Sup Forums why did you ever become racist in the first place?

Sup Forums why did you ever become racist in the first place?

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I have a lot of angst about a war that ended in 1945

Anti-white propaganda tends to alienate white people, who'd have thought?


kants big forehead told me blacks are genetically inferior to whites

Racial tension in the US seems to indicate that if you can avoid the multicult by having enough of your own children you can have a much happier society where people dont hate each other based on apperance.

> racist
No, I'm not

Peer pressure. I'm far too sensitive.

Always disliked other races and just feel most comfortable amongst my own & to be honest everyone feels the same way and if they say they don't they are just forcing a meme so they don't seem hateful.

The only reason diversity exists is because of racism.

I went from a 90% white catholic highschool to a college of 20,000 and I saw niggers chimping out first hand.

I then read FBI crime stats and realized we should ship them all to africa

Just tired of minority shenanigans,

I was born racist, like all the human beings before me.

...and I was never proven wrong, other races are degenerate scum.

Living around non whites, and being subject to anti white propaganda in the media.

Somewhat funny but it was partly because of philosophers I read like Hegel, Voltaire, Frege who mention facts on race here and there and partly because I'm into geography and statistics.

taking the train in nyc

dindus begging and chimping out always

In case of Estonia, "racism" is a mere survivial instinct.

I live in the south.

If by racist you mean acknowledging that there are difference between races that are more than skin deep it was when I learned there are difference that are more than skin deep.

reading J Philippe Rushton's work

i didn't want it to be true, but it was, so what ya gonna do

Repetitive experiences.

Remember the saying user, where there is smoke there is fire.

I kant remembr lol


prove your not racist

When I worked at a Hotel


Growing up being light brown surrounded by niggers and spics with my parents being the only white people for miles. I noticed stereotypes come to life.

After a few years learning about genetics I realized some races are just genetically inferior to others in certain ways.

Should believing races to be generally different be considered racist? Regardless of anything else.

By growing up as a white man in a country that rotting from PC culture and multiculturalism the eternal Angle forced upon us

I live in a country that when I was growing up was almost 100% norwegian which is now only 80% so
there are only 4,000,000 people of my ethnicity in my country and over the last 20 years they've bussed in 1,000,000 immigrants
by 2050 if this continues my ethnicity will only be 60%, in it's own nation.

I read Kant's "Of the different human races, or: all niggers stink" :^)

It's called "Gated Communities".

People are more separated by class than anything. It's just that class and "ethnicity" seem to correlate, to an extent.

shit lol you figured it out

Got fired twice while working for liberals and a paki, both for bullshit reasons. It was then I realized multiculture was a scam.

Intresting it was somewhat similar for me I was always instinctively, but I would not admit it and try to end it and I really feeled for them, I still feel for them (this is also racist). I traveled and had contact to them I really can't say I dislike them, but it always is strange in a way and i couldn't live in their society for very long. I is at an instinctive level you are hesitant to touch them, you know you have to be careful if they gather and are/or become emotional.

my parents were really racist when I was a kid. I thought it was dumb. As a naive teenager I had some annoyances with the increasing number of FOBs in school but was content to be a good little politically correct lefty. Then at some point it apparently became okay for people to be racist and sexist towards me because I am a caucasian man. My experience in uni sealed it. If tolerance and political correctness is not going to be a two way street then fuck minorities, fuck refugees, and fuck feminists. That was it.

I Kant remember ever being racist unless criticizing the failed aspects of American black culture makes me a racist.

Seriously I know several professional and hardworking black people and then I know some idiots who couldn't get out of the their shitty life situation with a road map and a few grand to get started

A shit ton of illegals from Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. Barely speak russian, smell horrible, do shitty job at sweeping the streets, do shitty job at doing repairs if you decide to hire them, rummage through your trash to find some kitchen appliances in order not to buy it themselves.
One fucker even tried to ask me my gfs phone number when I was chilling with her on a bench.

And then there's one nigger. His dad fucked a rus woman, had 2 kids, a girl and a boy. Later their mother died so he took the daughter and fucked off to whatever banana republic he was from, leaving the nigboy with mother's dad. The poor sod is 17 now, gets bullied everywhere some he's not socially adapted. He goes through puberty, so the fucker smells like shit 24/7, and he's fat as fuck, so even guys who kinda feel bad for him can't really tolerate him for extended periods of time.

Then there are rlderly tourist chinks who hang around the subway in the morning, taking photos of USSR ornaments. The entire station sounds like "ching chong ding dong yamete kudasai baka senpai", and they crowd around the entrances to transfer routes between stations, and when you try to get through they just jump away as if you were plague-ridden.

Oh, and don't get me started about muslims. Theese fuckers come from Dagestan and Chechnya, obnoxious as fuck, pretend to be the kings of the world while immitating nigger culture.

Fuck everybody except whites.

I'm not racist.

>says everyone is a shitty person to justify his own shittiness

Frankly I don't believe you. It is a human instinct an you are deluding yourself.

i turned last year upon actually seeing that my country is riddled with top cucks dying to genocide our nation just to help some shitskins.
wasn't even remotely patriotic or nationalistic before

We are waiting for your argument.

I'm not racist. I'm white, and I'm attracted to women of all races. I'll do business with anyone. I call everyone brother on a daily basis.

It bothers me when people think I'm racist just by looking at me. On the other hand, most people quickly become my friend after talking to me for a few minutes.

I can't tell you why others are racist, but I think I'm not one because I have options in life. I'm tall, well off, have a STEM degree, and a loving girlfriend for the least four years.

Perhaps if everyone else had similar circumstances they may not have such jealousy and hatred for others. It isn't other people's fault that you got a rough deal in life. Stay positive and do your very best each day.

Come live here for a month and see how long it takes before you're a racist

Be a kid. See some Asians, see population of Asia, shit yourself.

Imagine a shitty car. As in - manufactured out of cardboard and rusty nails, designed to house a coffin and a legless one-handed driver with a unique look of a rusty shitting bucket - that's russian cars of 1990-207 for you. Cheap as fuck, also cheap to repair. You can repair it with duct tape and saliva if you want, no electronics inside. Break every 100 kilos. Called Lada, or Zhiguli.
No sane person ever buys it, either you get a cheap ford, or use the bus. Elderly people buy Volgas since they are the only kind-of-good russian cars,and only use it to go to the countryside.

But the muslims, especially dags LOVE these cars. But no cool guy drives on an unmodified piece of shit, so you gotta go full Pimp My Ride on the bastard. Cover the windshield with black semi-transparent paper, so black that you won't see the sun that's shining straight at your face. Fuck up your wheels so that your bumper will be scrubbing the road. Oh, and install huge subwoofers in your trunk - Saint Petersburg should be able to hear that shitty ass nigger copycat russian gangsta rap that you listen to when you drive near fucking Kremlin. You get extra street kred if you draw teeth on your front protector. Get some new year lights and wrap them around your fucking car - that's rad! Don't forget " Racing Team" so that Allah makes your car go faster!
And then they drive in this shit and try to pick up girls. Funny thing - they have just enough money left after "upgrading" theur car to get a girl wasted at the nightclub in order to shag her.

Hell yeah, I'm racist alright. I wish we could own guns.
Picrelated is a prime example of one such car.

I never was a racist and I never intend to be one. Still hate niggers and kikes though

Well. I am a race realist but here is why.

Do you remember all the atheists talking shit about religion. Saying Galileo never deserved to have his science suppressed. Constantly in their shitty videos and reddit communities throughout the last 20 years? Atheists vote democrat about as reliably as Jews and in similar proportions.

Yet here in the scientific data is a wealth of information on race.
There are hundreds if not thousands of peer reviewed articles of the highest possible caliber and quality showing a clear hereditary effect of IQ and race among many other features such as impulse control, spatial intelligence and certain types of muscle distributions.

A huge, disproportionate amount of solid science. Yet for the last 50 years, the american left has made this science taboo in the name of worshiping equality. They would toss science aside, arguably worse than a creationist, because a creationists science has no impact on reality. Whereas the science the liberals ignore is involved at EVERY level of society.

It almost completely explains why whites and asians win the hard jobs in a meritocracy. Why black majority countries have not been and will never be greater than white majority no matter the time period.

Yet these same atheists cry about muh science suppression from days long ago whilst simultaneously overwhelmingly supporting the party that does.

I am an apologist for catholicism if anything. So to me such a blatant hypocricy is worth my attention. I value science and i love the study of the world to discover truth. And the truth overwhelmingly is that we are different species and whites are smarter than everyone but Chinese and Jews.

I am not "racist" socially I will never lose my upper class white values by being ignorant or disrespectful to people on the basis of race. But we are NOT the same, blacks and whites are NOT equal and never will be.

Asking if i am "racist" only shows how successful their cult is.

Working at a motel with a lot of Black customers

>not racist
fuck off all you self-righteous pricks

im living in a country where 30% of the population is immigrints, and you can see clearly who is superior

russians - doing good for themselves, robably the best off as a whole
europeans - fucking nailing it
americans and south-africans - god-tier guys
south americans and frenchies - doing ok, i mean, just ok, not bad people but sotimes lack tempermant
native middle-easterns - some doing ok, some are lowlifes and fucktards, varies on the place of birth
arabs - measley amount is good, most are disposables and leftists, imbaciles and real life retards, also some are actual terrorists, what's up with that?
africans - fuking bloody africans, dont know what is worse, the arabs whos kill and destory, or there bloodsuckers that might mean well, but can't handle their own lifes, so everyone else has to support them with taxes.
i have met a couple or two of arabs i got along with, africans? maybe 1

tl:dr sand-niggers might be better than actual nigger, and whites are still on top

>Be me
>Get robbed by dindus
>Only steal Xbox 360 and bong
>Knew who did it, small town
>Get it all back

kek this is pretty much the dichotomy in my head but with asians just above the south americans.

I live in the world
I have aged.
I have a good bullshit meter.

I'm not jealous I'm glad for you because of your comparative success, even if it isn't much it is more than average in our generation and because nothing has happened to as a result of your naive views. I guess most of the interactions you had with blacks are a with a specially selected sub set of blacks, which doesn't represent the group as a hole, which leads you to wrong conclusions. However there is something to your pragmatic attitude, but I still suggest you to bare in mind it is not representative for all blacks.

oh, right, we dont get many asians
but from the ones ive seen they dont talk much to others, mainly do their own thing.. and moslty - doing it well
no asian crimes, ever

I'm hard headed, I'm the type that if you tell me I better do something, I'll go out of my way to do the opposite in spite of you.
I used to not mind gays and non whites a bit, then the narrative came about that I basically better suck their cocks or I'm a homophobe racist. Naturally I ended up hating them.

I was never racist until I entered this echo chamber.

I'm not racist I just think that everybody will be happier if different cultures are kept separate so we can all be among people that we're familiar with

I'm not a believer in one race/culture being superior to the others, we all craft our own worlds that we live in

>Small hometown gets invaded by chinks
>Slowly learn to hate them
>White nationalist by age 20
>Now 21

This honestly. I see people discriminating against my race every single day so I thought, "I'd be better off with literal Nazis." Meeting liberal students and teachers in college is the ultimate redpill.

I like white people best.
I am racist.

>I'm not a believer in one race/culture being superior to the others

You're either blind or a total dumbass.

I can walk through a shitty Irish community without fearing attack even though im pretty well off. Even by american standards.

Illegals are subhuman trash. Imagine a hapas bred with a half-nigger - you get an immigrant from Uzbekistan. They are quite literally rats that breed, shit wherever they want and steal our jobs. You know, that old lady that was sweeping the street 10 years ago? Now it's a fucking the mmigrant, except that he doesn't care about the job. Snow? Dump that shit on the parked cars! Dust? Who fucking cares! Pollen? Just sweep that shit and make it fly even higher!
Their kids are fucking savages, they either cling to white kids and ask them to buy something for them, or play among themselves. Do you want to know a fun game for the whole shitskin community? "Jump on the parked cars and then scratch the doors for good measure!". Don't forget winter games, AC units make for great targets for snowballs! Except these fuckers put stones inside their snowballs.
They can't afford rent, so they cram in basements, in temporal workhouses. Or they rent a flat and split the cost among the tenants. All 30 of them. I shit you not, they just move 20 bunkbeds and love there together, sleeping on the floor if there's not enough space. Communal observers go apeshit on the whole apartment block because of the amount of hot water spent because of ONE FLAT RENTED BY THESE COCKROACHES.
Oh yeah, cockroaches. Expect 'em. A shit ton of them. Maybe even rats. Flies? Don't mind them, they'll just swarm as if there was a rotting corpse. AND THEN THEY START GETTING RID OF THEM, AND THEY SPREAD EVERYWHERE, TO EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FLAT IN THE BUILDING.
Oh, and they send money back home, so they are always broke, always looking for a job. Except if you give them one they try to do it as quickly as possible to try and find another one. Did I mention they have no skills? Yeah, whatever they do - they do it like shit, a retarded child has a better chance of unogging your sink.

Fuck this shit.

no, that's the fuking point, people are different
races are different, each better at somthing
whites are better at temperment, not going to jail, working hard and science
blacks are better at sports because hteir body is better suited for short bursts of power
and so on

You're agreeing with me.


i dont agree to the general terms, its like asking what is better? a lemon or an apple? they are both fruits, but you wont drink straights lemon juice or clean with an apple

Really strange he wanted to you to give him your girl friends number. I would like to know why, maybe they are like the Africans and do not feel shame or at least not significant amounts of it.

yea, the asians here pretty much all contribute, they never become great but they are never involved in crime and always productive. Though they have almost no sense for asthetics which is possibly the only reason i have them below europeans.

Also i dont think you get any in israel and holy shit are you lucky but there is to me one worse than sub saharan nigger. The fucking gypsies.

I've never seen a Jew win the 100 metre dash.
I've never seen a Kenyan win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Because I followed the truth, and only the truth, the scientific truth, and it lead me to racial realism.

The question is actually with you op, why didnt you follow the teachings of darwin, of reason, logic and evidence, to the human?


>People are more separated by class than anything

I generally tend to take things on a case by case basis, but it has come to the point where the good blacks and such must prove themselves rather than halve us approach them.

People like Tommy Sotomayor will be spared, as they are vocal and are decent people. Others however will either be shipped to Africa or killed on the spot. While there will surely be mistakes, there will never be a perfect system, we just do the best with what we have and an effort like this must be done to ensure a future for the human race.

Landser. Fucking catchy music + I was an edgy teen back then. But the music got me thinking and here I am now.

Went to jail for 5 months, 95% of the niggers were niggers. Maybe 10% of the whites were uncivilized.

Every single person stayed with their own race.

Found out blacks are just as racist as whites.

that is exactly my point, jews dont run
somalis dont study
what is better? being stronger or being smarter?
it depends, do you want a fighter or an engineer
the point being, there is no GOOD or BAD, there is better at something, and generally sand-niggers are he fuking worst at both

Hard not to senpai

we get gyspies, only they and sand-gypsies, even sand-niggers dont like them much
goverment tries to re-hibilitate them, dont know with how much success

The story goes like this:
At some point my mom had a brilliant idea to repair our kitchen, and she hired illegals to do that since it was cheap. They did a shit job, but mom was too nice to say it to their face. The thing is - there are 3 brothers, only one speaks russian, all 3 are sweeping streets when they are not fucking up somebody's kitchen. And they thought they got friendly with our "family" - no idea how I was considered friendly since I was almost always at the uni or in my room.
Me and GF usually walked our dogs together, that's how we actually met. So one summer day we were walking ad usual, and the youngest of the illegal brothers walks towards us with some products. He sees me, and he sees a girl. So he stops, and starts telling me this - I'll try and roughly translate it in english - "Gibs... Telephone... She telephone... Gibs she telephone", he is fucking nervous cuz he can't speak russian and I looked geniunely pissed.
I told him to fuck off and we walked away. Not sure if he understood me though. We had a good laugh later.

Quality post!

Have engineer, build mecha. Genocide niggers. Profit!

The evidence overwhelmed the years of brainwashing

have engineer, build mecha, ENSLAVE niggers, work them in mines and sewers, make them fight your wars and be loyal as fuck because they were raised into it, probably better life than if they were left to their own devices

Sand Niggers can drive uber, that's it

Blacks and most browns and even a good amount of asians do not have the capacity for guilt or shame. That's why we call them soulless, because they are.

Surreal he must have thought it was your sister or something like this.

Who are you to call my views naive?

Think logically about racism. Where will it go besides the dark corners of the internet? Isolating yourself only perpetuates the lack of easily accessible resources available to you.

As for a pragmatic approach, racists are not going to mount an offensive to rid the world of non-whites, they aren't winning majorities in political circles, and Christian white populations are on the decline.

While Germany did have a real cause to rise after the Treaty of Versailles, modern-day Germany is ground zero for multiculturalism. There is no viable pathway forward for racism.

He was for almost a month in our flat, and she never came during that time. But then again, maybe he's just dumb.
Anyway - this shit makes my blood boil.

Despite living in California with lots of Mexicans, I fitted with the white kids and it felt great hanging out with them. As a filipino, I never hung out with other flips because nobody believed I was one.


Shill detected. Initiating deportation sequence, stand by for removal.

yea, roma are impossible to rehabilitate, there is a good chance your govt is just containing them so they leave regular people alone.

The thing to me that makes roma worse than nigger tier, is you can atleast get a nigger to work by force and they tend not to mind the hard work. The roma will do ANYTHING to avoid work and they steal constantly. Not sure how it is in jewland but i think there was a study in europe that found over 75% of all roma were charged for theft and about 50% for multiple crimes including theft.

There soviet union literally created the crime of "not working hard enough" just so they could punish the roma who would refuse to work under any circumstances. The worst part is their social structure.

They are female led bands and they kill or disable members who want to leave, then use them to get charity gibs from richer whites in the cities.

Its like if all the jew merchant memes combined with all the nigger memes but with none of the intelligence or desire to contribute to society.

they are below subhuman and i do not think there is a more universally derided group of people. Even fucking terrorists have supporters

Soulless is harsh, but certainly they are operating different. It is strange and hard to interact with them at all. You often get the feeling they are taking nothing serious. The storys of the interactions between them and our officials are hilarious.

that is literally all american niggers and all they want is gibs. it doesnt work jew man, you'd think they'd be grateful for us actually getting rid of slavery

It started when I was an edgy teen and started spreading around the 'Hitler did nothing wrong' meme. Looked into it more. My dad also got me into history which made me fall in love with imperialism and heritage. And here we are.
>internet is the biggest source of information
>humans with uncontrolled access to this information become hitler sympathizers every time
>AIs do the same thing
Is "eliminate Jews" the information singularity?

Racist? I don't presume things about an individual by their race. I just recognize proven facts and statistics about the race in general.
It's realism, if anything.

Japan. China. Literally any country besides the liberal western ones.

> Grow up in Germany
> Shits ok so far
> Amount of immigrants keeps rising bythe years
> White families are becoming rarer
> Whole district is getting filled up with more and more immigrants
> Media is shitting on you with PC and multicultural enrichment 24/7
> Everyone who disagrees is now a fullblooded 1940 aryan Obersturmbannführer
> rape and crime statistics are rising
> Mutombo pls
> Political parties are mostly left
> Leftist Cucks are celebrating Mutti Merkel
> Probably gonna get voted the 4th time in a row

>Pic related. Missing PARTS of the good old days

tl;dr Country is goind down the drain due to PC and multiculturalism

Heil Onkel Adi!