Would you agree?
Would you agree?
I can't argue a flowchart.
I don't know what message you are trying to convey, but they are both hats.
>Jewish science
Go make your own golems rabbi.
pathetic D&C attempt.
I do not agree.
Hat evolution. Newest, (((scientific theory)))
no on the left the fedora represents faggots and the red hat on the right represents freedom
I've I my owned one of those hats
Well you put it on a 999 x 562 image soit must be true. But the Drumpf hat is the real fedora. pic related.
Yes. This is most accurate, except that I still see neckbeards in fedora, but the only person I've ever seen in a MAGA hat, was an 80 year old woman driving a rascal.
i disagree, you cannot wear fedora without causing a cringe radius of 1.7 meters. MAGA hats can fashionable accessory to wardrobe and has added +6 damage bonus to safe spaces and "muh vagina"
No. Bernie fags on left.
Also does anyone have a better res version of this picture. It's hard to tell that they're wearing Make Donald Drumpf Again hats.
Fedora = Leftist
Why are redditfags so obsessed with hats? Fedoras are ugly as fuck, but i never understood why people get so triggered by it.
Depends. If the person wearing it is a militant atheist who follows the shitty alt-right meme then yes.
i mean its science
Switch the MAGA hat with this and you'd be correct
I saw a man in public with a fedora yesterday and he fitted every single stereotype.
Do not agree. Wearing a maga hat in public takes some balls and you can expect some conflict, fedoras are feminine manlets usually, or obese.
le shame hat
don't do things or I will post pictures of fat guys and make faces at my monitor
I am inclined to agree
I strongly recommend you go up to the next person you see wearing a trump hat and tell them you feel this way...
I don't know either
I mean, I know the history but I don't understand how it's an insult
people posting replies with a dude in a hat as if it were the ultimate trump card
>look at all the ugly people with the ideology I don't agree with!
I know this goes both ways with nu-males, but it's pretty boring. What political ideology only features beautifier people?
I can't really think of a common image for trump hats.
Almost want to say jewish stars or black panther fists.
Cause fuck if a group of people don't like trump they'll beat the shit ouf of you for wearing that hat.
I don't remember there being a bunch of fedora sluts in 2013
rolling for checkride passage
if doubles i pass my checkride
don't you just love it when a plan comes together
>being proud of trigger happy hillbillies who will resort to violence at the first chance
if evens, i get a FAA examiner
>atheists equivalent to trump supporters
Are you fucking retarded? Why would Atheists vote for Trump?
>I'm proud
>at all
>Would you agree?
How do I become jew, or citizen of Israel?
Atheists used to be cool and all. (((They))) cucked the movement.
I know two people on campus who wear trilbys (it's not a fedora) daily and they're both le-enlightened-athiest bernouts.
Atheshits still in damage control mode I see.
>th-that's not us it's the MRAs
Change the fedora into a Kippah and you'd be right
One is a symbol of autism. The other is a symbol of begin redpilled. They're the opposites.
"Correct." - DJT
yeah and?
How's "being redpilled" been serving you now that Trump's promises are dying like flies and he appoints of the worst of the worst neoliberal/neocon old blood into his cabinet?
It's time to admit you and all your reddit-immigrants-to-Sup Forums friends have been duped by an orange conman.
Heck, you're not even "redpilled". Being "redpilled" used to mean something completely different to just "identifying with a certain political online community". Even when the stormfags hijacked the term it at least held some dignity; not now that every 17 year old kid upset he can't get laid (and consequentially goes on /r/the_donald) uses it as a self-label.
>vote for the candidate that promises what you want or what for the candidate that will 100% ruin this country
How fucking retarded are your arguments? The USA is not a dictatorship trump can't do what he wants but he will try to push to make what he promised true but it definitively depends on the rest of the U.S government.
Amazing backpedaling, and another gold medal for the Trump team in mental gymnastics!
>but it definitively depends on the rest of the U.S government.
actually most of the government is red right now.
Like they pushed super hard to make it majority red because they wanted to counter hillary getting in. They didn't actually think that trump would make it in.
we have 4 fucking years of red with hardly anything to stop it.
(I'm republican and this is kind of scary)
>actually most of the government is red right now.
What party they are doesn't matter, each one of them is a person with his own agenda that happens to share a good a mount of ideals with the general direction of the party.
You truly are a dumbfuck with no idea on how republics work.
"being red" is fucking meaningless. Both of your political parties are jokes. They all dance to the flute of big-money big-business interests.
Trillby(?) cunts wouldn't dare wear a MAGA hat.
Not that wearing a MAGA hat is any sort of achievement but it does draw very real violence from nignogs and other jewish slave races and cohorts.
I'm not into fashion news, but I don't think trillby wearing pasty neckbeards ever got into a fistfight over their hats.
Also, as a sidenote on old hats, there was a time when this sort of headwear was the norm. God, all the young kids must have looked like utter dickheads. Obviously not everyone was a strong-jawed actor, so to think that all the scrawny kids donned these things is maybe the reason why they eventually fell from fashion.