How can one country be so devoid of talent?


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Can't hear you over the sound of our crunchy, tasty tasty baguettes, bong.

They think being pretentious is a talent

>Britards are still mad about 1776

The French make it a habit of being assholes to everyone

>shitty,arrogant and cucked stinky people
France shouldn't ever be a country,nothing good ever came out of there

Friendly reminder that France's greatest hero, De Gaulle, was a coward who fled to Britain and let the Anglos do his fighting for him, then he turned up after the work he finished and claimed credit.

Also another reminder that France's most famous figure, Napoleon, wasn't even French. Neither was Charlamagne.

France BTFO.

What are you talking about, all of the early math development was done by French.

if your baguettes are crunchy you arent doing the right

can you guys do anything right? british bakeries are superior

the shame of europe

cant wait till drumpf nukes them

>if your baguettes are crunchy you arent doing the right
This is very sad. No should have to live like this.

>stinky albions are STILL mad we've constantly surpassed them in literally every field including science, arts, sports, cuisine, warfare and dick size for the past 900 years
How can one (((kingdom))) be so cucked?

Who is behind this flag? Paki or pajeet? You're obviously nonwhite.

False many philosophers and book writers came out of France. I like France I just wish they hadn't surrendered their country to Africa.

Britain had a bigger empire than yours.
Britain is better at war than you.
The English language is more important than French.
Brits pretty much invented every single sport that is popular.
Britain is now an independent nation, whereas France is ruled by Brussels.
France is more Muslim than Britain.
British colonies are more successful than French ones.
Britain is a global power still, France is just a region of the EU.


They win a lot of field medals my burger eating friendo.

>implying everyone isnt an asshole to them in the first place :^)

Niggers killed it all

>Britain is now an independent nation, whereas France is ruled by Brussels.
Brexit isn't a thing yet. Remember? It's on hold for now.
>b-b-but muh infographics!

>devoid of talent
i'll knock out all 600 of your teeth and then feed them to you limey

>says Brazil
i can't hear you over all of those contributions to mankind

>mudshit crescent

This unironically triggers me.

Who the fuck did teach monkeys how to type

Blow me, falklands boy

Could you at least go back to Britain?

Angleterre tu es insignificant, cesses de mettre le poid de ta jalousie envers les États-Unis sur les autres riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Why is there one plonker always making a fool out of himself? Calm down, sonny jim.

OO...c'est le temps de mettre les Britbongs a leur place...

As much as it's stupid bait, the sad truth is that France is painfully bad at actually innovating and inveting things, and is usually appropriating things left and right ( see Renaissance, revolution, industrialization... )

>As much as it's stupid bait, the sad truth is that France is painfully bad at actually innovating and inveting things, and is usually appropriating things left and right ( see Renaissance, revolution, industrialization... )

Chien non Français détecter...décalisse de ce thread, Jose De La Souza.

Prove me wrong instead of posting transsexual monstrosities

Try harder fag. Fucking weak bait.

>Prove me wrong instead of posting transsexual monstrosities

Écrit en français, tabarnak de cabochon cocu pas de fierté...

Ps:Génie est une déesse.

I bet she has a bigger chin than you do
Anyway, good on you calling me on french language in fucking québécois patois

Daily reminder.

That's not tru- . Oh it's Britain.

sacre bleu, le mad faguette is le mad

>I bet she has a bigger chin than you do
>Anyway, good on you calling me on french language in fucking québécois patois

Parce que j'ai de la fierté mon hostie de cocu sale...contrairement à toi, tu es probablement une salope gauchiste...

> 'Ecrit en francais'
> Utilise le dialecte deguelasse des colons en plein bled

casse-toi, Mathieu-Marie Tremblay-Magog-Su'l-St. Laurent

- t. francais dans ton horrible province

Ah ben tabarnak, l'hostie de colon qui a honte de son pays et de la façon de parler de sa te rencontre dans la rue tu te fais expliquer le plan, Kevin...

Why do the French drape their national flag over dead bodies after terrorists attacks?

Fuck off.

>wars won, all time

American education at its finest.

Name them then Hans.

And remember that Prussia doesn't count.

>Be American
>Go to France
>land in Paris
>smell shit
>see shit skins
>ride poverty bus to train station
>greeted by protesters
>buy shitty train ticket to Dijon
>get off in some bum fuck town named Laroche
>more shitskins
>make it to Dijon
>shit skins
And that's the story of how I'll never return to France
