The employees at Amazon are organizing walkout because of the horrible working conditions at the company. They are asking for /pol's/ help in getting the word out to the rest of the employees, because their internal communications are being stifled by the company's corporate surveillance.
Sup Forums is taking to twitter and facebook to spread the word, so that all amazon employees find out about the walkout and can participate.
Christian Moore
lol let murican deel wit murican prublems
Carson Davis
Bump for proof
Jordan Cook
/lefty/ here to assist What could we do?
Sebastian Scott
sage this activist nigger trying to rile up Sup Forums for their leftist causes
get fucked and saged cunt
Gabriel Allen
>/lefty/ here please kill yourself
Dylan Anderson
>he doesn't want to help the working class
Jayden Brooks
>/pol's/ get out of here, reddit not your personal army
Hunter Robinson
Fuck you! ruin Christmas for the rest of us Can't you be grateful you actually have a job?
Isaac Phillips
You faggots get paid way too much to work a job in a town that cost too much to live in. You're retarded for being there. I wish Seattle would burn.