National Socialism

Some people on pol defend National Socialism, but I have never actually heard it explained. Can someone, spell out the core tenets of National Socialism to me? Bullet points would be ideal.

Other urls found in this thread:

-Capitalism with socialist tendencies like the building of the autobahn and such
-building the german community up and expanding its civilization


-Anti degeneracy (race mixing, LGBT, drugs, abortion, retardation)

-Anti-freedom of speech (burn the books), anti-freedom of press (lugenpresse) and anti-freedom of expression in art (entartete kunst).

-Emphasis on "cool" aesthetics and national/historical symbols (swastikas, runes, eagles)

-Boys must be taught to be competitive, aggressive and ultra patriotic and girls must be taught to look good and be stay at home mums.

-Recognition that tall blonde, blue eyed people of Germanic origin (Aryans) are the master race, everything else is either impure, honorary or subhuman.

-Rejection of democracy and acceptance of totalitarianism and dictatorship. Absolute obedience to authority is essential.

>Capitalism with socialist tendencies

No. UK is what you are describing with Socialised Health care and a Benefit system.

He is a full blown socialist. His part is literally the "Workers party" and the red in the flag stands for socialism, in his own words.

Thats the Nazi Party, National Socialism would be different if implemented today

>Not true-communism meme

When will this end?

All forms of nationalsim are degenerate.

The state cannot control you, and NS does not work without a racially homogeneous mono cultural nation, which no longer exists.

Authoritarianism + racism. Those are the main ingredients.

He's talking about National Socialism shit eater.

you have to go back, ahmed.