Political Compass Thread - EUvox edition
Just select any country you want and then post results. Only 30 questions and very unbiased, unlike the (((Political Compass™))) one.
Political Compass Thread - EUvox edition
Just select any country you want and then post results. Only 30 questions and very unbiased, unlike the (((Political Compass™))) one.
I'm actually torn between CSU and AfD, I'll try this.
>afd that centred
That shit's as right as it gets mentally.
They favor a social market economy like a welfare state, subsidies and minimum wage. Only liberal in name.
Former AfD voter here, and I must say it's hilarious to watch their campaign crash and burn, but seriously, we cannot let these lunatics anywhere near the nuclear codes.
I don't think anyone thought of FDP as libertarian, user...
Libertarians are literally at the farthest right of the spectrum, the chart clearly doesn't indicate that.
Looks like AfD is going to be my vote though.
The position in the chart surely implies libertarianism/classical liberalism. They also got liberal, in the european sense, in their name.
>t. Kike
Yes I know but I really want the Muslims out.
Yes, it implies classical liberalism (adjusted to a more modern setting of course), which is wildly different to libertarianism. That's why they are around (3,-3), which I think works pretty well for them.
if i would live in Bayern i would consider voting CSU because of Seehofer but fuck CDU, im on AFD-train
>tfw no socially conservative left leaning party
c-can I get the social reforms without the feminism?
Ja I know, Seehofer is based but as long as he's intertwined with Mutti Merkel I'm not voting for him.
Just out of principle.
Also, this online test says I'm closer to the AfD so who cares.
I live in Bavaria, and I have considered voting CSU for a long time, but the problem is, on a country level it still is a vote for the CDU and Mama Merkel.
If Trumps victory showed us one thing, then that hope is not entirely dead yet.
That's why I will be voting AfD, despite being quite pleased with how the CSU handles politics on a regional level.
actually nevermind i love afd now
also did the Heimat version.
I really hope that CSU leaves the union, otherwise Afd it is.
This basically.
>adjusted to a more modern setting of course
Does the site say that? Why is there need for modernising? Why not apply the principles to our time? What is the difference between libertarianism and classical liberalism?
How can you call yourself a classical liberal if
you are for a more central EU foreign policy
you are for economic sanctions by government
you are for expanding the EU, a more centralized government
you are for a welfare state
you are for abortion(murder)
you are for prohibiting drugs
you are for waging war in foreign countries
btw you guys now there is a chart that shows the EU position too right? just click on the side and shit
Truth be told, in the Bavarian elections 2018 I might even vote CSU, depending on how they develop, but in the bigger picture they just don't make a difference, even if they got some really based people like Söder and Scheuer.
There is a reason why there are no left leanings conservatives, because they are smart enough to know the left is shit.
He's not and that's not implied by the chart.
>Does the site say that?
>What is the difference between libertarianism and classical liberalism?
Please actually educate yourself, even if it's Wikipedia, it will clear a lot of your questions.
If I read the Kurzfassung of Parteiprogram of AFD i agree on 90 % of the topics and I dont care about the other 10 %
i havent found one point i disagree completly
the problem is I dont see anybody competent leading the party like Trump, Farage, Putin or Hofer
I dont like Petry and many of the others are morons.
I hope this changes
>not spoonfeeding me
Wish I could see a version with all parties from all of europe, instead of having to do one per country cause that sucks
>Der Islam gehört nicht zu Deutschland
That's enough for me t b h.
Especially as a kike, I don't want my children stabbed at school by some mudshit.
Let's see how many seats AfD will get and if things will change.
>Not liking Petry
I mean, I don't want a woman at the top to be quite frank.
But what's wrong with Björn "Africans should fear my bantz" Höcke?
Many people tend to forget Meuthen. He is the co- leader of the AfD and is a quite rational type of person.
He actually is more like Lucke on many issues and clearly differs from Petrys aggressive style.
This might work in the USA, but unfortunatley not in Germany. I think he has the capability to mold the AfD into a compatible party.
Video related, it's an interview with him on one of the only independant German news sources left.
FDP it is then
Maybe best way to counter grant coalition or lefty coslition
ehh probably gonna vote Linke this time, at least Wagenknecht gets a few things right
>Deustchland bleibt Deutschland und Bayern bleibt Bayern
König wann?
But yeah, his speech earlier in November was great.
This is why we can't have nice things.
There is something like that if you look hard enough through the options.
Go to the Euro Symbol, click on Economy-Society, and Filter by Country
You are fucked up
Uhh, no.
Die CSU hat das türkischen Drohen mit einer Aufkündigung des Flüchtlingspakts scharf zurückgewiesen. „Drohungen und Ultimaten – der neue Stil der Erdogan-Türkei. Wir sind bei der Erfüllung der 72 Kriterien für die Visa-Freiheit nicht auf dem türkischen Basar“, sagte CSU-Generalsekretär Andreas Scheuer.
A god damn shame he isn't part of the AfD.
post the ones that take europe into consideration too lads
pic related: apparently I should vote lega nord or Fratelli d'Italia, are they also corrupt as fuck? (t. almost italian citizen so might matter)
I dont like him either. I dont think he is a good leader
Never heard of him befor i will watch that video
I wonder what will happen in march here in Saarland.
I dont think all this Nazistuff really harmed them. I know many people from my Uni (only uni here) who are also pro AFD
Its also some post industrial area where every 4th job depends on automobile industry. The closure of the coeal mines harmed us pretty bad.
There will be MANY nonvoters who would vote afd. They have to concentrate on them.
i think 20 % i optimistic but also realistic
>nicht auf dem türkischen Basar
Holy kek
Why are the results way different to political compass?
sure as fuck not voting for the AfD lunatics
also not voting for the Verräterpartei
Greens are off the deep end with their SJW agenda and I'm not voting for Mutti either
I don't know a single person on my Uni except me and a close friend that would vote AfD.
I used to live on the countrysite, so being around all these liberal city motherfuckers, unable to show my powerlevel is driving me insane.
Good on you that you found people that share your opinion.
i dont belong in germany
>not voting Grüne because of SJW
>voting Linke instead
Buddy, I hate to tell you, but I think you have a wrong image of what Die Linke really is.
>tfw Munich
>a bunch of Muslims
As a Jew I was stupid enough to think that I can say conservative shit but you get ostracized very quickly and never ever approach Muslims.
>didnt have a single question about banning sand niggers or deportation
not a good questionnaire imo
oh thanks, although some of the questions change from one to the other
Here's what they tell me when we see all parties. Apparently wtf I love Northern Ireland now
TOP 10:
DUP (UK) 77.2
AfD (DE) 75.7
UKIP (UK) 75.0
ODS (CZ) 74.4
EKRE (EE) 72.5
Ruch Narodowy (PL) 72.2
SLS (SI) 71.7
UUP (UK) 71.3
Nowa Prawica (PL) 70.8
Conservatives (UK) 70.2
Last 10 ones I can see (they don't show the negative matches)
EELV (FR) 28.1
Podemos (ES) 29.0
Parti Sociali (FR) 29.6
Europa Anders (AT) 29.8
ERC (ES) 29.8
FG (FR) 30.5
Equo-compromis (SP) 30.9
Die Linke (DE) 31.5
BE (PT) 31.9
SLD-UP (PL) 32.8
Am I based or a cuck?
it tells me the party i most agree with in the whole of the EU is Poland's Ruch Narodowy
can poles tell me more about it ??
I would really love to see Seehofer as Kanzler.
Schäubler should be Finanzminister but dont allow him to coment on any other themes, just shekels
Maas and Von der leyen should be hanged
Maas is an ebarresment for my Town (there are 2 fucking Ministers from my 35k town, this is some next level shit)
yeah, Saarland isnt a city, its a very rural area and we hate all our neighbors. We have a really strong binding to the Saarland and most see themself as Saarländer before German.
If you drive around the city, you see a about every 10th car the Wappen of Saarland from the times it was independent
I wouldnt be surprised if we would vote for independence if there would be a referrendum
Because Political Compass is gross left-wing shilling
CSU/CDU then?
Makes sense as Nationalism and Anti-Immigration policies aren't really suited for college students and graduates but for low-skilled workers.
Not him, but I heard they were kind of had "conservative" social views?
It does in some countries, such as "Islamism is a threat to our country" or something like that.
It's a good questionnaire anyways.
I don't know, nobody cares about small parties from non-countries. Now, you have AfD and UKIP as top matches, so you are pretty much a Sup Forums sheep.
Munich is by far the most liberal shithole in the entirety of Bavaria. And with the ever ongoing trend of Muslims that are flooding in and muh palestine advocated by lefties, I think being a jew in Germany is once again a horrible fate.
Who would have expected that?
I still have faith, in the end I can move somewhere more rural and more white.
How high is the possibility of this ever happen in though?
This site says FPÖ is very social conservative, economically center and very anti-EU.
Is this right? People here said they were more economically right-wing, or was that just AfD?
Nah, only "nationalist" views, if you can even call it that, they have are that they hate free trade deals. They are basically the SED (Communist party in the German Democratic Republic for all non Germans in this thread)..
ehh Greens are even worse in that regard imo
The problem is that you just can't get reasonable left wing economics without all the postmaterialistische bullshit attached to it nowadays
Most of these parties are mainstream, although no one here really knows anything but british and maybe french and german politics so we have no idea who the fuck most are, but one of these parties is from a old, based monarchist in Poland, pol loves him too.
Since my worst parties (especially that shit podemos) are all socialist cucks, I guess I'm safe
This is one of the things that even college lefties tend to do. You have an astonishing regional pride here in Bavaria too, so there is that and I think independance wouldn't be even that unlikely if we could vote on it, because many people know, that we probably would be better off on our own.
>Because Political Compass is gross left-wing shilling
how do you know it's not this one thats biased
0,01 %
there has to be a huge collapse of germany
>CSU/CDU then?
CDU is Muttis party so no
>but I heard they were kind of had "conservative" social views
there are a few conservatives in the Green Party but they just lost an important vote in the latest party congress
greens in general are hippies that eventually got a career
The site says
That's weird. Maybe they are? The placements were made by supposed experts, but they might be wrong. For example, AfD is more socially conservative than CDU/CSU.
Because it places me on a place that makes sense (unlike the other one which makes me almost green).
Because it places political parties on a place that makes sense. See: Wait, you are talking about whom?
Just stop voting left you fucking retard.
I guess.
>CDU is Muttis party so no
Yeah, and are the other alternatives better then?
>greens in general are hippies that eventually got a career
And don't forget pedophiles
The only reasonable Left wing politics that are left in Germany are regional SPD gouvernments that actually care about the people.
Earlier this year there was a minor scandal involving a SPD mayor who fiercly opposed Merkels immigration policy.
The problem is, these people are exceptions.
>Lega Nord 40%
>FDI 28%
Is this good Italibros?
they are spot on on the countries I'm familiar with. Maybe they changed from 2014 or austrianons are not trustworthy.
>independent Saarland
how would you even survive, I'm pretty sure you depend on the Bavarian shekels
wtf i love ireland even less now
I was talking about DIe Linke. Also worth mentioning, they are a cesspool for people like Gregor Gysi, who are proud advocates of white (or at least German) genocide.
I was talking about Bavaria m8, so yeah we got our shekels.
In ireland he gives me Fianna Fail 50.3 and Green 48.6. WTF? Are the greens in ireland not massive cucks like every other green party or is the site broken?
>Maybe they changed from 2014 or austrianons are not trustworthy.
Just by taking a look at Wikipedia, my guess is that the ones who made the test got it wrong, even if it was in 2014. I don't know, I'm not sure.
I didn't only mean Nationalism with "social conservative" views, but alright.
Independence war when?
Wait, which is Orbans party?
The green party are total fucking cucks luckily they're totally irrelevant
Here's mine btw
pretty much all jobs here are in real industry and not in some gay ass sell/buy kike shit
We produce a LOT. But Europe and Germany fucks us because of Umweltnormen and shit
We got Saarstahl, ZF, Ford, Bosch... just to name some industry. Dont forget about the Dillinger Hütte which is one of the best Hütten in the world.
If you watch docus on DMAX, N24 and so on about some big projects they get mentione very often.
this is weird, there must be a mistake when it comes to ireland, maybe the questions are different, cause I got poor results with cucks everywhere and based parties on top, then randomly the greens?
In the maps the only green party closer to me is Union of Greens and Farmers from Latvia
lol that's fucked, I bet the questions are different
The one from Italy had some different questions than the german one, so maybe Ireland is so pro-EU and leftist that it's questions are very different
could be this too The questions change from country to country, so maybe it'll change. I will answer the austrian version to see if it changes
Did Czech Republic because I'll be living there for a while. Don't know anything about the parties
Nah, that's not really how it works. Questions are roughly the same with about 3 national variations. Also, being Pro-EU only affects the third axis, not the social/economic one.
I did to three countries and I never moved more than a single block.
Not soon enough, brother.
Die Linke actually is as socially progressive as Die Grünen, so you might have misinformed yourself there.
Ireland's is almost 50% different though, just answered it. Very local
Thought I'd be a bit more to the right and far higher desu.
when I answer the irish one I get no high match.
Since they have different questiosn he probably just took half the questions and weighted it differently for the "all of europe" rank
The non-Irish countries are still basically the same on the EU rank though
I am voting for the Green party.
Yea mate just did the German one and I think I moved a few tiles
>when you realize the "far right populist party" AfD isn't right enough for you
Why do we have such shit parties?
>t. proud cuck
>Socialist party highest match
The fucks wrong with you? And hell my highest match didn't even hit 5 you're lucky
I'd say it's to piss the brits, kind of like Canada going full-cuck to be the anti-US