What are your opinions on race mixing Sup Forums? Should it be banned, restricted, or encouraged?

What are your opinions on race mixing Sup Forums? Should it be banned, restricted, or encouraged?

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Race mixing is the future.

should be encouraged famalam

I don't give a fuck if it's between nonwhites. Bring on the BMAF, I don't give a shit

I care about when whites do it since I am one and I don't want to see my culture go by the wayside. Thankfully, it doesn't happen at a large enough scale to be too much of a problem, but all the propaganda is worrying.

>race mixing is the future
>says leaf

Nuclear holocaust can't come soon enough

The eternal leaf strikes again

Asians are aight tbqh

>Diversity is a strength
>Mixing together will eventually make everyone the same and eliminate diversity

Which is it lefties?


is the entire '''''''''''''''''country'''''''''''''''' of canada on 24/7 shitpost duty?