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And the World #1 Cuck Award goes to...THE UNITED STATES!
Surely OP will accept such award with pride.
You mean Hilary lost with 3,000,000 votes that don't matter
>Its been over three weeks and they're STILL adding dead illegals to Hillary's total
Get over it guys, YOU LOST
maybe she shouldve bussed illegals into swing states instead of california
dumb bitch
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Both Trump and Hillary were trying to win the electoral college, not the popular vote, see: both campaigning hard in New Hampshire
If we have the popular vote system then it would bring into play Democrats in red states (Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina etc.) and Republicans in blue states (New York, California etc.) - The breakdown of whether these "new" voters who'd vote because their vote would actually count we have no way of knowing if that'd benefit Trump or Hillary more
I know I fell for bait but I must CORRECT THE RECORD
You must be happy she won after all, aren't you?
>exact same margins that she got beat by obama in the 2008 primary
Hillary supporters will never learn
Saged faggot.
It'd be funny if they kept dragging her out there to run for president UNTIL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CHOOSE RIGHT
how does it feel to lose with a 3mil vote lead ? be honest
Send him your thoughts Sup Forums!
That's president Trump for you.
this beautiful family deserves it! Hill YASSS!!!
California residents are not people.
They're just faking anonymous mail-in ballots at this point.
What kind of idiot thinks millions of mail in Hillary ballots coming in from nowhere is legitimate?
Almost half of them would be Trump ballots coming in still.
This. Is All. Faked.
Subtract all the illegals cali let vote without id and all the dead people she and soros rigged up and trump won the popular vote for sure
They're fake votes.
Anonymous Mail-In Ballots + Illegal Votes + Dead People Voting
3 mil is not that much out of 330 mil in this country. 3 mil is barely one metropolitan area, what if we were to vote by land ownership not popular vote, there is faaaar more red land than blue land.
States vote, not cities
130 million votes? who are the remaining 200 million Americans and why won't they vote? Do they know that voting won't change anything?
>Even when Trump loses, he wins.
Get used to it, faggot.
>out of 3151 registered counties, hillary won 57
>Hillary in 2016 is just as popular as Obama in 2012
Implying implicative implications.
Trump only got 46.2% of the vote, OMG majority didn't want him.
again, no source as always
You mean he won with a 3mil handicap
>still can't win with 3 million more votes
Take pills, pet dogs.
Was Ross Perot a secret democrat? Because i think if it wasn't for him bush would've surely win against clinton.
Trump won the popular vote in 30 states.
Hillary BTFO.
It's always like that until they admit they were after (You)'s which they then post on infinite chan and get lulz it's sad really
Fake Votes sponsored by the Kremlin
>Was Ross Perot a secret democrat?
His rhetoric was pretty close to Trump's, specially on trade deals and Mexico.
This was one of the dem's early "pied piper" strategies. Re: wikileaks. 2016 R primaries was not their first time doing it. It just royally backfired on them this time.
All these smart young people should just register to vote at rural areas next time for easy blue! Surely they will thrive in environment where even stupid rednecks can survive!
hence "secret"
Daily reminder that 3,000,000 votes is basically nothing, and nearly all of these votes are probably either from spics in LA or dead people. To put it in perspective roughly 1 million people in the entire country voted for Jill Stein, and her total amounted to roughly 1% of the entire vote, basically nothing. Furthermore, Obama beat both Romney and McCain in the popular vote by close to 10%, Bill Clinton beat Bob Dole by roughly 5%; Clinton beat Trump by barely even 2%. FURTHERMORE voter turnout this year was at 55%, lower than the last two elections. All these facts combined prove that Hillary was a WEAK AS FUCK candidate who failed to inspire anywhere near the level of support that Obama did. The fact that she won the popular vote by an insignificant margin can be attributed to her support being almost entirely concentrated in large populous cities and the fact that to her credit she was able to rally a large portion of the dead vote.
FUUUUUUUURTHERMORE none of this even matters, since the popular vote doesn't determine the winner of the election in the first place.
HA HA faggot! I'm in the midwest. It's nice to know my vote is worth more than a pickup full of Mexicans in California. Or a jail cell filled with junkie trash.
Stay butt hurt losers.
>The struggle is real for """progressives""" ;_;
MIT fag here.
Most of the Hillary supporters are the blue haired freaks of nature that obsess over "muh gender identity" and scrape by with Cs in easy subjects like bio or media studies because they're too busy being degenerate
Most of the hard working engineering students are secretly redpilled, we just have to keep a low profile because of the shrieking hair dye hoards (twinkies we call them here)
Harvard is full of fags anyway
Christ almighty those are two ugly women.
Great, now do recount without illegal immigrants.
this. west coast votes should be worth even less desu. nothing but degenerate sjw trash out here. true untermensch.
all illegals
Very efficient victory, needing a smaller share of the popular vote and way less spending than Hillary. All while winning in an electoral landslide
>no source
yeah just like they'll never recount cali to cross check which votes were with Social security numbers
I wouldn't even give them to my dogs.
Did anyone else think that shitposting would go down after the election? I mean Hillary lost. What more is there to say? Threads like this one just show that there are people who don't know that we are a constitutional republic. That is something they show have learned in school.
>Did anyone else think that shitposting would go down after the election?
no, if anything I thought it would go up like crazy especially if hillary won. My god the storm would have been insane.
what diffrence does it matter?
In Sweden a goverment who only got 37% of the vote in the last election is currently in power and has been since 2014
Even with their "support" party that they negotiate the budget with, they only have 44%
In the current opinion polls these left-wing partys only have around 36% or less.
There is a non-socialist majority in Swedens parliament, yet we have a goverment who is more left-wing than we have had for decades
Life isnt fair
this was litteraly 6 replies in are you a fucking retard?
Or you're just mindlessly spouting memes without even understanding where they're from.
Back to ribbit underage newfaggot
Why are the shills still here? Or is this a troll? I can't tell this thread keeps getting posted and its retarded. Hillary lost both. Take out all the illegals and trump still wins the popular vote too.