Are Aboriginals the most Subhuman Race?

"Most anthropologists recognize that there are four major race classifications in the world"

>Caucasoid (cumskins)
>Mongoloid (gooks)
>Negroid (dindus)
>Australoid (abos)

Are Aboriginals more subhuman than niggers?
They're ugly alcoholic stoneage apes that beg for gibs from the Australian government

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No aboriginal people rightfull owners of the land. We are same as the white fella. They kill us for no reason

Shes done a vid,look on Thumzilla under Mutures.

We traditional owner of land but white fella come and steal it

When white fella come here to kill us he gave us infection and disease these horrible people must pay us back

White fella ignore us but they better whdch out

dindus and abos are the same, why isnt amerindian on thst list?

I think theyre considered mongoloids.

I didn't think Abos even knew how to use a computer, all the strayans make it seem like all Abos do are stupid, lazy alcoholics. I've never even seen one in real life.

It looks like a burnt murderface from dethclok