Best state thread

Best state coming through. Post PA memes


How can one state save the election


How're you faggots doing tonight?

Kek just noticed my ID >77 the most powerful magic number

Wholesome suburbia reporting. 610 Bridgeport/KoP

thank you PA for going red this year I love you

Why are there so many Amish in Pennsylvania?


such a great night

>tfw it would be amazing if the liberals left

I thought your state dish was a stale pretzel?

A challenger appears.

Dunno. We don't care tho.

philadelphia is cucked though

Pittsburgh representing.

Doesn't matter at this point.

Lebanon here

Montgomeryville. Wholesome suburbia. But, a nigger family moved in about 5 houses down. Keeping an eye on them....

Kek I live in that part of Upper Darby.



Used to live there. It's weird how just a wild negro family will pop up in a relatively nice house.

610 reporting in

Best meme of the season

>Heroine addicted Hillbillies

look out, actual best state coming through

fuck the eagles

Looks comfy, senpai.

Waste of land desu

Feels good living in a red state.

I've noticed the most genuine people come out of Pennsylvania and Kentucky, not sure why.


Well, I certainly cannot speak for Kentucky, however, as a Pennsylvanian, I can tell you there's a reason for that. There's been a mass diaspora, at least in East and rural PA, from New York, and, to a lesser extent, New Jersey. These people come here to escape the taxes, go hunting and skiing, and get more for their dollar. I was one of those people. Thing is, when they come, they have money, and quite a bit. Entire developments of McMansions go up in the woods, practically overnight. These NYfags buy these places right the fuck up. Now, as we all know, New Yorkers have a serious attitude problem. They drive, act, and talk like cunts 24/7. The small, rural town I was raised and still live in encompasses this all perfectly. Only like 30% of people are actually Pennsylvanian, the other 70% are displaced NJ or NY'ers like me. This leads to those actual Pennsylvanians, the 30%, to just fold, and move elsewhere. When they do however, you can be Damn certain they're not gonna treat their adopted state like the New Yorkers treated Pennsylvania. I'm considering following in their footsteps, Arizona seems welcoming and comfy.