Is he the greatest statesman of last 50 years?
>frustrating America with inferior army and 8 times smaller economy
Is he the greatest statesman of last 50 years?
I don't think he is very good. I mean he has to play a tactical chess game against powerful oligarchs. But still, if it was Stalin, he would order all oligarchs to be executed in the central plaza of Moscow and use the money to create the largest military on earth and make Russia great again.
Yeah because Stalinism and USSR were succesful.
>b-but he won WW2
Soviet catastrophic defeats in 1941-42 were all thanks to Stalin.
What? Daydreaming again in Commiestan?
Contrary to popular belief, numbers are not everything. The Russian army may be smaller, but its morale is much higher, it has a greater endurance against hardships, Russian electronic warfare is unmatched and they didn't fucking name one of their warships after a giant dancing faggot "to honor him".
Have you seen what Russian conscripts do for hazing rituals?
They literally fuck other guys.
Or is that some kind of manly dominance thing? I'm asking because you Greek faggots invented it
Yes Jewmerica, yes...
>Have you seen what Russian conscripts do for hazing rituals?
>They literally fuck other guys.
There were no "hazing rituals" two years ago, when I served. Hazing was a soviet thing and has been gone for a long time.
Considering what he just pulled off with OPEC I might say yes. My portfolio thanks him for it
Yeah in 90's. That is mostly over.
Russian military has it's faults of course but stop repeating idiocies spouted by uninformed.
Hazing of that scale was pretty much killed by reducing conscription to one year and professionalization.
Russia has a lot weaker military than USA, it's pointless to even argue otherwise. They only enjoy parity in nuclear weapons and a big advantage because of their position.
But Americans have a lot more powerful military. Morale isn't everything.
No. He can be irresponsibly threatening instead of playing victim.
Stalin wasn't even communist.
But anyways, Putin allows corruption and disorder to run rampant. This is not a sign of a good leader.
And rape in the Russian military doesn't happen any more often than in any other military around the world.
no doubt
history will remember him as Putin the Great
>What? Daydreaming again in Commiestan?
>Contrary to popular belief, numbers are not everything. The Russian army may be smaller, but its morale is much higher, it has a greater endurance against hardships, Russian electronic warfare is unmatched and they didn't fucking name one of their warships after a giant dancing faggot "to honor him".
Said the greek halfturk with no political power at all :p
Yep, that's another victory. Won't comment on his internal policies but his foreign policy is top notch.
Not to mention the fact he influenced American elections and that in France right now both potential winners are pro-Russian.
The fact he managed to strike at US power in ME is also astonishing.
Last 50 years, no. Last 10-15 years? Yes.
Sure it is. Just like how are army isnt allowed to yell at recruits anymore...
You're thinking of Beria. Stalin was a communist. He just had his own vision of communism, in addition to being a fucking monster.
Just like the US army has become softer the Russian one has too.
Drill sergeants were allowed to beat and abuse the soldiers, today they aren't allowed to touch them, that's why they scream like women on their period at the soldiers and have huge necks and raspy voices like crackwhores that have choked on too many dicks
>Drill sergeants were allowed to beat and abuse the soldiers, today they aren't allowed to touch them, that's why they scream like women on their period at the soldiers and have huge necks and raspy voices like crackwhores that have choked on too many dicks
Im talking about USA btw, just in case i was being confusing
the 80s were a tough time, today life is way easier
>hear something somewhere
>get told you're wrong (by a Russian on top of that)
Americans have one basic disadvantage. They need megatons of fuel just to move part of their army across the ocean. Plus, Russia is having joined drills with China right now, another superpower. Imagine the two of them nuking the shit out of Jewmerica.
Nukes indeed is another weapon. Americans cannot nuke Eurasia, because they will actually spoil what they are trying to get their hands on. Russia doesn;t wish to expand to Jewmerica, so they have no such regrets.
Plus, Russia is much less divided than Jewmerica and thus much less prone to chaos in case of a world war.
Numbers are really not everything. Otherwise everyone would be part of Jewmerica now.
>Putin allows corruption and disorder to run rampant. This is not a sign of a good leader.
I don't think you know what you're talking about.
By doing that he allows only the strongest to be on top, the guys that don't cuck away from making their hands dirty. A strong country must have a strong elite.
Soft army is shit army. Killing and dying is unpleasant and soldiers should get used to feeling unpleasant.
Now I'm not saying hazing as done in USSR and 90's Russia isn't a disaster but army shouldn't be a joke either.
I mostly agree with you and I'm not saying Russia doesn't have advantages but still it's army is weaker and their economy is 1/8th of US economy.
They are like UK only with twice the population. Given their situation in 90's and decades of communism it's good now but still it's not a good thing overall.
Breaking dependence on energy export is hard but absolutely necessary.
i agree with both your points
i saw a vid on youtube where US soldiers are crying and praying and screaming under their beds in a barrack at the sound of bombs outside
i guess strong high morale soldiers aren't really needed in the type of warfare waged by NATO these days, but still, there is no doubt they are soft
Dude, we both have enough nukes to destroy the entire planet. Armys don't really matter, nuclear countries can't go to war.
Putin is just willing to kill more people. Assad will die someday, then Russia will take Syria
>greatest statesman of last 50 years
yes, but not because he's so great. Because everyone else is total shit. He's anti NWO, intelligence background, excellent military leader. Russia can use someone with a background in economics, and Putin can lead the military.
Reason for that today is partly because combat units are smaller part of modern Western armies.
But still some shit like 50% of soldiers being overweight (in Germany or UK, probably both, I forgot) is kinda defeating.
Not to mention Russians have a manpower reserve, people who maybe aren't trained great by conscription but at least got the basics.
No Western country has that, and European armies are rather small and underfunded. NATO had problems with cooperation in field even in Cold War, let alone now. It's inevitable given their multinational character. Five fingers against a fist.
But still overall, Russian military is still a lot weaker than American. It doesn't have parity even on paper like USSR had during Cold War.
>not knowing that they're selling themselves short in order for retard enemies to underestimate their true potential
This is your idea of winning.
>their true potential
I'm sure they could do some major damage in a burger joint.
you can be sure of whatever you want
the correlation of the income:cost of living ratio is just like everywhere else
Yeah, it's fucking hilarious how a "regional power" and an "economy in tatters" has not only successfully protecting Syria from US, EU, rich Arab states, but also is allegedly meddling in US elections and helped Trump win.
>Russia has a lot weaker military than USA
Any disadvantages in conventional force are negated by nukes. Some missiles that currently carry "standard" warheads are designed to carry a nuclear one.
Then I'd like to see how US can move all of its assets from around the world to somewhere close to Russia.
>But anyways, Putin allows corruption and disorder to run rampant. This is not a sign of a good leader.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Putin's clan consists of Jews(Fridman), Georgians(Pogosyan), Uzbeks(Alisher Usmanov), Armenians(Lavrov), Azerbaijanis(Agalarov) and even Chechens(Vladislav Surkov).
All of whom enjoy Russia being a multicultural state with open borders to Central Asian and all agree with Russians race mixing with Central Asians.
his move back and forth between prime minister and president in russia as well as his time in the kgb makes him to useful for the russians to do without
when ever he finally dies they will have to replace him with some one who worked with him for a long time. some one who knows how and why he did specific things
that person may not have a specific position but on the inside he will have clout
Yea ok so what? The shit I just took was a bit frustrating because it took so long to come out. Doesn't mean it was the best shit I ever took.
What Russia lacks in technology and training they make up for in numbers. Always have, always will. Besides the Russian Army have enough well trained troops to match America anyway.
Thanks for the flag
Ah, yes, "Putin's clan", "Putin's 200 billions". You realize that if he was corrupt and cared only about money, he would not have returned Crimea, because he knew about the risks (huge loss of $ due to sanctions, etc.). You know what's more important than money for some men? To leave a prominent legacy, to become someone like Peter the Great. Nothing what he did so far makes me think that it is not for benefit of Russia.
>All of whom enjoy Russia being a multicultural state with open borders to Central Asian
What's wrong with USSR 2.0? Or rather Eurasian Union?
> Plus, Russia is much less divided than Jewmerica and thus much less prone to chaos in case of a world war.
That's fucking horseshit kek.
I don't think Russia has a numbers advantage over the US, they have a little over half our population.
>What the fuck are you talking about.
In Russia corruption is rampant.
Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, corrupt as fuck:
The untouchables:
Sergey Shoygu, Tuvan(Mongol) Minister of Defense of Russia:
If even the people who are supposed to stop corruption are corrupt, then there is no hope.
>What's wrong with USSR 2.0? Or rather Eurasian Union?
If they stayed in their own countries. But they have to go to Moscow. Not to mention the swarthy Armenians, Georgians and other swarthy people who were born in Russia and now hold positions of power.
brazil shut the fuck up your country is a giant toilet
Navalny? That's like trying to win an argument against a Trump supporter by giving him a link to hillaryclinton dot com.
As for the "youtube" links, you realize that the information war against Russia and Putin has been going on for ages, right after he took power and it became apparent that Russia will have its own foreign policy. You'd have to be an idiot not to think that there wouldn't be money thrown at social media and various projects to attempt to brainwash the young Russians, as like the US, no one can defeat Russia with military, only from within.
You treat all the bullshit that some people say as fact, that's your problem. I follow logic. I think that if Putin was under control of some "elites", those elites would not let him reunite with Crimea because of sanctions.
Brazil is a lost cause. But if Russia continue like this, it will end up like Brazil.
Russia doesn't spend half of its industrial output feeding gibmedats to detroit.
So really they have twice the numbers.
>point out homosexuality among army as a serious problem
>y-you're the jew
I swear it's always Greeks defending that shit
>industrial output
Kek, even Detroit with its nigger GDP is like $200 billion, more than most Russian cities
He was a commmunist agitator in Georgia,got sent into exile in Siberia numerous times,,he learned his cruelty from Lenin,whose teachings he dutifully applied. Are you a commie apologist?
Russia's electronic warfare jamming can turn the USA's vehicles and and over budgeted ships into paper weights. The army, though smaller is much more hardened and veteran compared to US troops who mainly only know service in desert warfare.
he is is legitimate investigator. cucks tried to jail him but failed because he is innocent and honest politican. wish he will be president or something. his foundation isnt even taking non-russian donations and money.
and putin was a faggot way before he became president, he literally gave all oil market of petersburg to tambov gang when he was in petersburg city hall. also stole millions of dollars which were supposed to be food money for petersburg. literally supporting pidor who soldoil market to bandits
Even the most rudimentary internet search will show you Putin is clamping down on corruption.
Friendly reminder that Obongo fucked everything up forcing Putin's hand. Things were going well tbqh, Shit Putin attended the 2008 NATO summit as most honoured guest, shit how times have changed.
you want food fellow citizens? fuck you i want dachas
Consider where Russia was once Yeltsin had done staggering through his term. Raided, broken, wallowing in alcoholism, on the verge of losing oblasts (Chechnya, Tatarstan, others?)
In less than a generation his leadership has brought the Russians back to the table.
But you don't even have to look at numbers. Check out any of his (subtitled) interviews to see that he is an adult who wrestles adeptly with complex topics. I am a little jealous that all we can elect are buffoons and clowns.
I'd have to say Putin is the man of the century, so far.
Admittedly, he has not slowed the pace of de-democratization that Yeltsin started rolling.