Rightful Austrian Empire clay. Your backwards shithole shouldn't drag it down with you.
South Tyrol, give it back spaghetti-negroes
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Italians are the scum of the earth.
Hofer, get your clay back after winning
Tauschen Vorarlberg gegen Südtirol!
ja bitte :)
Wie könntet ihr Bergjuden uns überhaupt zu Südtirol verhelfen?
gebt uns voralberg und wir klären das mit den italiener ;-)
wir verstehen wie sie ticken, da einer unserer kantone italienisch ist
>gebt uns voralberg und wir klären das mit den italiener ;-)
Ganz ehrlich, das ist ein Deal den ich machen würde. Die Xiberger sind soundso lieber Schweizer als Österreicher. Südtirol ist dagegen Kernösterreich.
habe gehört das die bayern lieber zu uns wollen?
Wär mir neu.
Manchmal träume ich von einer Union zwischen
>Österreich (minus Burgenland) und
Wie unaufhaltbar wäre das denn?
sorry das war baden-würtemberg
wenn wir alle die gleiche autonomie hätten wie unsere kantone wären wir schnell an der spitze
Yup. Ein Traum, ne.
naja mit der krise die ihr gerade habt wird das natürlicher noch komplizierter
Dan musst aba die ganzn piefke aus Bayern und BW deportieren. Die mochn sonst aus der neuen Union den selben Scheißdreck wie die Piefke aus der EU machen wollen.
Owned by an Axis gook.
GTFO, Burger!
we come in peace
You will never know how amazing it feels to be American
>tfw you will never be austrian
Wennst net mindastns zwoa Dialekt beherrscht wird da de Gurgl odruckt, so afoch geht des.
Hoppla, sollte an
What would the Sattmanns say to that?
South Tyroler here, mother and father are Austrian.
You fag can go fuck yourself, the only true solution for South Tyrol is independence from both Austria and Italy.
OP is a gentleman and a scholar
Irrelevant German-speakers discussion how to separate further to be even more irrelevant.
Sure thing.
Is it true that the germans here once blocked the highway into austria as a protest and gained more autonomy?
Ach die ein, zwei Syrer!
Why do you want the land back? You'll just fill it up with niggers and refugees.
Oh look, Mr. 62% is chiming in :^)
This is about annexing something, m8
You're confusing us with Italy
>fill it up with niggers and refugees.
But enough about your mom's clunge!
Südtyroler diaspora hier.
Ja, mein bruder. Alles italiener und spänischer sind schwarze untermenschen mit neger blaut.
Die germanische herrenvölk ist meisterrasse.
Uh, how come your German is worse than an American's English?
I learned it from memes.
You magnificent cunt.
Lol look at this fag, I bet you chose Spanish over German in high school like all the other shitters didn't you? Was für ne Schwuchtel
At least our Whites still have children. You just have less shitskins, because no one speaks your inefficient language.
In 2100, Germany will be done. We will still prosper.
We are actually 72% White if you count Latins. Latin birthrates are becoming more similar to White birthrates with high rates of intermarriage. In 2100 Whites will still be the majority, just with a less Anglo complexion.
>Was für ne Schwuchtel
>At least our Whites still have children.
Yeah, about that :^)
Nein, ich hatte Deutsch in High school
>high rates of intermarriage
Kinda true :^)
*non-Hispanic White minority
Don't worry about a thing, everything's fine and peachy in Shartmerica :^)
we're so sorry germany. please forgive.
Also would like Trieste and Venice back.
you'll go in pieces
I graciously forgive you, little Burgerbro
Funny argument when you consider that the refugees that are flooding Europe right now would be considered white by your census bureau.
That's a total shithole though, what do you want with it?
I'll allow it.
They can keep Venice it's cancer
Trieste is fucking nice tho
t. Mexican
You are all going back
Das einzig lächerliche sind solch ignorante Meinungen und Statements. . . . .
>the refugees that are flooding Europe right now would be considered white by your census bureau.
haha #rekt
Drang zum Meer?
mixed race almost always means Hispanic + White
Hispanic + White produces White children
Considering that Anglo-American Whites have an IQ of 110 and Hispanics have 90 we get a European level of IQ
Naja gscheiten Badestrand brauch ma schon
>the you will never be a mountainjew
Is holiday season in Germany right now?
> Hispanic + White produces White children
If by white you mean a stumpy brown goblin
Military port and castles. obviously.
You are a Mainland Celtic Mountain dweller
Too bad almost nobody in Sud Tirolo gives a fuck about Austria. Sorry m8
>he doesn't like mountains
Can't take the hue out of the jungle, eh?
The better half of my family is from there too. Sadly the worst half is from Andalucia (Southern Spain) so I'm half nigger.
Such is life in the colonies.
Yeah, that's why a clear majority has been praying to secede from your third world shithole for decades now :^)
Neutral party here, it's Italian
Yeah sure thing Ahmed. I lived in Bolzano for 4 years, and I never heard people talking about going back to Austria.
>living in a country so rich in natural resources that you don't need to live in inhospitable areas
feels good man
>keine echte Küsten
Braucht vielleicht etwas vom adriatischen Meer
Hab auch gehört, dass Serbien sterbien muss...
Ah schon gut, dann bitte weiterso
>. . . . .
Du musst zurückgehen uezs
Probably, I think just about everyone does Christmas at the same time (unless there's some snowflake denomination I don't know about)
Yeah, because if it's something that YOU have never heard of, it literally doesn't exist.
Kinda like you didn't get laid once during those 4 years, which means everyone else in Bolzano is a virgin too :^)
Kroatien wäre grandios, landschaftlich. Ich will nur die Menschen dort nicht um mich herum haben
Did you ever came down here? At least once in your lifetime?
>inhospitable areas
I'd be embarrassed if I was so weak that a bit of snow and high altitude would mean I couldn't live somewhere.
Nope. Vienna is full of niggers now.
Vorarlberger hier. Wäre liebend gerne stattdessen Schweizer.
How many of those are from other European countries?
Sure, I've traveled Europe extensively. I'm really fond of Italy btw
Are you retarded?
My Granduncle was part of the resistance movement. After the autonomy, all resistance died.
I'd be embarrassed if a tyranny with a beard represented the modern face of my nation to an entire generation of Americans who saw it in the news but hey, different strokes for different folks amirite.
Good luck at the next Eurovision, you can have that guy who raped a child and got off on there.
You mean tranny? Nah he's a drag queen and only won bc cucky europeans wanted to fuck over russia desu
>the modern face of my nation
Say no more :^)
>muh forced ethnicity
Austria don't want them either, they learned how to leech money pretty Good
At least our degenerates look good.
Muslims come to Germany to learn from the best
Oh, hi! :^)