How does Japan know exactly what men want?
How does Japan know exactly what men want?
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Good question.
I sent them a handwritten letter explaining the details.
They are not slaves to their women like americans
Not indoctrinated from birth with propaganda via mass media
Lots of time on your hands plus too many virgins creates a lot of demand and men with plenty of time to contemplate on exactly what appeals to them and others.
Illya is the result of thousands of Japanese lives dedicated for this sole purpose. A testament to human artistic achievement.
They don't
Dunno why this amuses me so much, but it does.
All men are pedos, japs just don't mind showing it.
Definitely this. These people are making their own fantasy and then selling it to others. Even better, they are working together to formulate the perfect fantasies.
Japan will lead us into the age of amazing VR.
Not fast enough user. I can't wait
Because when you're a fat 40 year old balding virgin, you have a lot of time and motivation for fantasying. And if you can draw.... Well at least you won't be a poor loser with those NEET bucks you're getting.
Honestly though. Anime nerds are as bad as modern chicks, when it comes to their contradicting expectations of reality and relationships.
has to be that superior IQ
>masturbating to op's picture is literally illegal in canada
>being this mad
Dear japan. qt pure lolis pls.
Sincerely, user
I dont want that
Ps Im a grill
Because the Japanese are highly intelligent people and can zero in on strategies that work and sell
Did she die or nah?
Your image has nothing to do with either post. The video is an autist taking Sup Forums's "everyone here is a little girl" meme seriously.
Top lel
less sluts more puppers
They killed her in the remake?
God why the fuck did they do that?
She was the child of the assassin right?
>Begin playing Fate S/N
>Say nope to all the bullshit they put me through
>This whore just comes and kills me for no reason
It's so satisfying watching this cunt die so horribly
>the remake
look at this secondary
Watching cartoon girls is fucking degeneracy and a almost sure sign of a failing life.
Does that upset you?
>watching the animated jew
When will you take the final red pill?
It's all just part of their elaborate scheme for world domination. They failed conquering the world the first time with their military. Now they are actively trying to subvert the world through an advanced form of mind control colloquially known as "anime."
>Watching the cartoon jew
Just watch the alternate continuity where she becomes a magical girl. Pretend it's the real thing and not her dying death-dream.
Cuz Japan is the shit
Western cartoons are even filthier.
>you will never date an anime girl
I am kill myself, japan helper pls
>They killed her in the remake?
>God why the fuck did they do that?
thats what happened in this ending in the VN?
>She was the child of the assassin right?
no she was a magic homonculus grail thing
That is the ultimate point of culture when your media isn't controlled by Jews.
Is that why 80% of Japanese man can't get laid?
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Remake? I tried to watch the original anime and it looked like shit, is there really a remake thats not shit tier?
>people are this triggered at anime
Common Filth is such normie trash.
>How does Japan know exactly what men want?
Because women make them.
That is the Unlimited Blade Works movie. They also did a TV series not long ago that covers the same route. Both are better than the original TV anime.
Why would the screeching of a fucking leaf bother me? I make good money as an equity analyst, plan on going to law school in a year. Go listen to some autist who can't tell the difference between a meme and reality, faggot. You must have crippling self-esteem issues if you're posturing on an anonymous image board.
Why don't go back and browse boards more your taste while Sup Forums Chads save the white race taco?
> is there really a remake thats not shit tier
not really IMO, but fate/zero is good
they've really dropped the ball animating the VN so far
Another artist.
They have ascended
>a fucking leaf
They block out reality and live inside their heads 24/7
>Sup Forums
Pick one.
Why is he so perfect Sup Forums?
>he self identifies as Chad even though he is a genetically inferior subhuman that fucks ugly chubby girls that he meets on Tumblr once a month to try to justify his ideology of "saving the white race"
Chad does absolutely nothing for anybody. All he does is fuck sluts and make them more arrogant, while everything around us continues to degrade. You need to leave this board right now, I hope you get cancer too and I hope you also slit your wrists.
God bless french cartoons.
Being attracted to loli doesn't make you a pedo.
>it's people who don't watch sexualized little girl cartoons that are the real autists
Yeah sure. Enjoy your leaf memes and social failures user.
This. They like what they want instead of what other people tell them they should like.
I guess hating niggers doesn't make you a racist either.
Really makes you think.
he's a white demigod with blonde hair that dresses in gold
>That one leaf that pretends to be a stormtard
The day of the rake is coming, and you only have yourself to blame. You gave your people a strawman, and now Trudeau is your leader.
this puffiness cannot possibly be legal
actually true.
hating niggers doesn't mean you think their lesser than you, just like hating the guy who keeps taking your garbage cans and emptying them on your lawn doesn't mean you think you're better than him.
plus their are usually reasons beyond race that could help people come to such conclusion
>this is what neckbeards actually believe
They just know.
they have performed extensive market research to design the anime characters
no, seriously, these slanted eyed kikes really did
Japon is blessed by God.
What is she doing ?
>Implying Shiruka didn't pay some whore to sell his comics for him
Also I want more
80% of Japanese men know 2D>3D
You don't even know what you're talking about you don't browse Sup Forums or /jp/.
Shut the fuck up, Fetus
Tax return.
I like anime but why do so many transpeople, cucks, fags etc. identify with it?
Futa and homosex is pretty big
This stuff is really bad. You need to grow up
>they're going extinct despite this
>47 seconds
>6 drawings
Fucking fags invading my cartoons.
I guess that's what happens when something becomes popular, just look at what happened to Sup Forums.
You sound like those faggots who defend their lust for traps.
because 2d traps are actually kinda hot
>he fell for the population decline meme
Yes good goy! You need to import more foreigners to repopulate!
She better not have human ears under that hair.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>make a bunch of guys gay
Are goyim really so stupid?
Aw shit mate.
Wtf I love Japan now
What animu is this?
Maybe I'll give it a go.
>turning gay from fapping to cantonese cave paintings
it might just be better if those guys dont breed
>That is the Unlimited Blade Works movie
Nope, that's illya death in Unlimited Blade Works anime
This one is the movie version
it's a different VN route
only good thing about it is the eye candy
otherwise it's a shit adaption
I think it's just disillusion; their lives sucks and turning into a hormonal mess seems easier than actually change.
Bruh that prequel season was top shit tho.