>highest IQ ever recorded came from a SOCIALIST

Other urls found in this thread:

>a literally who who accomplished nothing of merit

>implying Sup Forums isn't a natsoc board.

Not an argument l

Jew = Lie

Hitler was à socialist


Also, Gene Roddenberry liked socialism, but realized that the entirety of economic systems as a whole will probably be completely gone post WWIII scenario. Enjoy your little political talks and banter for the next 50 years or so. It won't matter after that.

>Thinks IQ is a legitimate measure of true intelligence
>Who recorded this again? OP conveniently doesn't say

You bet user. Whatever you say.

Nice big juicy lips for sucking dicks mmh

Well, guess that means socialism is the best form of government. Guess all those other times we tried it out weren't true socialism, let's try it again.

Aaaand my people are starving to death


Is there a secret recipe i'm not aware of to make kids smart as shit and hardworking?

Apart from all the points already made, tell me who this is and I will find quotes of him supporting euthanasia and/or racial hygiene.

>>highest level of autism ever recorded came from a SOCIALIST

William James Sidis was just autistic. He was an antisocial socialist

>saged and hidden

>"He admitted he had never kissed a girl."

Sounds like he's one of us

>implying all of Sup Forums has the same views


he was also a jew
>William James Sidis was born to Jewish immigrants from Russia on April 1, 1898, in New York City. His father, Boris Sidis, Ph.D., M.D., had emigrated in 1887 to escape political persecution.

>High IQ
>Does absolutely nothing in life
>Eventually fucks up a test any dude could pass later


doesn't look like a socialist to me

You realize alot of the people with super high IQs have the tism? IQ is generally a good representation of intelligence but the people at the very high levels are a different kind of smart... not always pragmatic

>still couldn't make socialism work

>to smart too be capitalist

you need 300 IQ for achieving true socialism

So he did nothign and thwn died? Pathetic like your typical socialshit.

yeah it's called super genetics

I don't know. What I've noticed is that a lot of highly achieving people have teachers as parents. At least, this seems to be the trend in our most prestigious engineering schools. I think half of the students have teacher parents.

This sounds like a biography of my college roommate

>Highest IQ ever recorded
>Was actually a unconfirmed claim made by his Sister after his death
Looks like his IQ was compensating for yours, Vladimir.

The measure of your IQ does not determine the value of your contribution to society. If you are driven, motivated to make things better then you are already in a better position than someone who sits down all day, reading books and jerking off to the IQ score; contributing nothing.

Make Europe great again!
Lock up the socialists, throw out the kikes and muslims.


Hell seger!

IQ isn't indicative of correct opinions. People with high IQs routinely hold absurd ideas.

Where do these myths come from? There's a well known difficulty communicating through an IQ gap of 30 or more which creates the impression that high IQ people are silly. The issue is that isn't so. More peolpe are less intelligent so they reinforce their self-image through superior numbers.

Also, Rush Limbaugh has an IQ of 160. It is the clowns around 120-135 you gotta watch for.

Oh, and as further evidence. Ever notice how niggers keep repeating stupid nonsense to each other? That is precisely what average IQ people do to high IQ people (in this case, high IQ being 145 and higher).


>Highest IQ scored was by some literally who, who never did anything but be good at puzzles and logic games

>Where do these myths come from?

They're not myths you fucking retard. If IQ were indicative of "correct" opinions, then how do very high IQ people with opposing opinions exist?

IQ measures adaptability to new concepts as well as your current skill set regarding pattern recognition and level of education. It does not measure how often you're correct or indicative of how successful you are. It arguably doesn't even measure general intelligence that well since tests that measure IQ can be studied.