Is it official? Is he /ourguy/?
Is it official? Is he /ourguy/?
CONTEXT: Youtube is fucked up now. He wants to quit it. He says that there's a conspiracy to shut down his channel, then he says the thing about being white.
Did we just get our hands on a cultural nuclear weapon?
>Sup Forums is ignoring something as important as putting our hands on a Swede who's slowly getting redpilled and probably browses Sup Forums, and has 50 000 0000 subscribers, mostly kids that we can educate through him
Jew-tier behavior, Sup Forums.
No one browses this shithole except the biggest of the biggest losers in the world. I just don't see why a perosn like him would browse here.
we believe in you felix
>YLK J0v
Hey, Pewdiepie.
PewDiePie lives in Britain
>what is a proxy
Pewdie, please.
fuck off retards, he's doing it enough on his own. even if he deletes it he'll have millions of subs on his new one. the last thing we need is for you spergy leaf dipfucks going all cult mode on him and scaring him off
I wish I was PewDiePie. Such a easy life.
Come on Sven
That is kinda implied in my post.
What did he mean by this?
Man he needs to eat some meat. Literally no muscle on him. I'm glad he's at least redpilled unlike that faggot lirik
Our swede friend has taken the ultimate redpill - uncucking himself from the jewry of Google and youtube
Let us take this moment to PRAISE KEK
I feel like this will end with another (((heart attack))).
fuck this cocksucker peididi
>Youtube is the hardest job I ever had.
Is this fucking real?
He has been our guy for ages. He was reading a pro German WW2 book in a stream once.
Yeah, that's a really stupid statement considering everyone on the planet is forced to work at a diverse variety of jobs before settling in on the one they want to do for their adult life.
Maybe if we lived in some wierd-ass society where someone can get through life only working 2 or 3 jobs, that statement would make sense, but come on now.
Glad someone else is seeing sense here. Yeesh.
Holy shit he has let himself go of late.
That was taken 20yrs ago.
I don't get the PewDiePiew posting meme. I don't get how someone can suffer through hours of this crap just to post "is he our guy?" with an irrelevant quote every day.
No he wasn't.
The fuck is wrong with this dumb faggot's voice?
he wants to be filthy frank so bad
It actually probably is his hardest job. Didn't he start streaming very young? A lot of streamers have never had a real job before. That's why older people like mrmoon and cohcarnage never complain about playing video games for a living
Holy shit. I respect Pewdiepie. He's business savvy and based to whatever degree he's able given his audience.
He's done shit nobody else has in the past already, like disabling comments and shit. If he does this. Big respect to his balls. And I hope other YouTubers will follow suit (but they won't because they don't have half the testicles he does)
He's spoken like that for years and years
Only Sup Forums pushes the meme that he wants to be Filthyfrank
I don't get it. Is Pewdiepie trolling? Why the fuck would he delete his channel. We need him for influencing and red-pilling.
Make obnoxious screaming noises into the mic and act like a total faggot, your view count will skyrocket.
The last thing Sup Forums needs to do right now is get involved. You're all turning into the horrible shit you're supposed to be against.
>i'll be vague and contribute nothing and feel superior doing it
golly gee i wish we were all as virtuous as you
>Maybe if we lived in some wierd-ass society where someone can get through life only working 2 or 3 jobs,
In Germany you used to get 1 job and work in it until you retire. Only ((((Globalism)))) changed that very recently.
That was America too brother
he was always /ourguy/ in my opinion. he has been sneaking in Sup Forums , Sup Forums things since forever,