Taxation is theft


Other urls found in this thread:

>taxation is theft
it really isn't desu...

>withholding pay to spend it on things I did not agree with
>not theft



Taxation, in its various forms, is NOT theft.

It is spreading the costs of common services and infrastructure among all the citizens and corporations that use it - police, fire, water, common defense, court system, and much more.

Those who do not pay and who are the biggest users - corporations mostly - are really traitors to America by dodging their responsibilities.

>Give the state money or we will beat you up and throw you in jail for many years, while forcibly confiscating your income

Sounds like theft to me mate

Which would be great if it was voluntary. The only public "service" I use is the roads, and yet I'm taxed out the ass for many dozens or even hundreds of services I never use

Taxes are theft!

Hang the elites and their media lackeys!

What the fuck was wrong with the 80s?

the idea is that your paying to live in a relatively safe country and keep society running.

do politicians skim off the top and spend money wastefully, yes but that doesn't make the idea itself theft.

The question is irrelevant. It is necessary for a healthy functioning society. Don't want to get taxed? Move to Somalia.


So it's literally protection money?


Of course it is. Government is just the biggest and most vicious gang around. If the mafia had more people and more weapons they would be your new government.

It's weird. It was originally a contract signed by the first people to form the republic, but we don't have proper renegotiations, because rather than referendums on tax (and its benefits), we elect representatives who then do whatever the fuck they want.

But still, we benefit from the results of taxes, so it's a weird, fucked-up, poorly designed contract which we are too lazy to renegotiate 'cause it would be hard (revolution) and we like the benefits.

Jesus Jones.

Oh wait that was early 90's. Nvm 80's were cool.

If $1 in taxes paid equaled 1 vote, it woudn't be a problem.

>The only public "service" I use is the roads


I pay the government and in return they provide public services and defence. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

The government has never protected me. Everytime I've been assaulted they'd arrive too late and simply take a report of clean up the mess.

Protection my ass

>So it's literally protection money?
no it simply cost money to keep a country running properly, if the government doesn't have the money to pay for anything then the whole country will fall apart


what the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

this board used to be libertarian as fuck and now it's one Trump misquote away from being a communist echochamber

>le ancap maymay

None of that makes it not theft.

Taxation is taking my money/property without my consent. That is literally the definition of theft.

They've lost there way.

Also they've fallen prey to the Hegelian dialectic

>what the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is one person.


Libertarianism is as much a meme as Communism tbqhwyfamalam.

Why not do that with everything then?

Food, shelter, entertainment, all of it?

You live in a country with a military so powerful that every country in the world knows that attacking you is suicide, so you have a 0% chance of being killed or imprisoned by an invading army. Most countries can't say that. What's that worth?

>Give me your money or something bad will happen to you
>Not theft


Roads that are in disrepair

A military using equipment made by the lowest bidder

Police and fire departments usually budget strapped because the city wants to waste more money on other bullshit

The argument that it's not theft because we give to the government for services, that are shit by the way, is bunk. And wanting to keep more of money that belongs to you isn't traitorous, especially if you don't agree with how it's spent. Get fucked and bring a better argument next time.

>no it simply cost money to keep a country running properly

Are you claiming the market cant produce the same products and services?

Are you always though? Wouldn't it be better if you could choose who you could give your protection money to? Maybe then they'd have an incentive to give you a good return on it

that's cool and all but

The sales tax is enough to maintain our military.

Also constanfly updating our nukes would deter 99% percent of counties

And lets not forget that behind every blade of grass there will be a barrel of a gun thanks the to the 2nd A

>government takes your money
>does not respect your wishes, instead follows the interests of the globalists
>if you do not pay your taxes, men with guns come after you
>"Wow I'm forced to give my money to people with guns who just screw me over yep definitely not theft"

Social contract. Fuck off.

>common services and infrastructure among all the citizens and corporations that use it - police, fire, water, common defense, court system,

Okay, you just described 40% (mostly taken up by military) of government expenditures, the other 60% is wealth distribution.


>that pic
Post the full video plz

The market can do a better job of providing all of the services government has a monopoly on.

Then we would get to actually pick and choose how our money is used, instead of being dependent on this shitty sytem.

Where's my signature?

It's more like extortion. The government is pretty much running an extortion racket except the protection they claim to offer is actually real.

>The whole country would fall apart

No, a private entity would just fill in the void left by the government. A power vacuum doesn't stay open forever, something always steps in and if the governent stopped wasting money on bullshit then maybe it wouldn't have to worry about a loss in revenue.

Sup Forums always chooses the contrarian thing
now that supporting trump isn't contrarian, they hate him and shill killary

Still lurking. It's just that newfags and paid shills post too much.

Do I agree with paying for an army, fire, police, schools and medical care? Sure. Do I agree with paying for immigrants to come settle here while people are without jobs? No.

Income tax is about 40% in my country. Let that sink in. ALMOST HALF of my earnings. While some of that money is spend on good things (e.g. roads, schools, etc.), a lot of it is spend on stupid shit without my consent (vanity projects, inefficiency, corruption, andsoforth) and without proper representation (since no political party is fully in line with my wants).

Nobody wants Hillary you autist. Not even a contrarian

Military is actually less than 20%


>I pay the government and in return they provide public services and defence. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

>I pay the mafia, because if I don't they'll break my kneecaps, and in return they provide (((protection))) to my business. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

>social contract

When do we sign and agree to this contract? Who defines the terms?

Why do I need police when I have the 2nd amendment?

We don't need full-on anarcho capitalism easily, but it would be good to start moving towards it

For example, we have artificial lines that keep insurance companies from competing with others because our politicians signed it, both republican and democrat. They took money from special interests, and then screw over citizens.

There is literally no legitimate argument why this law should exist. In many (but not all) scenarios, removing gov't intervention altogether would be best. So we don't need to go cold turkey on gov't, but whenever it would be beneficial to remove the gov't's presence, then do so.

Income tax only exists because of socialists. All countries previously funded themselves with tariffs.

Eliminating the income tax would make me a whole lot less apprehensive about taxation as a whole.

>Social contract. Fuck off.

I didn't sign shit. Fuck off.


Nice argument, it would be even nicer if you followed up with more than a single word and an image.

>blow up children in some shithole so a bunch of old fucks gets rich
>throw me in jail for having a plant
Th-thanks for the service

Property is theft.

Never mind, found it

Pretty much this

I love being extorted by the people who will arrest me for engaging in non-criminal behavior.

So we're simultaneously forced to pay for their (((services))) while hating the actual service provided.

If the government were a business, it would have gone bankrupt from loss of customers years ago.

No it's literally collective bargaining.

You know - like in capitalism?

Who is that guy I keep seeing get posted here?

>having money taken from your income for things you either don't agree with or don't help you in any way
>having money taken from your income by people who aren't going to use it for anything useful
Keep living in your dream world.

OG Egoist, Max Stirner.

>when governments do it it's taxation
>when ISIS does it it's extortion/theft

kek the irony

Fuck this image slayed me

>No it's literally collective bargaining.

Then bargain with the people who want to bargain with you, and leave everyone else out of it.

Taxation built an empire.

Muh roads
Muh aqueducts
Muh law and order

>travel back in time
>break into stirner's apartment
>fuck him in the ass
>he cries out and says that his asshole, he is the sole owner of it and only he has the say about what to do with it
>call him a spook and knock him out after jizzing in his nasty german cornhole

This is terrifying. I love it.

Is he based or a meme?

Sum up his character in a sentence

De-spook yourselves.

City and state user fees are theft. I had to buy a yearly dog tag the other day and I asked "why do I have to get one of these every year if my dog has a micro chip and you use chip scanners?" They just give you a stupid look. Then I go to the DMV "why do I have to get my car registered every year if the color doesn't change and I remain the owner. ". They give me the same fucking stupid look.

>Sum up his character in a sentence

"The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual, crime."--Max Stirner

He's based

I don't have time. I have to run.

In short, people think of taxes wrong. They should think of taxes like insurance. At first, you'll think that's the worst example someone could use as an argument for some sort of taxes and I don't disagree since the word "insurance" has been turned into a vulgar four letter word. Trust me, I get it. You're right, insurance and taxes need reform in this country.

Point is the argument is a lot more complicated than there should be zero taxes whatsoever. I want to be clear, that I'm absolutely for as little taxes as possible. But zero taxes is just as delusional as communism if you want to have some semblance of a society.

How would an egoist handle a pandemic?

I don't think you understand, junior.

Nobody here is saying that in the modern world, tax money is not wasted and even skimmed.

There are plenty of "opt-in" taxes - road duty, stamp duty on houses, alcohol, tobacco.

The problem people have with taxes today is boiled frog syndrome. Only now do they realise they've been gradually paying more and getting less.

This does not mean the concept of tax is faulty - it's not, it's perfect.

But citizens expect to retain all their rights without any effort, or without any knowledge of what those rights are.

It puzzles me when it is a libertarian who does not understand tax responsibility, and also does not understand/exercise their own rights in a meaningful way.

>where's my signature?
On your birth certificate

Infants can't consent or hold a pen.

Also give me back my foreskin asshole?

What drove the expansion of the Roman empire was conquest and slavery, not your socialist hard on for taxes. The collapse of the empire was precipitated by a decline in the slave economy, the multiple ethnic groups, and inner fighting among-st political elite. Many Emperors were actually in DEBT due to a lack of taxation funds.

Fuck off faggot, I'm sure your hero bernie kike has a new tweet for you to jerk off to

idk desu
but i think he or she would know what to do if it helps them

I wouldn't want to pay taxes in a society like we have now, but in a decent and acceptable society it is only fair.

If you want to participate in the beneficial aspects of a society then it is only justified that you contribute back to the system that brought you such things. If you build a house it is yours, but the governmental leaders are the ones who have built and will maintain the house that is your country.

Collective bargaining is socialist actually.

in capitalism,it's called negotiation and it's done on a one on one basis

>he actually thinks he has an argument here


This is why no one takes libertarians seriously.

I guess the Founding Fathers and all who succeeded them are socialists as well, huh?

I voted for Trump, libertard.

Just yesterday, Donny boy said he'll steal less from corporations, so things are alright.

Then renounce your citizenship and leave the country fuckwad

I told you pol. I told you this would happen.

The alt-right has started producing snowflakes.

>not liking the 80s
sage for yet another libertard drive by

Why would I have to leave?

Country =/= government

>Collective bargaining is socialist actually
Please stop making a fool out of your self.

Unions are nothing more than individuals freely associating themselves for their benefit.

You want socialism? Then give the workers the means of production and give each and every person a democratic vote in how the company is run.

Classic video, my old man showed that to me a few years ago after he remembered it existed.

Then a few days later I saw this, serendipity I think m8ies.

Most of our taxes go to weapons and bombs, as all us citizens have agreed upon.

Libertarians don't disagree with taxation, only how taxation is implemented and only an idiot would think that taxation is completely and utterly fucked right now.

And bong, our country operates under the belief that the government doesn't grant us rights, our rights are natural and granted to us by God and the government can only not interfere with them. I don't owe my rights to the government

If Pizza Hut makes a pizza I like, I'll buy it, otherwise I'll go to a competitor, or make my own pizza and save money--or say fuck pizza altogether.

In neither instance does Pizza Hut force me to do business with them.

Do you see where I'm going with this you daft fucking, kike?

How so?

I volunteer for local charities/donate, so don't assume I'm some grease-ball sitting in mummy's basement with a 'Don't tread on me' flag pinned up on my wall.

>I guess the Founding Fathers and all who succeeded them are socialists as well, huh?

Yes. They instituted many socialist policies.

It is in the employment contract you sign yourself, faggot. How can it be theft? You chose yourself to do that.