giant porch monkey starts chimping out in your general direction?

I personally think if somebody approached my car and started banging on it like this guy

And I had the right to carry and defend my self, I would shoot.

With reasonable accompanying articulable facts and circumstances, yes, a larger person walking toward you in an aggressive manner could be such a situation.

Apparently the shooter fired from inside his Car which Knight had approached. So it looks like he will probably get away with it. Some witness said he stood over Knight and executed him. But the casings where in his car which I expect is where they will find powder residue as well from it firing.

>Jefferson Paris Sheriff Newell Normand told reporters he was confident the suspect, 54-year-old Ronald Gasser, was "not going anywhere. He has been completely cooperative." Gasser has not been charged.

This doesn't mean he's not being charged, it just means they aren't charging him right now, and that they aren't keeping him under arrest because they do not believe he is a flight risk. In a lot of jurisdictions you can't hold someone beyond 24 or 48 hours without charging them. He will probably at least be indicted, the prosecution and the police just don't have the evidence yet to formally file charges.

How long can you hold a suspect before you have to either charge them or let them go?